Persamaan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Pertanian: Persamaan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Industri :

241 9. Persamaan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Jasa : The SAS System The SYSLIN Procedure Two-Stage Least Squares Estimation Model PTKS Dependent Variable PTKS Label penyerpn TK jasa Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr F Model 5 7.686E11 1.537E11 174.34 .0001 Error 133 1.173E11 8.8176E8 Corrected Total 138 8.822E11 Root MSE 29694.5120 R-Square 0.86762 Dependent Mean 165074.014 Adj R-Sq 0.86264 Coeff Var 17.98860 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr |t| Label Intercept 1 -52304.5 11384.87 -4.59 .0001 Intercept PDRBS 1 9.256525 2.292746 4.04 .0001 pdrb jasa AK 1 0.350446 0.024590 14.25 .0001 angkatan kerja DKK 1 65901.58 10813.61 6.09 .0001 dummy kabkt TREND 1 517.2909 2290.256 0.23 0.8217 trend LPTKS 1 0.121977 0.043099 2.83 0.0054 lag penyerpn TK- jasa Durbin-Watson 0.967161 Number of Observations 139 First-Order Autocorrelation 0.500154

10. Persamaan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Pertanian:

The SAS System The SYSLIN Procedure Two-Stage Least Squares Estimation Model PDRBA Dependent Variable PDRBA Label pdrb pertanian Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr F Model 6 30249595 5041599 56.22 .0001 Error 132 11838059 89682.27 Corrected Total 138 43262741 Root MSE 299.46998 R-Square 0.71873 Dependent Mean 832.59683 Adj R-Sq 0.70594 Coeff Var 35.96819 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr |t| Label Intercept 1 -65.0561 115.3637 -0.56 0.5738 Intercept PC 1 0.025326 0.030895 0.82 0.4138 physical cap PTKA 1 0.002436 0.000440 5.54 .0001 penyerpn TK pert PRODVA 1 12.42582 5.814823 2.14 0.0344 produktifitas pert DKK 1 -267.260 111.0241 -2.41 0.0175 dummy kabkt TREND 1 27.61743 22.98011 1.20 0.2316 trend LPDRBA 1 0.412345 0.061179 6.74 .0001 lag PDRB pertanian Durbin-Watson 1.247548 Number of Observations 139 First-Order Autocorrelation 0.37495 242

11. Persamaan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Industri :

The SAS System The SYSLIN Procedure Two-Stage Least Squares Estimation Model PDRBI Dependent Variable PDRBI Label pdrb industri Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr F Model 6 3.0501E8 50834222 184.61 .0001 Error 132 36347803 275362.1 Corrected Total 138 3.4245E8 Root MSE 524.74960 R-Square 0.89352 Dependent Mean 1222.65094 Adj R-Sq 0.88868 Coeff Var 42.91900 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr |t| Label Intercept 1 -560.571 149.6745 -3.75 0.0003 Intercept PC 1 0.031609 0.064024 0.49 0.6223 physical cap PTKI 1 0.005168 0.001390 3.72 0.0003 penyerpn TK ind PRODVI 1 19.06145 4.764099 4.00 0.0001 produktifitas indust DKK 1 340.0411 154.7211 2.20 0.0297 dummy kabkt TREND 1 -9.85407 40.65012 -0.24 0.8088 trend LPDRBI 1 0.777349 0.043448 17.89 .0001 lag PDRB industri Durbin-Watson 1.5482 Number of Observations 139 First-Order Autocorrelation 0.221364

12. Persamaan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Jasa :