Data Gathering Techniques METHODOLOGY

48 the students answered the questions by choosing the appropriate option and added it by filling their reason of choosing the option in short essay. Furthermore, the researcher used students’ first language which was Bahasa Indonesia, to avoid misunderstanding of the questions in the questionnaire.

D. Data Gathering Techniques

The researcher obtained data and information related to the study by conducting three techniques. First, the researcher conducted library study which lead to any information related to designing storytelling learning activities for high school students from books and articles in the Internet. From library study, the researcher expected to obtain theories, principles, and other knowledge and information which were needed to design the product. Second, in order to gather the data for the needs analysis, the researcher conducted an interview. The interview was directed to the English teacher who was in charge in conducting storytelling activities in school. The interview checklist would cover the questions related to the goals of storytelling club in school, learners’ characteristic, storytelling club’s activities, materials, facilities, method and also teacher and learners’ difficulties in conducting storytelling activities. Other interviews were also conducted to obtain feedback on the design. The interviews were directed to the same English teacher and two PBI lecturers who were considered as experts in teaching English speaking class and also excellent in English speaking mastery. The interview searched for opinion, feedback and evaluation on the objectives, content quality and layout of the design. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 Third, the researcher conducted questionnaire in the study. The questionnaire was directed to all students attending the storytelling club meeting. They were expected to give reflection and evaluation on the designed learning activities which they had experienced. The reflection and evaluation were expected to obtain information about respondents’ opinion on the learning activities they had experienced during the meeting, teacher’s instruction, time allotment for the meeting, their motivation during the meeting, and their enthusiasm in joining the learning activities. To summarize the information on the previous paragraphs about the data expected from the library study, interview and questionnaire are presented in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 The expected data No Strategy The expected data 1 Library study • Theories in conducting the research • Principles in developing the design 2 Needs analysis interview • Objectives of the storytelling club • Learners’ characteristics • Recent learning activities and materials which had been applied • Learning methods and techniques which had been applied • Available learning facilities 3 Needs analysis questionnaire • Students’ objectives in joining storytelling club • Students’ interest in learning activities PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 4 Preliminary testing interview • Correlation between learning activities with the objectives of the design and the learners’ needs • Content quality of the design • Layout of the design 5 Main field testing questionnaire • Students’ opinion on learning activities, time allotment, and teacher’s instruction • Students’ motivation and enthusiasm in joining the learning activities

E. Data Analysis Technique