Uji Lag Optimal Output VAR

3. Estimasi Persamaan VAR 1

3.1. Uji Lag Optimal

VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria Endogenous variables: DLR DLO DLIP RSR Exogenous variables: C Date: 080312 Time: 14:31 Sample: 2000M01 2011M12 Included observations: 138 Lag LogL LR FPE AIC SC HQ 732.3843 NA 3.06e-10 -10.55629 -10.47145 -10.52181 1 781.1710 94.03799 1.90e-10 -11.03146 -10.60722 -10.85906 2 796.0141 27.75015 1.94e-10 -11.01470 -10.25107 -10.70438 3 805.5259 17.23165 2.13e-10 -10.92067 -9.817642 -10.47242 4 820.9768 27.09494 2.15e-10 -10.91271 -9.470292 -10.32654 5 830.1013 15.47200 2.39e-10 -10.81306 -9.031255 -10.08898 3.2. Uji Stabilitas Persamaan VAR Roots of Characteristic Polynomial Endogenous variables: DLR DLO DLIP RSR Exogenous variables: C Lag specification: 1 1 Date: 080312 Time: 14:31 Root Modulus 0.433171 0.433171 -0.388276 0.388276 0.387107 0.387107 0.153325 0.153325 No root lies outside the unit circle. VAR satisfies the stability condition.

3.3. Output VAR

Vector Autoregression Estimates Date: 080312 Time: 14:32 Sample adjusted: 2000M03 2011M12 Included observations: 142 after adjustments Standard errors in t-statistics in [ ] DLR DLO DLIP RSR DLR-1 0.399785 -0.040079 0.095819 0.159085 0.07834 0.10551 0.10080 0.12154 [ 5.10348] [-0.37986] [ 0.95055] [ 1.30889] DLO-1 0.004854 0.327663 0.149142 0.065622 0.05909 0.07959 0.07604 0.09169 [ 0.08214] [ 4.11672] [ 1.96128] [ 0.71572] DLIP-1 -0.051247 0.126122 -0.370471 0.034273 0.05782 0.07787 0.07440 0.08970 [-0.88637] [ 1.61958] [-4.97947] [ 0.38207] RSR-1 0.031258 0.133870 0.003594 0.228350 0.05290 0.07125 0.06807 0.08207 [ 0.59093] [ 1.87900] [ 0.05280] [ 2.78237] C -0.003276 0.001628 0.004245 0.005851 0.00405 0.00545 0.00521 0.00628 [-0.80951] [ 0.29878] [ 0.81522] [ 0.93190] R-squared 0.167823 0.146776 0.172492 0.068384 Adj. R-squared 0.143526 0.121864 0.148331 0.041184 Sum sq. resids 0.309167 0.560871 0.511954 0.744254 S.E. equation 0.047505 0.063984 0.061130 0.073706 F-statistic 6.907129 5.891847 7.139307 2.514079 Log likelihood 233.7196 191.4312 197.9104 171.3459 Akaike AIC -3.221403 -2.625792 -2.717048 -2.342900 Schwarz SC -3.117324 -2.521714 -2.612970 -2.238822 Mean dependent -0.005493 0.005003 0.002847 0.006859 S.D. dependent 0.051331 0.068279 0.066240 0.075272 Determinant resid covariance dof adj. 1.78E-10 Determinant resid covariance 1.55E-10 Log likelihood 797.9617 Akaike information criterion -10.95721 Schwarz criterion -10.54089 4. Estimasi VAR 2 4.1. Uji Lag Optimal VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria Endogenous variables: DLR VT DLIP RSR Exogenous variables: C Date: 080312 Time: 14:34 Sample: 2000M01 2011M12 Included observations: 137 Lag LogL LR FPE AIC SC HQ 360.9224 NA 6.41e-08 -5.210546 -5.125291 -5.175900 1 397.5080 70.50075 4.75e-08 -5.511066 -5.084791 -5.337838 2 406.8779 17.50871 5.24e-08 -5.414276 -4.646982 -5.102466 3 417.8010 19.77329 5.65e-08 -5.340161 -4.231847 -4.889769 4 428.1752 18.17363 6.15e-08 -5.258032 -3.808698 -4.669058 5 441.9614 23.34611 6.38e-08 -5.225714 -3.435361 -4.498158 indicates lag order selected by the criterion LR: sequential modified LR test statistic each test at 5 level FPE: Final prediction error AIC: Akaike information criterion SC: Schwarz information criterion HQ: Hannan-Quinn information criterion Uji Stabilitas VAR 2 Roots of Characteristic Polynomial Endogenous variables: DLR VT DLIP RSR Exogenous variables: C Lag specification: 1 1 Date: 080312 Time: 14:35 Root Modulus 0.430468 0.430468 -0.333060 0.333060 0.099259 - 0.045836i 0.109331 0.099259 + 0.045836i 0.109331 No root lies outside the unit circle. VAR satisfies the stability condition.

4.3. Output VAR 2

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