May it serve you well.´Semoga itu berguna bagimu.´ For goodness sake, Thorin, show him the map.´Yang benar saja, Thorin, lt would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell.´Tampaknya kau ditakdirkan untuk datang ke

66 delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording. 84. Something or someone has drawn them near. ´Ada sesuatu atau seseorang yang menarik mereka untuk mendekat.´ If the idiom is literally translated it will become “menggambar mereka dekat”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´to attract somebody come closer´ . Here, the translator translated it as “menarik mereka untuk mendekat” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

85. May it serve you well.´Semoga itu berguna bagimu.´

If the idiom is literally translated it will become “semoga itu melayanimu dengan baik”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´a hope that something can be useful for somebody´ . Here, the translator translated it as “semoga itu berguna bagimu” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

86. For goodness sake, Thorin, show him the map.´Yang benar saja, Thorin,

Tunjukkan peta itu padanya.´ Universitas Sumatera Utara 67 If the idiom is literally translated it will become “demi kebaikan”, but actually the idiom is the expression of unbelievable feeling or surpised of something . Here, the translator translated it as “yang benar saja” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

87. lt would seem you were meant to come to Rivendell.´Tampaknya kau ditakdirkan untuk datang ke

Rivendell.´ If the idiom is literally translated it will become “dimaksudkan untuk datang ke”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´to be destined to come to´ . Here, the translator translated it as “ditakdirkan untuk datang ke” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

88. This is ill news.´Ini kabar buruk.´