Phonological Deviation Graphological Deviation

The term ‘deviation’ according to Raymond Chapman in Mwenda 2012: 117, is defined as linguistic usage that is considered coming from normal expectations of users of the language. This definition implies that deviation is negative because it is a violation of the rules of the grammar. This can be an obstacle for an effective communication. On the other hand, deviation in literature is a positive stylistic feature of literary works. According to Joanna Shang 2005:44, Grammar works on two level, they are Morphology the grammar of the word and Syntax the grammar of how words pattern within sentences. Since, the focus of this study is syntactic deviations, the reseracher explained syntactic deviations deeper than morphological deviation. 1 Morphological Deviation The term ‘deviation’ is used to describe the ways in which literary language can be said to differ from everyday language, and the researcher focuses from morphological aspect. According to Lieber 2009: 14, morphology is the study of word formation, including the ways of how new words are invented in the languages of the world, and the way forms of words are varied depending on how they’re used in sentences. Andrew Catairs 2002: 10 says that linguistically, morphology is a study of internal structure of the smallest gramatical unit that is called as morpheme, and formation of words. To Crystal 2003: 134, any sort of violence to the English morphemes; i.e., ill-formed morphemes, is referred to as a deviant morphological construction. Actually, there are two researchers who analysed morphological deviations; Basheer Matrood and Masanori Miyata. Though, both of them have the same idea of morphological deviations, thus the researcher summarizes it to complete each other. Therefore, they conclude that there are six kinds of morphological deviations, they are adverb ending in –s, confusion of affixation, comparison of adjective, adjective used adverbially, conversion of verbs, and conversion of function words. 2 Syntactic Deviations According to Miller, J 2002: 12, syntax is the subfield of linguistics that studies the internal structure of sentences and the interrelationships among their component. Syntax deals with how words are put together to build phrases, how phrases are put together to build clauses or bigger phrases, and how clauses are put together to build sentences. According to Thoms, G. 2010: 31, to give a descriptive overview of types of syntactic deviations that are found in poetic language in English, he divides the kinds of deviation into several parts.