For the teachers For the other researchers


2. The enhancement of students’ speaking skill through experiencing the

storytelling learning activities. There are three ways that the members feel their speaking skill was enhanced through experiencing storytelling learning activities. First, the members stated that their speaking skill was enhanced through the evaluation activity where they gave and received feedback from their friends’ storytelling performance. Through this activity, they were able to express their ideas, opinions and comments. Second, the members stated that the learning activities designed motivated them to practice their English speaking through storytelling activities. Last, the members felt that the learning activities enriched their storytelling experiences and provided chance to increase their confidence in speaking since there was sufficient chance and time allocated in maintaining the activities.

B. Suggestions

Based on the findings of the study, the researcher would like to give suggestion to those who like to use and develop this storytelling learning activities design:

1. For the teachers

a. The teachers may use their own materials, such as: stories and songs to be applied in the storytelling learning designed in order to vary the materials and to adapt to the learning atmosphere. 107 b. The teacher may add some other activities to support all the storytelling learning activities designed. c. The teachers should pay attention on the time allocation in order not to interrupt the learners’ other schedule since the learners is having busy routines on every day. d. The teachers should be sure that all the media required in maintaining the storytelling learning activities designed are well prepared and well run since there are several media are required to support the learning activities.

2. For the other researchers

a. Other researchers may conduct a research to measure the effectiveness of this design in fulfilling the purpose of this study. b. Other researcher may develop this design which covers only to a one semester program into one year program by enriching the activities for each unit. c. Other researchers may develop this design into a new design by applying other methods or techniques which are best fitted to the learners. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 108 REFERENCES AERA, APA NCME. 1999. Standards for Educational and Psychological Test. American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, National Council on Measurement in Education. Washington DC: American Educational Research Association. Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., and Razavieh, A. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education , 6 th edition. New York: Wadsworth Thomson. Borg, W.R. Gall, M.D. 1983. Educational Research: An Introduction, 4 th edition. London: Longman Inc. Briggs, L. J. 1977. 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Berapa Kali pertemuan Storytelling Club ini diadakan setiap minggunya? B. SISWA 1. Berapa banyak siswa yang tergabung dalam Storytelling Club ini? 2. Bagaimanakah gambaran karakteristik umum para anggota Storytelling Club ini bila dipandang dari segi prestasi akademik di sekolah terutama B. Ingris dan keaktifan mereka selama di kelas dan di dalam pertemuan Storytelling Club? 3. Siswa-siswi kelas berapa saja yang ikut tergabung dalam Storytelling Club ini? 4. Menurut anda, kesulitan apakah yang dimiliki oleh para anggota Storytelling Club ini dalam ketrampilam berbahasa Inggris, terutama ketrampilan berbicara yang hubungannya dengan ketrampilan Storytelling? C. KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN 1. Kegiatan pembelajaran seperti apakah yang selama ini telah diterapkan di Storytelling Club ? 2. Aktivitas pembelajaran yang seperti apa yang paling digemari oleh para anggota Storytelling Club ini? 3. Aktivitas pembelajaran yang seperti apakah yang paling tidak digemari oleh para anggota Storytelling Club ini? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 111 D. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN 1. Materi pembelajaran apa saja yang digunakan untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan pembelajaran di Storytelling Club ini? 2. Sumber apa saja yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan dan menyediakan materi-materi pembelajaran bagi anggota Storytelling Club? 3. Apakah materi pembelajaran yang telah diaplikasikan di dalam Storytelling Club ini menggunakan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP sebagai referensinya? E. METODE DAN STRATEGI 1. Metode dan strategi apa yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran di Storytelling Club ini? 2. Dengan metode dan strategi apa para anggota Storytelling Club mampu menerima materi pembelajaran dengan optimal? 3. Dengan metode dan strategi apa para anggota Storytelling Club menjadi sangat terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran? F. MEDIA 1. Media pembelajaran apa saja yang selama ini digunakan untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan Storytelling Club ini? 2. Media pembelajaran apa saja yang tersedia di sekolah ini yang dapat memfasilitasi kegiatan Storytelling Club ini? 3. Apakah para siswa ikut terlibat aktif dalam pendayagunaan media yang telah disediakan oleh pihak sekolah? G. SARAN 1. Apa saran anda untuk penyusunan dan pengembangan Learning Activities bagi Storytelling Club di SMA PL Van Lith ini? 112 Result of Needs Analysis Interview Raw Data Date of Interview : October 10, 2008 Respondent : Th. Eka Oktavianti, S. Pd. English teacher of SMA PL Van Lith

A. The purpose of Storytelling Club