Ask the studen ts to repeat the perfo rm an ces. Sw itch the turn so that the Share yo ur o bservatio n o n the studen ts’ perfo rm an ces. Give co m m en ts o n

5 . Mo ve aro un d the class an d o bs erve the studen ts’ pe rfo rm an ces. No te do w n yo u r o b s e rva tio n if n e ce s s a ry. Ch e ck fo r th e s tu d e n ts ’ p ro n u n cia tio n a n d n o te d o w n th e m is ta ke s . 6 . When all studen ts have fin ishe d, ask the m to discuss their perfo rm an ces in th e ir gro u p . As k th e m to s h a re th e ir fe e lin gs w h e n th e y a re d o in g th e re a d in g. As k th e m to give co m m e n ts a n d s u gge s tio n s to e a ch o th e r in o rd e r to s p e a k m o re flu e n tly, a ccu ra te ly, a n d cle a rly w ith th e a p p ro p ria te vo lu m e a n d in to n a tio n .

7. Ask the studen ts to repeat the perfo rm an ces. Sw itch the turn so that the

s tu d e n ts w ill n o t ge t th e s a m e p a ra gra p h to re a d . As k th e m to im p ro ve th e ir re a d in g a lo u d s kills b a s e d o n co m m e n ts a n d s u gge s tio n give n to th e m . 8 . Mo ve aro un d the class an d o bs erve m ore the stude n ts’ pe rfo rm an ce. Check fo r d e ta ils th e a s p e cts o f th e ir s p e a kin g s kills . N o te it d o w n if yo u th in k it’s n e ce s s a ry. 9 . When all studen ts have fin ished perfo rm in g their seco n d perfo rm an ces , d is trib u te th e s tu d e n t’s fe e d b a ck p a p e r. As k th e m to w rite d o w n th e ir co m m e n ts o n th e ir frie n d s ’ s e co n d p e rfo rm a n ce s . Th e n , give it to th e ir frie n d s a s th e e va lu a tio n o n th e ir p e rfo rm a n ce s . POST – ACTIVITIES

