Standard English and Non-Standard English

most of his childhood in Lawrence. After his grandmother died, he lived with family friends for two years. Then, he lived with his mother who married again in Ohio. He grew up and studied in Lincoln University, a historically black university in Pennsylvania. Then, he started to write collected poems there. In short, he died in May 22, 1967 from complications after abdominal surgery, related to prostate cancer, at the age of 65. His ashes are put in the Schomburg Center for research in Black Culture in Harlem, and the entrance to an ausitorium is his name. b. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes James Mercer Langston Hughes was an American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and comunist. He composes 868 poems and divided them into five decades. He was one of the earliest innovators of the new literary art called jazz poetry. He is best known as a leader of the Harlem Renaissance. “The Negro was in vogue” is a famous period he writes that was paraphrased as “When Harlem was in vogue”. All his poems are arranged in order and edited by Arnold Rampersad and David Roessel. All of the poems 860 were published by the writer during his lifetime based on the date and place of publication for each poem. He is best known for his poems about African life, and he was also a political poet who was paid for radical views. This poem was written at the time of Harlem Renaissance where it was the name given to the cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem, New York. During the time, it was known as the New Negro Movement ”. At that time, jazz poetry is very popular because it demonstrated jazz-like rhythm or the feel of improvisation. Thus, Langston Hughes wrote his poems related to song or dance because it depicted the era where whites and blacks enjoy jazz music that had a soft, slow, and easy rhythm to listen. Whites usually listened to the jazz song and they danced accompanied by African-American who played the banjo. Moreover, this poet used terms and names related to the slavery era, e.g. cotton field, mulatto, Eliza, Alfred, etc. Those terms and names depicted racism condition at that time. Cotton field portrayed where African-American spent their most of time when they became the slaves of whites. Then, mulatto is a term that means the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person. Furthermore, Eliza is a name for a girl that taken from Eliza Moore who was one of the last proven African-American former slaves living in the United States. Alfred is the one of the last living survivors of slavery in the United States who had a clear recollection of it. The use of terms and names in The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes helped the researcher and the readers understand the condition of African- American’s life at that time.

7. Related Studies

The researcher admits that this research is rarely discussed especially this topic, grammatical deviation. Morover, there are two previous researches in the form of journal related to the topic of deviation. However, it does not mean that they are exactly the same. This is because each research has its own distinctive focus and methodology. 1. “Types of Linguistic Deviation in Oliver Twist’ by Masanori Miyata 2007. This research is in the form of journal. In his research, firstly he describes linguistic deviation and foregrounding. Then, he explained each types of linguistic deviation completely as well as the kinds of each type, e.g. neologism, compounding, slank, coinage, etc which are the kinds of lexical deviation. Masanori Miyata analyzed Oliver Twist using 8 elements of lingustic deviation. Since this research only focuses on examining syntactic deviations in the collected poems of Langston Hughes edited by Arnold Rampersad and David Roessel, it produced a different result. “Morphological Deviation as Stylistic Marker in E. E. Cummings Poetry” by Sami Basheer Matrood. 2. Linguistics Deviation in Dicken’s Hard Time by Mustapha Daddi Ouameur 2013. In his research he analyzes eight classifications of linguistic deviation based on Leech in Hard Times and also explains foregrounding and parallelism. The researcher describes all the types of linguistics deviation in general and investigaes the effects of Dickens’ use of language deviation from linguistic norms of literary conventions. The objective, Hard Times is a famous novel published in Victorian era. Victorian novels were vehicle which writers used to deliver social criticism. Thus, it is used to satirize the England condition at that time. Mustapha shows that various uses of Linguistic Deviation help Dickens to describe his