Data Collection Technique Data Analysis

Based on the data analysis, there are seven types of syntactic deviations: preposition phrases, noun phrases, adjectival phrases, adverb displacement, subject displacement, multiple negation, and inversion. Multiple negation shares the highest portion because it is influenced by many factors compares to other types. The next portions from the highest to the lowest are inversion, noun phrase, prepositional phrase, subject displacement, adjectival phrase and adverb displacement as the lowest one. Besides finding the types of syntactic deviations found in the poem, the writer figures out several purposes of the author wrote his poems using syntactic deviations. The purposes are: a to show jazz music that expresses as sorrow and loneliness, b to portray American‟s dream, c to show African-American‟s struggle, d to depict racism in America, e to face difficulty wisely, f to show self-actualization, and g to show the other problems faced by African-American. Moreover, the writer figures out that multiple negation is mostly used by the poet to emphasis the message conveyed by the poet related to the African- American problems happened in that era. In regard to telling the African- American‟s struggle in that era, Langston Hughes used multiple negation to discuss African- American‟s relationship.

B. Discussion

As stated in the previous chapter, this research has two objectives to accomplish; they are describing the types and The Author‟s Purposes wrote The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes using syntactic deviations. This discussion shows the interpretations that can be derived from the syntactic deviations in the collected poem of Langston Hughes.

1. Types of Syntactic Deviations in the Collected Poems of Langston Hughes

From the total data of 85 on the types of syntactic deviations, 54 of them are multiple negations, 8 of them are inversions, 7 of them are subject displacement, 6 of them are noun phrase displacement, 6 of them are preposition phrases, 2 of them are adjectival phrase displacements, and 2 adverbial displacements. Unlike the previous part of this chapter which only answers the first two objectives of this research by giving a brief explanation on the two tables, this part will discuss the two objectives in a different way from the first part – this one provides a deeper and clearer discussion by presenting some examples for each deviation.

a. Multiple Negation

Multiple negation is the most frequently used syntactic deviations that occurred in the Collected Poems of Langston Hughes as it is found in most poems. This is due to the author himself and the content of the poetry itself. Langston