The Procedure of the Research

58 From the vignette above, it could be seen that the students seemed bored in the teaching and learning process. They often did not pay attention to the teacher’s explanation instead of talking unimportant things with their friends. They also The ET then asked three Ss and asked the same question. “What’s your favorite animal?” They mentioned some animals’ names in Indonesian. The ET showed some animal pictures on the LCD and asked the Ss to listen and repeat the name of those animals in English. After that, the ET wrote in the whiteboard What does a giraffe look like? The ET explained the meaning and the function of that question. The ET explained the meaning and the function of that question. Rega answered in Indonesian, “ciri - ciri jerapah”, while the other S s did not pay attention to the ET’s explanation. The ET asked the Ss to listen and repeat repetitively in describing the animals. ɒut when the ET asked the other animals’ characteristics, all the Ss just kept silent. Then, the ET explained again the parts of body of a bird in English. “Examples?” Some male Ss answered in Javanese “pleci.. manuk emprit ..” The ET asked in Indonesian “Apa perbedaan dari has dan have?” One of the Ss answered “tulisannya” and it made other Ss laugh loudly. The class was noisy and some Ss started to talk to the others. The ET then explained the differences and the functions which were related to the differences between the first, second, and third person, but many Ss did not pay attention. “Siapa yang masih belum bisa penggunaan hashave?” The ET asked in Indonesian. One of the Ss answered “insyaAllah” while the others only kept silent. “Now open your packet book on page 147”. The ET started to use When English Rings a Bell b ook. Then, she explained the differences between ‘fur’ and ‘feather’. She said that “kalau fur itu untuk bulu -bulu yang halus, sedangkan feather…” Suddenly Mustofa said “bulu-bulu kasar”.The ET then gave the right answer. Some Ss talked to their friends. Rega asked, “tall with wrong pronunciation itu panjang bu?” The ET clarified his answer. The ET observed and monitored the Ss. After some few minutes, she asked one of the Ss in Indonesian. “Wahid, baca punyamu di depan.” Wahid said “belum selesai bu.” The ET said “nggak apa -apa, biar buat contoh temannya.” Then Wahid read his answer in front of the class with some incorrect pronunciations. “Yes, very good.” The ET asked the other Ss, Anisa Putri how many animal do you have?” Anisa answered “empat.” “Come in front”, said the ET. Some Ss were still asked to do the same activity till the end of the lesson. The ET then gave the summaries of the lesson. “ɝet’s conclude our lesson today”. Only two Ss responded. The ET explained again the use of hashave . The class situation was noisy again. The ET gave a chance for the Ss to ask a question, but there was no one asked. The ET ended the lesson. 59 kept silent when the teacher asked them some questions. Moreover, they answer the teacher’s question haphazardly and did not use English. The researcher also found that their pronunciations were still incorrect. In addition, there was no interesting media in the teaching and learning process to attract the students’ attention to the material. And the material itself was only taken from the course book. To support the observation data, the researcher also conducted some interviews with the English teacher and the students related to the English teaching and learning process. Thus, the researcher could found more information related to the teaching and learning problems in the class. These interviews were conducted after the observation. The interview transcripts are presented as follows. Appendix D IT. 01 P : Menurut ibu kendala apa yang signifikan dalam mengajar speaking kelas VII? What are the significant problems in teaching speaking to the students of class VII? GBI : Oh itu jelas kosa kata mbak, vocabulary. Sama pengucapannya juga masih sering salah-salah. It’s definitely the vocabulary and the incorrect pronunciation. P : Kemudian kemampuan speaking siswa kelas VII secara umum bagaimana ya bu? How about the general speaking skills of the seventh grade students, Mam? GBI : Ya ada beberapa yang sudah lumayan, tapi kebanyakan ya masih kurang mbak. Biasanya mereka nggak percaya diri kalau harus berbicara bahasa Inggris, terus hanya diam begitu saja. Some are pretty good, but most are still low. They usually do not confident to speak in English. Thus, they only kept silent. P : Kalau kesulitan yang dihadapi saat mengajar kelas VII B apa ya bu? What about the problems in teaching the students of class VII B, Mam? GBI : Ya itu kalau pas pelajaran ada anak-anak yang mengganggu pelajaran. Suka clap clup clometan gitu. Some students always distract the lesson. They like making noise. 60 P : Lalu media yang digunakan saat mengajar? What is the media used in the teaching process? GBI : Kadang pakai laptop untuk nunjukin gambar mbak. Tapi ya jarang saya gunakan juga sih mbak. Sometimes I use laptop to show some pictures. But actually I rarely use it. P : Kalau untuk sumber belajar atau bukunya pakai apa bu? What about the learning material, Mam? GBI : Ya itu mbak When English Rings a Bell. I used When English Rings a Bell book. From the interview transcript above, the problems could be identified. The students’ had some difficulty in speaking such as the low vocabulary mastery and incorrect pronunciation. Most of them also were not actively involved in classroom activities. They were afraid of making mistakes. The English teacher added that the students of class VII B liked making noise in the class which meant that they did not pay attention to the lesson. Besides interviewing the English teacher, the researcher also conducted an interview with some students in class VII B of SMP N 2 Patuk. The followings are the interview transcripts with the students that show their opinions toward English speaking and the English teaching learning process in the class. Appendix D IT. 02 P : Menurut kamu, pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu gampang atau susah? What do you think of English, is it easy or difficult? S1 : Ada susahnya ada gampangnya. Sometimes it’s easy but sometimes it’s not. P : Kalau untuk speaking berbicara susah nggak menurutmu? Is it difficult for you to learn English speaking? S1 : Agak susah mbak. It’s quite difficult, Miss. P : Biasanya pas gimana kalau menemui kesulitan? When do you find any difficulty in speaking?