To Show Self-Actualization The Author’s Purposes Wrote The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes

of planting rose. She is sure that she will not love any other man, so she better plants rose and when she dies people will not be burdened since she has a garden of rose to be put in her coffin later on. The second poem is entitled “Fortune Teller Blues”. This poem tells about a pitiful persona‟s life that is told by the fortune tellers. Every time she goes to a fortune teller, she never receives any good news. The poem can be read in datum 107SD01. The persona has gone to several fortune tellers. She asks for her fortune, but she never receives any fortunate news. The fortune tellers always tell her the unfortunate news. She is so upset that she concludes that fortune tellers never tell her pleasant things. They only show her something painful, especially about her love relationship. The writer only figures out multiple negations in this poem. They can be seen from the sentences These fortune tellers Never tell me nothin kind; I say fortune tellers Never tell me nothin kind and If my man leaves me I wont live no mo. The first two sentences imply that she is always told that something bad will happen to her life. The last sentence implies that she does not want to live her life again if her man really leaves her. Hughes uses multiple negations to show how desperate a woman who falls in love is. Besides being tortured on the account of their race, African-American is also seen as the unfortunate one. They are predicted that they will never live happily, even with their loved one. The third poem is entitled “Ma Lord”. This poem tells story of a man who is very close to his God. He described his Lord as someone who is kind and someone who always supports him. The poem can be read in datum 179SD01. The persona in that poem is described as a religious man. He lives closely to his Lord. He describes his Lord as someone who has problems too every day, but He never gives up. Instead, He helps the persona live his life. He befriends with his Lord so when his Lord goes to heaven, the persona is also invited. He becomes Lord‟s friend through eternity. Different from any other poems, this poem discusses the intensity and closeness between the persona and Lord. Bearing with the real-life problems, African-Americans put all their weariness into their Lord. Multiple negations and noun phrase displacements are used to show God‟s power and greatness, for example: Ma Lord aint no stuck-up man. This sentence shows that Lord is great as He never gives up. Another example, When He went to heaben, His soul on fire, He tole me I was gwine, shows that Lord has the power to invite someone to go with Him. Hughes wants to emphasize Lord‟s Power and Greatness by using syntactic deviations. The fourth poem is entitled “Homecoming”. This poem tells about a man who is left by his wife and he feels lonely. The poem can be read in datum 88SD03. The persona in this poem is described as a man who is shocked by his wife‟s leaving. After working, he finds out that his wife has left him behind. Multiple negations and inversion are used by Hughes to show the reality that the persona is left by his wife. The multiple negation can be seen in the sentence She wasnt home no more. On the other hand, the inversion can be seen in the sentence A whole lot of room was the only thing I had to emphasize how lost the man is after being left by his wife. He feels like he has nothing but his room. The reality that African-American man should face at that era is that he is left by his loved ones. Hughes wants to emphasize that besides facing the discrimination, African-Americans also have to deal with their family affairs. The fifth poem is entitled “So Long”. It is a story of someone who has gone for so long to another place. However, the persona still does not believe that. He thinks that he is so blind that he still cannot accept the reality. The poem can be read in datum 59SD04. In this poem, the persona still believes that the one he loves is beside him. He loves her too much that he cannot accept her leaving from the world. Hughes uses subject displacements in the sentence and maybe was I blind to show that he really cannot accept reality. Hughes wants to emphasize that love can make someone blind, and so does an African-American man. The sixth poem is entitled “Casual”. This poem is related to death. It is implied in this story that the death of African-American is unpredictable. People never know when and where death is. Hughes takes King Cole as the example in the poem to represent the African-American people. The poem can be read in datum 193SD04. The writer only figures out multiple negations in the sentence Death just comes in and do not ring no bell to show that death comes anytime without any confirmation before. Hughes wants to show that African-American ‟s life can be taken anytime. Even the most famous African-American entertainer, Nat King Cole who suffered from lung cancer, passed away. His death cannot be predicted. This is what Hughes wants to emphasize. The seventh poem is entitled “Late Last Night”. This poem tells about a broken hearted man. The poem can be read in datum 206SD03. In this poem, the persona cries the whole night because his heart is broken. His woman leaves her. Hughes uses multiple negations to emphasize that the persona cries not because someone passed away but because his woman leaves him alone. This can be seen in the sentence Wasnt nobody gone, Neither had nobody died. Hughes wants to show, again, that African-American men should face relationship problems besides dealing with their society problems. The last poem is entitled “Evil Woman”. This poem tells about a man who feels disappointed towards his woman who is a White American. The poem can be read in datum 207SD01. The persona in this poem gets so angry towards his woman. He always treats her right but she does not. She argues a lot with him and he really wants to send her back to his hometown. Hughes uses multiple negations in the sentence I cant have no womans got such low-down ways to show how desperate the man is. Again, Hughes wants to show that African-American have to deal with love problems, especially the persona in this poem who must deal with a White American woman. Overall, multiple negations are still mostly used in this function. They are used to emphasize the love problems and relationships, and also other real-life situations. Besides multiple negations, subject displacements, inversion and noun phrase displacements are still used in this function to express the feeling of the personas toward their love affairs.