Prepare the lo ttery n um ber fo r the stude n ts Pro vide the sto pw atch to m an age the pe rfo rm an ce Ask the studen ts to gather aro un d yo u. Read alo ud the sto rytellin g Ask the studen ts to take the lo ttery n um ber an d te ll them to w


1. Prepare the lo ttery n um ber fo r the stude n ts

2. Pro vide the sto pw atch to m an age the pe rfo rm an ce

3 . Co py the e valuatio n sheet acco rdin g to the to tal n um bers o f the stude n ts PRE – ACTIVITIES

1. Ask the studen ts to gather aro un d yo u. Read alo ud the sto rytellin g

p e rfo rm a n ce s ru le s fo r th e m a n d c h e ck w h e th e r th e s tu d e n ts h a ve a lre a d y u n d e rs to o d a ll th e ru le s o r n o t.

2. Ask the studen ts to take the lo ttery n um ber an d te ll them to w ait fo r the call.

Te ll th e m th a t w h ile th e ir frie n d s a re p e rfo rm in g s to ryte llin g, th e o th e r s h o u ld b e th e a u d ie n c e a n d th e y m u s t ke e p s ile n t d u rin g th e p e rfo rm a n ce . MAIN ACTIVITIES

1. Sit behin d the audien ce an d prepare the evaluatio n sheet. When yo u are ready,

yo u ca n s ta rt fro m th e firs t s tu d e n t w ith lo tte ry n u m b e r 1. 2. Grade yo ur studen ts’ perfo rm an ce base d o n the gradin g guidelin e. Yo u can fill in th e e va lu a tio n s h e e t d u rin g th e p e rfo rm a n ce o r a fte r th e p e rfo rm a n ce . If o n e s tu d e n t h a s fin is h e d , th e n co n tin u e to th e n e x t s tu d e n t a n d s o o n a n d s o fo rth . POST – ACTIVITIES

