To Show Jazz Music that Expresses as Sorrow and Loneliness

American can live happily, however, the African-American workers have to struggle for their life. The persona seeks for the American Dream, where life is fair. He seeks for a revolution and he asks the other African-American workers from around the world. He wishes that through the revolution, there is no more starvation, cold and depression. In addition, the writer figures out multiple negations in the sentence But me, I aint never had enough to eat; Me, I aint never been warm in winter and Me, I aint never known security. Hughes uses multiple negations to emphasize the unfair life of the persona, the opposite situation of American Dream. Through the multiple negations, readers can see how the unfair life of the persona. Besides, multiple negations show strong reasons why the persona wants a revolution. The fourth poem is entitled “Deferred”. It tells a story of a man who wants to get a proper job and stable life, but he cannot since it is too late for him to get an education. The poem can be read in datum 60SD04. The writer figures out two syntactic deviations in this poem. They are multiple negations and inversions. The multiple negations can be seen from the sentences and where were moving there aint no stove and I aint never owned a decent radio yet?. These two sentences imply a poor life of African-American people. There are no proper household appliances when he moved at the first time. Besides, he never had a decent radio yet. Thus, the multiple negations are used to show the poor life of African-Americans in this poem. On the other hand, the inversions; such as I always did want to study French and Heaven, heaven, is my home; are used to portray the American Dream. The persona always wanted to study French, but he never did. The persona also wished that his home was as nice as heaven. In this sentence, the inversion was used to show the American dream wished by the persona. Overall, the writer figures out some syntactic deviations in these four poems. They are used to portray American Dream which is wished by African- American at that time. The syntactic deviations show the poor condition or unfair life and also the American Dream that they wanted at that time. Among those syntactic deviations, multiple negations are mostly used by Hughes to portray those conditions.

c. To Show African- American’s Struggle

The third purpose of the author is to show African- American‟s struggle at that time. There are four poems that reflect the African- American‟s struggle made by Hughes. They are: 1 Mother to Son, 2 Teacher, 3 The Negro Mother, and 4 Ballad of the Man Who‟s Gone. These four poems contain syntactic deviations and the struggle of African-American. The first poem is entitled “Mother to Son”. Hughes writes this poem in a form of advice of a mother to her son about the hardship of life that he must overcome and not to give up on life. The persona gives many examples on her struggle during her life. The poem can be read in datum 15SD01. The persona personifies her life as no crystal stair. She feels that she has faced and endured many hardship of life. She tells her son not to give up on his life as she has been in the darkness of life but she still tries her best to climb to a better life. She motivates her son to keep trying and climbing for the best. The writer only figures out multiple negations in this poem in the sentence Where there aint been no light and And life for me aint been no crystal stair. These two sentences reflect the hardship of the perso na‟s life. She never achieve prosperous life. She has to struggle a lot during the darkness and there is no path as crystal stair in her life. Hughes uses the multiple negations to emphasize the hardship of the persona‟s life. The second poem is entitled “Teacher”. It tells about the persona‟s opinion towards teacher that symbolized two things: stars and darkness. The persona described his story as a struggling teacher yet he was neglected. He tries his best to teach in a more humble way yet he was not accepted because he is an African- American. At that time, education was full of Whites, and African-Americans were seen as uneducated people. Furthermore, even when they graduated from higher education, they were seen to be lacking of capability. The poem can be read in datum 102SD01. The writer figures out three syntactic deviations which are inversion, adverb displacement and prepositional phrase displacement. The syntactic deviations are used to show how hard the persona tried to live his life. First, inversion can be seen in the sentence More humbly did I teach. This sentence shows how hard the persona tries to improve his way of teaching and he tries to teach more humbly.