A sickness lies over the Greenwood. ´Kejahatan terjadi di Greenwood.´ A powerful spell lies upon those tombs.´Mantra kuat telah diucapkan di atas Be on your guard. ´Waspadalah.´ We´re about to step overthe Edge of the Wild. ´Kita berada di batas dae

69 we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

92. A sickness lies over the Greenwood. ´Kejahatan terjadi di Greenwood.´

If the idiom is literally translated it will become “berbaring diatas”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´to be happened in´ . Here, the translator translated it as “terjadi” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

93. A powerful spell lies upon those tombs.´Mantra kuat telah diucapkan di atas

makam itu.´ If the idiom is literally translated it will become “berbaring diatas”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´to be said on´ . Here, the translator translated it as “diucapkan di atas” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

94. Be on your guard. ´Waspadalah.´

If the idiom is literally translated it will become “diatas penjagaanmu”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´to be on alert of something´ . Here, the translator translated it as “waspadalah” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say Universitas Sumatera Utara 70 it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

95. We´re about to step overthe Edge of the Wild. ´Kita berada di batas daerah

liar sekarang.´ If the idiom is literally translated it will become “tentang melangkah melewati”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´the position where somebody is near the border of someplace´ . Here, the translator translated it as “berada di batas” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

96. Lead on.´Pimpin di depan.´