Aset Tetap Property, Plant, and Equipment

A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 0 121 PT TUNAS BARU LAMPUNG Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi 31 Desember 2010 dan 2009 serta untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut PT TUNAS BARU LAMPUNG Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2010 and 2009 and For the Years then Ended - 66 - 14. Aset Tetap Lanjutan 14. Property, Plant, and Equipment Continued 1 Januari 2009 Penambahan Pengurangan Reklasifikas i 31 Desem ber 2009 January 1, 2009 Additions Deduc tions Reclassifications December 31, 2009 Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Rp 000 Nilai tercatatAt cost Pemilikan langsungDirec t acquis itions TanahLand 94.494.855 12.233.213 2.400.000 - 104.328.068 Bangunan dan prasarana Buildings and land improvements 437.983.331 18.978.052 10.400 61.309.885 518.260.868 MesinMachineries 471.298.682 47.956.657 573.312 15.759.588 534.441.615 Kendaraan dan alat berat Vehicles and heavy equipment 107.579.219 14.078.042 100.305 - 121.556.956 Peralatan dan perabotan Furniture, fixtures and equipment 113.295.425 2.784.068 14.280 - 116.065.213 JumlahSubtotal 1.224.651.512 96.030.032 3.098.297 77.069.473 1.394.652.720 Aset dalam penyelesaian Constructions in progress Bangunan dan prasarana Buildings and land improvements 49.246.448 63.295.366 16.722 61.309.885 51.215.207 MesinMachineries 47.142.760 1.461.541 5.654.877 15.759.588 27.189.836 JumlahSubtotal 96.389.208 64.756.907 5.671.599 77.069.473 78.405.043 Aset sewa pembiayaan Finance leased assets Kendaraan dan alat berat Vehicles and heavy equipment 89.124.930 18.252.105 - - 107.377.035 JumlahTotal 1.410.165.650 179.039.044 8.769.896 - 1.580.434.798 Akumulasi penyusutan Accumulated depreciation Pemilikan langsungDirec t acquis itions Bangunan dan prasarana Buildings and land improvements 94.354.575 24.766.921 43 - 119.121.453 MesinMachineries 187.678.352 31.993.896 - - 219.672.248 Kendaraan dan alat berat Vehicles and heavy equipment 72.567.211 13.686.599 47.771 - 86.206.039 Peralatan dan perabotan Furniture, fixtures and equipment 69.747.205 16.821.566 124.439 - 86.444.332 JumlahSubtotal 424.347.343 87.268.982 172.253 - 511.444.072 Aset sewa pembiayaan Finance leased assets Kendaraan dan alat berat Vehicles and heavy equipment 49.413.370 16.400.815 - - 65.814.185 JumlahTotal 473.760.713 103.669.797 172.253 - 577.258.257 Nilai BukuNet B ook Value 936.404.937 Changes during 2009 Perubahan selama 2009 Beban penyusutan dialokasikan sebagai berikut: Depreciation is allocated as follows: 2010 2009 Rp 000 Rp 000 Beban pokok penjualan Catatan 32 80.582.337 75.980.444 Cost of goods sold Note 32 Beban usaha Catatan 33 3.850.941 3.267.316 Operating expenses Note 33 Kapitalisasi ke tanaman belum menghasilkan Catatan 13 9.137.895 24.422.037 Capitalized to immature plantations Note 13 Beban lain-lain 16.605.276 - Other Jumlah 110.176.449 103.669.797 Total L a p o r a n T a h u n a n 2 0 1 0 122 PT TUNAS BARU LAMPUNG Tbk DAN ANAK PERUSAHAAN Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi 31 Desember 2010 dan 2009 serta untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal Tersebut PT TUNAS BARU LAMPUNG Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2010 and 2009 and For the Years then Ended - 67 - 14. Aset Tetap Lanjutan 14. Property, Plant, and Equipment Continued