Data Analysis Technique Research Procedure

50 4 Preliminary testing interview • Correlation between learning activities with the objectives of the design and the learners’ needs • Content quality of the design • Layout of the design 5 Main field testing questionnaire • Students’ opinion on learning activities, time allotment, and teacher’s instruction • Students’ motivation and enthusiasm in joining the learning activities

E. Data Analysis Technique

The data and information gathered from the library study, interviews, and questionnaire were analyzed through qualitative data analysis. The qualitative data analysis was obtained by interpreting the data and showing it in description. From the library study, the researcher interpreted the findings and put them all into a strong framework which was used as the underlying theory to make and develop the design. From the interviews, the researcher tried to interpret and to organize the results. Then, the researcher reported it into the data which had been analyzed. Similar with the results from the interviews, the findings from the questionnaires would also be interpreted and structured. 51

F. Research Procedure

The research procedures conducted in this study were based on the integration between RD and Kemp’s model. As stated in previous section, to integrate RD along with Kemp’s model, the researcher would put Kemp’s model under the framework of RD. The listed procedures of the study are as follows: 1. Research and Information Gathering a. Identifying research problem The researcher looked for research problem that exists in the education world around him. After successfully identifying the research problem, the researcher limited the area of the research and started to formulate the objectives of the research. b. Making proposal and asking for permission to conduct the research After identifying the research problems, the researcher made the proposal to legalize the research. Once the proposal had been made, the researcher asked permission to the headmaster and the English teacher of SMA PL Van Lith Muntilan to conduct the research. c. Collecting new knowledge and information related to the research In this step, the researcher attempted to gain new information and knowledge related to the research by finding appropriate books and articles for the literature review which supported the study of the research. The books and articles were used as the guide of this study and the supplier of information for designing the materials. d. Designing initial research instruments 52 The researcher designed the research instruments needed to obtain the needs analysis data. The instruments were in form of interview checklist and questionnaire. The researcher conducted the interview to obtain information from the English teacher and spread the questionnaire to obtain the information from the students. e. Conducting observation In this step, the researcher observed all elements related to the study in SMA PL Van Lith Muntilan. By using the research instruments, the researcher obtained the needs analysis data required to explore the research. f. Analyzing needs analysis data After collecting the needs analysis data from the observation, the researcher attempted to analyze the data in order to create and to develop the learning activities. 2. Preliminary Product Developing In this step, the researcher started to create and to develop the design of the research based on the needs analysis data obtained. The design was developed from many references and sources available in the world of education. The design also included the goals, objectives, underlying concepts and implemented procedures of the design. 3. Preliminary Testing After developing the preliminary design, the researcher asked for some comments from the experts to evaluate the design. The experts chosen in this study 53 were a English teacher and two PBI lecturers. The comments from those experts were collected through the interview. 4. Product Revision In this step, the researcher analyzed the data collected from preliminary testing. Next, the researcher developed the design to be tested in real classroom implementation. 5. Main Field Testing In order to obtain feedback and to see the real application of the design, the researcher implemented one meeting of learning activities in the real classroom. The feedback from the students was collected using questionnaire. The feedback which was obtained from the students was generated to see how well the design facilitated their learning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54