Conceptual Framework Conceptual Framework and Analytical Construct



This chapter presents the research method and is divided into five parts: research type, data and source of data, research instrument, research procedures, and trustworthiness.

A. Research Type

Qualitative research was applied in this study. According to Vanderstoep and Johnston 2009: 7, they state that narrative or textual descriptions of the phenomena under studies is produced by qualitative research. Moreover, Bogdan in Stainback,1988 states that qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of the data. He states that in the descriptive qualitative research the collected data are in the form of words rather than numbers. This research used stylistic analysis to reveal the phenomenon of syntactic deviations and the author’s purposes wrote The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes using syntactic deviations. In general, the study tried to describe the phenomena of syntactic deviations that occurs in Langston Hughes’ poems as richly as possible in the form of description for a better understanding.

B. Data and Source of Data

Since the object was a collection of poems which contain poetic utterances and the research applied qualitative research, the data description would be produced in the form of text. The data were utterances in the form of phrases, and sentences that contain syntactic deviation. Then, the data source was The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes edited by Arnold Rampersad and David Roessel. It was published in 1994 in New York.

C. Research Instruments

Bogdan and Biklen 1928:4 say that qualitative research has an actual setting at the direct source of data and the researcher is the primary instrument the researcher has the main role for collecting data. She was involved in all of the process of the observation, analysis, and interpretation the data. Thus, the researcher was the main data collection instrument in this phenomenological research. The secondary instrument of this research was data sheet. Data sheet was used to classify the data that can be the clue for analyzing syntactic deviation represented in the collected poems of Langstion Hughes. The format of the data sheet is illustrated in Table 07 below. 48 Table 7. Data Sheet of Types and Functions of Syntactical Deviation in the Collected Poem of Langston Hughes edited by Arnold Rampersad David Roessel List of abbreviations : 03MN01 : number of poemtype of syntactic deviationsnumber of chapter 1 : Preposition phrases a : to show jazz music that express sorrow and loneliness 2 : Noun phrases or NPs b : to portray American’s dreams 3 : Adjectival phrases APs c : to show African- American’s struggle 4 : Adverb displacement d : to depict racism in America 5 : Subject displacement e : to face difficulty wisely 6 : Multiple negation f : to show self-actualization 7 : Inversion g : to show the other problems faced by African-American NO. CODE DATA CONTEXT TYPES OF SYNTACTIC DEVIATION AUTHOR’S PURPOSES USING SYNTACTIC DEVIATIONS EXPLANATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a b c d e f g 1. 06MN03 Looks like what drives me crazy Dont have no effect on you The poem entitled ‘Evil’. It tells about evil intent since nobody cares about what he went trough. √ √ Multiple negation is marked by two words i.e. don’t and no. In standard rule, for negative sentence, there must be only one of them because using both of them means it becomes positive sentence semantically.

D. Research Procedure

1. Data Collection Technique

According to Sudaryanto 1993: 133-135, there are some techniques or methods in collecting data, two of which are Simak and Catat. The researcher began with Simak method in collecting the data. Sudaryanto states that Simak method is done by paying careful attention to the use of language 1993: 133. In applying this method, the researcher observed the book The Collected Poems of langston Hughes by focusing on the syntactic deviations used in it. After the researcher did the Simak method, the next step was Catat method. The Catat method began when the poetic utterances were written down in the form of note. The researcher read the theory first and then it was used to identify the data that are in the form of phrases, clauses, or sentences containing syntactic deviations. After identifying the data, the researcher categorized them into seven types. Then, the researcher analyzed the functions of syntactic deviations in Langston Hughes’ Poems. The use of codes in the data sheet made the categorization easier.

2. Data Analysis

Bogdan and Biklen 1998:157 state that data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging collected data to increase the researchers ’ understanding to enable to present what has been discovered to others. Wiersma 1995: 216 states that data analysis in qualitative research is a process of guessing towards an accurate description and interpretation of phenomenon consecutively. The processes of data analysis were stated by the researcher in detail below: 1. the researcher read the poem script to check the correctness of the poetic utterances, word by word; 2. the researcher read and identified poetic utterances to find out the types of syntactic deviations; 3. the researcher interpreted the data into the data sheets to describe the types of syntactic deviation in The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes; 4. the researcher also conducted triangulations of the data by asking friends and lectures to check the data to support data analysis; and 5. the researcher classified the collected data into data sheet.

E. Trustworthiness

To confirm the trustworthiness of the data, a check was needed to test the data and the data analysis. One of the techniques in checking trustworthiness of the data analysis was triangulation. Triangulation is a technique to check the validity of the data by using something outside of the data and the data itself. According to Carpenter and Talbot 2003: 38, there are four main types of triangulation; they are by source, by methods, by researcher, by theories, and member checking. In this research, the type of triangulation technique that was used was the one by theory. To gain greater accuracy of the data of this research, the researcher asked the supervisors for examining the data since the researcher consulted the research