1. After all studen ts have fin ished sho w in g their pe rfo rm an ces, ask studen ts’

o p in io n a b o u t th e ir o w n a n d th e ir frie n d s ’ s to ryte llin g p e rfo rm a n ce . 2. Give so m e co m m e n ts o n the stren gths an d w eakn esses o f the s tuden ts ’ s to ryte llin g p e rfo rm a n ce w h ich w o u ld e n co u ra ge th e m to im p ro ve th e ir s to ryte llin g s kills . STORYTELLING PERFORMANCE -RULES- 1. Each student must prepare one story. it can be folktale, fairytale, or any other story. 2. Each student is given 5 to 10 minutes to perform the story. 3. A time keeper will let the student start performing by showing a green flag. When the studen t has perform ed for 5 m in utes the m in im um tim e, the tim e keeper will show a yellow flag. Thirty secon d before the 10 th m in ute the m axim um tim e the tim e keeper will show a red flag. 4. All students are allowed to bring and use any kind of media properties to support the perform an ces. 5. Each student is not allowed to borrow properties from the other students. 6. All students are not allowed to bring any notes or outline during the performance. 7. While one student is performing the story, the others must keep silent and stay in the room un til all studen ts have fin ished perform ing their story. Grading criteria A. Speaking skill 9 Fluency: how smooth the student performing the story 9 Accuracy: the accuracy of vocabulary and grammar usage 9 Clarity: the speech clarity in delivering the story 9 Intonation: the appropriateness of intonation 9 Volume: whether the voice is audible or not B. Expression 9 Mimic: whether showing strong facial expression or not 9 Gesture: whether showing good posture, strong hand and body movement or not C. Content of the story 9 The creativity of the story 9 Clear plot 9 Existence of surprising events 134 References: 1. Brown, J. D. and Huson, T. 2002. Criterion-referenced Language Testing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2. Carroll, B. J. 1980. Testing Communicative Performance. Oxford: Pergamon Press. No Aspects Graded Excellent Good Poor Very poor Speaking skill 1 Fluency Very smooth with no pauses Smooth enough with very few pauses Normal speed with few pauses The pace is very slow with too many pauses 2 Accuracy Excellent grammar with various words used Correctness 81-100 Very few mistakes in grammar with enough variety of vocabulary Correctness 61-80 Few mistakes in grammar with very limited vocabulary but still understandable Correctness 41-60 Very poor diction and grammar which lead to misunderstanding Correctness 0-39 3 Clarity Very clear articulation with good pronunciation native-like pronunciation Good pronunciation with very few mistakes and clear articulation Few mistakes in pronunciation with inconstant articulation but still understandable Many mistakes in pronunciation with unclear articulation and difficult to understand 4 Intonation Exact tone for the words sentences which lead to perfect intonation Very few mistakes in words sentences intonation Inconstant intonation and often put inappropriate tone for the words sentences Very flat intonation with no difference tone for different sentences 5 volume Very good in maintaining volume that every word can be heard easily Loud enough Inconstant volume and make the story often hard to listen Speak too low that audience can hardly listen to the story Expression 1 Mimic Very confident, strong and convincing facial expression for the story and characterization inside it. Good eye contact Quite confident and convincing Quite confident but still flat in facial expression Unconfident and flat in facial expression. Avoid eye contact 2 Gesture Good posture with body and hand work effectively and efficiently Good posture and bodyhand movement Few bodyhand movement and often with unconscious bodyhand movement because of feeling nervous Slump and standing upright with no bodyhand movement Content of the story 1 Creativity Using attractive, efficient effective properties. Applied unique point of view never been shown seen before Using appropriate properties and extraordinary point of viewstories Using limited properties but using extraordinary point of viewstory or vice versa Well known story with common point of view. Using no properties to support the story 2 Plot Very well organized with coherence and unity with strong and satisfying climax Introduction, body conclusion are well organized. The climax of the story can be felt The story is not clearly arranged but the plot can be followed understood The story is not well organized with confusing plot 3 Surprising event Very convincing revealed in the right time Convincing and entertaining Not convincing quite predictable There’s no surprising event EVALUATION Name : Class : No Evaluation Components Excellent Good Poor Very poor Speaking skills 1 Fluency 4 3 2 1 2 Accuracy 4 3 2 1 3 Clarity 4 3 2 1 4 Intonation 4 3 2 1 5 Volume 4 3 2 1 Expression 6 Mimic 4 3 2 1 7 Gesture 4 3 2 1 Content of the story 8 Creativity 4 3 2 1 9 Plot 4 3 2 1 10 Surprising event 4 3 2 1 TOTAL SCORE : Teacher’s comment: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lesson Plan Meeting 2 Basic of storytelling “I am a storyteller” Objectives: 1. Students are able to identify the component of storytelling performance. 2. Students are able to make a storytelling performance draft. 3. Students are able to perform a short storytelling performance using their funny experience in the past. Methods: Watching video, Speaking practice, peer evaluation Instruments: Storytelling performance videos, papers, handouts, evaluation sheet Learning Activities: No Activities Duration Energizer 1 Students are to sing and dance with a song titled “eensy weensy spider” 12 Main activities 1 Students are to watch a storytelling performance video. 8’ 2 Students are to identify the components of storytelling performances from the video that they have just watched. 10’ 3 Students are to read handouts about how to perform a storytelling. 10’ 4 Students are to make a draft of a short storytelling performance based on their favorite story during their childhood. 10’ 5 Students are to be divided into small groups, each group consist of 3-4 students. 3’ 6 Students are to perform their storytelling inside the group. The other members play role as the audience and note down their comment, suggestion and evaluation on their friend’s performance in the evaluation sheet. 20’ + 5’ each 7 Students are to give feedback on their friends’ performance based on the evaluation sheet. The students may share their feeling during performing the storytelling and watching their friends’ performance and give comments to each other. 10’ Reflection 1 Students are to mention what they have learnt from today’s meeting and to share their feelings during the meeting. 7’ Enclosed Materials: Song, storytelling videos, students’ handout, story draft, students’ evaluation sheet TEACHER’S MANUAL PREPARATION

1. Co py the e n clo sed m aterials: “Een sy, We en sy Spide r” so n g, glo ssary, studen ts’