1. Share yo ur o bservatio n o n the studen ts’ perfo rm an ces. Give co m m en ts o n

th e s tre n gth s a n d w e a kn e s s e s o f th e p e rfo rm a n ce s to e n co u ra ge th e m . Give a ls o s o m e s u gge s tio n s o th a t th e s tu d e n ts w ill b e a b le to p e rfo rm b e tte r in o th e r o p p o rtu n itie s . Th e n , give s o m e co rre ctio n o n th e ir p ro n u n cia tio n o n th e w o rd s fro m th e s to ry if th e re a re s o m e m is ta ke s in th e p ro n u n cia tio n . 2 . Ask the studen ts abo ut their co m m en ts o n the activities they have do n e . Ask th e m a ls o to e va lu a te th e le a rn in g p ro ce s s in ge n e ra l w h e th e r th e y fo u n d th e a ctivity is h e lp in g to in cre a s e th e ir co n fid e n ce o r n o t, e tc GAMES Repeat After Me TIME ALLOTMENT: 15 MINUTES PROCEDURE 1. Divide the class into 3 groups. 2. Then, each group should make a line you will have 3 lines of students. Each student should make 1 meter distance from other members of the group. 3. Tell them that they are going to be a messenger to a friend in front of them. 4. Each student of the group who stand in the fifthlast line is going to be the first messenger. They get the message from the teacher and read it carefully and after that they have to memorize it so that they are able to tell the message to a friend in front of them. The paper containing the message should be returned back to the teacher right after they have successfully memorized it. 5. Then, the next student does the same thing. They listen carefully for the message from their friend standing behind them and continue the message to the next student. 6. This process continues until reach the last student in front. 7. The last student of the group receiving the message speaks out loudly the message they’ve heard. 8. After all groups have finish, the teacher read out the original message. 9. The fastest group with the right message won the game THE MESSAGE : FIVE BAD MEN IN THE BACK WITH BIG BAG BEG TO SLEEP IN THE BED PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI GLOSSARY MEETING 4 Tend V : cenderung Hesitant Adj : ragu – ragu Clarity N : kejelasan Adjust V : mengatur Audible Adj : dapat di dengar Horrible Adj : menjijikan Against Prep : melawan V : Verb kata kerja N : Noun kata benda Adj : Adjective kata sifat Adv : Adverb kata keterangan Prep: Preposition kata hubung HANDOUT ‘Speak Up’ There are several aspects can be viewed to measure how good our speaking skill is. They are: FLUENCY This aspect measures how smooth you tell the story. Often, when you are not ready or when you become so nervous, you would stop in the middle of the story and tend to be hesitant. The more you make stopspauses the less you gain the grade for this aspect. Moreover, your audience will get difficulties in following your story. ACCURACY This aspect measures your grammar and vocabulary usage whether you use them appropriately or not. Wrong diction and grammar usage would make your words and sentences misunderstood by the audiences. CLARITY This aspect measures the clarity of your words and sentences whether you clearly say these vowels; A, I, U, E, O or the consonants to differentiate them from each other. Usually, to show this clarity, you have to open and shape your mouth perfectly to what sound you produce. INTONATION This aspect measures the way you put raising or falling or even flat intonation to your words and sentences. In general, when you create a question sentence, you will put raising intonation in the end of the sentence. But in normal sentence e.g. statement, you will put falling intonation in the end of the sentence. VOLUME This aspect measures the volume of your voice. When you perform storytelling, you often deal with a lot of audience. For that reason, you have to adjust your volume to make your story audible for nearest and even the farthest audience from your position. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Now, you and your friend may practice your speaking skill. Please consider those aspects in the previous page when you are practicing. Here’s a grading guideline to help you in giving feedback and evaluation to your friend. 1 2 3 4 ASPECT Very poor Poor Good Excellent Fluency The pace is very slow with too many pauses Normal speed with few pauses Smooth enough with very few pauses Very smooth with no pauses Accuracy Very poor diction and grammar which lead to misunderstanding Correctness 0- 39 Few mistakes in grammar with very limited vocabulary but still understandable Correctness 41- 60 Very few mistakes in grammar with enough variety of vocabulary Correctness 61- 80 Excellent grammar with various words used Correctness 81- 100 Clarity Many mistakes in pronunciation with unclear articulation and difficult to understand Few mistakes in pronunciation with inconstant articulation but still understandable Good pronunciation with very few mistakes and clear articulation Very clear articulation with good pronunciation native-like pronunciation Intonation Very flat intonation with no difference tone for different sentences Inconstant intonation and often put inappropriate tone for the words sentences Very few mistakes in words sentences intonation Exact tone for the words sentences which lead to perfect intonation volume Speak too low that audience can hardly listen to the story Inconstant volume and make the story often hard to listen Loud enough Very good in maintaining volume that every word can be heard easily SHORT STORY “Oh no, I’m a cat” It was a warm summer’s day. David and Maggie, his sister, were in the garden. Maggie wanted to read her book, but David wanted to talk. ‘That cat is amazing Look it walks beautifully’ ‘Be quiet. I’m reading. I’m going to be a TV star.’ ‘Watch me. I’m a cat I’m going to jump on that wall.’ ‘Be careful. That’s the one‐eyed man’s wall. He can see you’ David walked along the wall. The one‐eyed man didn’t see him. But something started to happen to David… ‘You’ve got hairs on your hands’ ‘I feel ill’ ‘You’re getting smaller You’ve got hairs on your face You’re horrible Urrhhh’ ‘I’m changing into a cat Help me, Maggie’ ‘What can I do?’ David changed into a cat He was very unhappy. ‘Tell Mum and Dad Quick Help HEL…IAOW’ ‘You’re a cat’ ‘Miaow’ ‘Can you understand me?’ ‘Miaow’ ‘Say “Miaow” five times.’ ‘Miaow. Miaow. Miaow. Miaow. Miaow.’ Maggie was very pleased. She had a clever cat. She wanted to be a rich and famous TV star. ‘David, you are a wonderful cat. We can go on television.’ ‘We are going to be rich and famous.’ ‘Miaow’ ‘Now, let’s practice. Lift your paw’ ‘Miaow’ ‘Jump ten times’ ‘David, jump ten times OK I’m going to tell Mum. You’re a horrible cat You can’t live in this house if you’re not nice.’ Maggie was very happy and excited David was hungry, he saw Gilbert, Maggie’s canary. Its door was open. ‘Hello, Gilbert. How is my little Gilbert?’ ‘Miaow’ ‘David, stop it Leave Gilbert alone’ ‘Tweet Tweet’ ‘Poor Gilbert Gilbert David, you are a stupid cat. You horrible, stupid cat Get out of the house’ David parents came home. David was very pleased. He miaowed and rubbed against their legs. He was their son, and He wanted his mum and dad to know. ‘Oh look, there’s a cat’ ‘Miaow’ ‘What a nice little cat’ ‘Miaow Miaow’ ‘All right, get down now. You must go home. Go home to mummy’ ‘Go on Shoo Go away Go home ---the end--- EVALUATION Name : Class : No Evaluation Components Very poor Poor Good Excellent 1 Fluency 1 2 3 4 2 Accuracy 1 2 3 4 3 Clarity 1 2 3 4 4 Intonation 1 2 3 4 5 Volume 1 2 3 4 TOTAL SCORE: Write down your comment here ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… EVALUATION Name : Class : No Evaluation Components Very poor Poor Good Excellent 1 Fluency 1 2 3 4 2 Accuracy 1 2 3 4 3 Clarity 1 2 3 4 4 Intonation 1 2 3 4 5 Volume 1 2 3 4 TOTAL SCORE: Write down your comment here ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Lesson Plan Meeting 5 Describing characters inside the stories “Tell Me about Those People” Objectives: 1. Students are able to identify the components of human physical appearance and human personality. 2. Students are able to describe other people’s physical appearance and personality orally. 3. Students are able to create a story about other people using their physical and personality orally. Methods: Speaking practice, lecture, peer evaluation Instruments: Handouts, pictures of various people, blank papers Learning Activities: No Activities Duration Energizer 1 Students are to sing a song titled “Daisy” 5’ Main activities 1 Students are to listen to teacher’s explanation and to read handouts about describing human physical appearance and personality. 15’ 2 Students are to be divided into small groups consist of 3-4 members. 3’ 3 Students are to describe the physical appearance and personality of one of the group members. Each member of the group does this activity in turn until all members have finished. 10’ 4 Students give comment and suggestion on their friends’ performance. 6’ 5 Students are given pictures of people. Each student gets one picture. 3’ 6 Students are to create a story about the people from the picture they have got. 10’ 7 Students are to perform their story in front of their group members 20’ 8 Students are to give comments and suggestion on their friends’ performances. 12’ Reflection 1 Students are to mention what they have learnt from today’s meeting and to share their feelings during the meeting. 6’ Enclosed Materials: Song, students’ handouts, pictures of various people, story draft, and students’ evaluation sheet PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TEACHER’S MANUAL PREPARATION

1. Co py the en clo sed m aterials: the “Daisy” so n g, glo s sary, sto ry draft an d the