Informasi Segmen Usaha Segment Information

L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 1 0 182 PT TUNAS BARU LAMPUNG Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi 31 Desember 2010 dan 2009 serta untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut PT TUNAS BARU LAMPUNG Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2010 and 2009 and For the Years then Ended - 127 -

43. Informasi Segmen Usaha Lanjutan 44. Segment Information Continued

Segmen Primer Lanjutan Primary Segment Continued Jumlah Sebelum Eliminasi Perkebunan Pabrikasi Real Estat Total Before Eliminasi Konsolidasi Plantations Manufacturing Real Estate Elimination Elimination Consolidated Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 PENDAPATAN USAHAREVENUES Penjualan eksternalExternal sales 7.050.635 2.775.701.622 820.500 2.783.572.757 - 2.783.572.757 Penjualan antar segmenInter-segment sales 384.132.091 1.333.916.236 - 1.718.048.327 1.718.048.327 - Jumlah pendapatanTotal revenues 391.182.726 4.109.617.858 820.500 4.501.621.084 1.718.048.327 2.783.572.757 HASILRESULTS Hasil segmenlaba usaha Segment resultsIncome from operations 96.301.931 183.250.063 132.389 279.684.383 1.783.375 281.467.758 Keuntungan selisih kurs mata uang asing Gain on foreign exchange - net 859.834 132.182.916 - 133.042.750 - 133.042.750 Pendapatan bungaInterest income 853.714 126.769.014 - 127.622.728 118.578.259 9.044.469 Beban bunga dan beban keuangan lainnya Interest expense and other financial charges 6.042.502 96.828.573 - 102.871.075 5.868.259 97.002.816 Lain-lain - bersihOthers - net 32.100.393 28.435.721 - 3.664.672 1.830.150 5.494.822 Beban pajak Tax expense 16.557.330 52.788.336 - 69.345.666 - 69.345.666 Hak minoritas atas rugi bersih anak perusahaan Minority interest in net income of the subsidiaries - - - - 756.895 756.895 Laba bersihNet income 43.315.254 321.020.805 132.389 364.468.448 113.513.670 250.954.778 2009 Disajikan kembaliAs restated - CatatanNote 45 Jumlah Sebelum Eliminasi Perkebunan Pabrikasi Real Estat Total Before Eliminasi Konsolidasi Plantations Manufacturing Real Estate Elimination Elimination Consolidated Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 NeracaBalance Sheet Aset segmenSegment Assets 1.562.191.689 4.620.222.198 20.859.390 3.495.703.435 2.707.569.842 Kewajiban segmenSegment Liabilities 3.687.018.950 - 4.742.168.638 2.953.866.739 1.788.301.899 2009 Disajikan kembaliAs restated - CatatanNote 45 Aset segmen tidak termasuk pajak dibayar dimuka dan aset pajak tangguhan, sedangkan kewajiban segmen tidak termasuk hutang pajak dan kewajiban pajak tangguhanSegment assets exclude prepaid taxes and deferred tax assets while segment liabilities exclude taxes payable and deferred tax liabilities Penjualan antar segmen ditetapkan dengan harga sesuai kesepakatan kedua belah pihak. Inter-segment sales are based on the agreement of both parties. Segmen Sekunder Secondary Segment Bentuk segmen sekunder pelaporan segmen Perusahaan adalah segmen geografis yang ditentukan berdasarkan lokasi aset atau operasi Perusahaan. The Company’s secondary segment information is presented based on the location of their assets or location of their business activities. A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 183 ih PT TUNAS BARU LAMPUNG Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi 31 Desember 2010 dan 2009 serta untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut PT TUNAS BARU LAMPUNG Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2010 and 2009 and For the Years then Ended - 128 - 43. Informasi Segmen Usaha Lanjutan 43. Segment Information Continued Segmen Sekunder Lanjutan Secondary Segment Continued Jumlah Sumatera Jawa Total Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 PenjualanSales LokalL ocal 2.555.750.098 134.515.125 2.690.265.223 EksporExport 37.406.292 2.276.511.311 Jumlah sebelum dieliminasi Total before elimination 4.794.855.117 171.921.417 4.966.776.534 EliminasiElimination 2.014.922.977 739.695 2.015.662.672 Jumlah setelah dieliminasi Total after elimination 2.779.932.140 171.181.722 2.951.113.862 2010 Jumlah Sumatera Jawa Total Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 PenjualanSales LokalL ocal 2.215.621.754 106.259.058 2.321.880.812 EksporExport 15.541.209 2.179.740.272 Jumlah sebelum dieliminasi Total before elimination 4.379.820.817 121.800.267 4.501.621.084 EliminasiElimination 1.713.020.391 5.027.936 1.718.048.327 Jumlah setelah dieliminasi Total after elimination 2.666.800.426 116.772.331 2.783.572.757 2009 Jumlah Sumatera Jawa Total Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Aset segmenSegment assets Jumlah sebelum dieliminasi Total before elimination 7.316.938.674 341.703.097 7.658.641.771 Eliminasielimination 4.017.604.880 8.210.934 4.025.815.814 Jumlah setelah dieliminasi Total after elimination 3.299.333.794 333.492.163 3.632.825.957 Tidak termasuk aset pajak tangguhan dan pajak dibayar dimukaExclude deferred tax assets and prepaid taxes 2010