Stay back.´Mundur.´ keep your distance´Enyah kau ´


121. Stay back.´Mundur.´

If the idiom is literally translated it will become “tetap di belakang”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´to ask somebody to move backwards´. Here, the translator translated it as “mundur”, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

122. keep your distance´Enyah kau ´

If the idiom is literally translated it will become “jaga jarakmu”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´to ask somebody not to come closer´. Here, the translator translated it as “enyah kau”, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording. 123. Just show me the way to get out of here and I´ll be on my way.´Tunjukkan saja jalan keluar darisini dan aku akan pergi.´ get out If the idiom is literally translated it will become “peroleh keluar”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´to go out´ . Here, the translator translated it as “keluar” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording. Universitas Sumatera Utara 80 be on my way If the idiom is literally translated it will become “menjadi diatas jalanku”, but the real meaning of the idiom is ´going toward a place´ . Here, the translator translated it as “pergi” which can give equal meaning of the idiom, since if the idiom literally translated, the real meaning of the ST cannot be delivered well or we can say it is unequal. Therefore, the procedure which is used is equivalence that replicates thesame situation as in the original, while using completely differentwording.

124. Shut up´Diam ´