The art of storytelling Elements of a good story

16 9. Final product revision This part compiled the revision of product as suggested by operational field- test results. 10. Dissemination and implementation Dissemination refers to the process of helping potential users to become aware of RD product. Implementation refers to the process of helping the adopter of RD product to use it in the way it is intended by the developers. This part includes: • Report on product at professional meetings and in journals • Work with publisher who assumes commercial distribution • Monitor distribution to provide quality control

3. Storytelling

a. The art of storytelling

Mallan 1991:5 says that storytelling is “defined most simply as using oral language in social context to relate something heard, read, witnessed, dreamt or experienced”. Firstly, we have to differentiate between storytelling and story reading. In storytelling, the interaction between teller and audience is livelier than story reading since the storyteller’s face, voice, body and personality help to convey meaning and mood. Whereas in story reading, both listeners and teller are focusing on the book and their eye contact are occasional. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 Storytelling gives more freedom to language and movement. The storytellers learn not only with the language of the story but also with its structures so that chances, adjustments and emphases can be made in response to audience’s reactions.

b. Elements of a good story

Mallan 1991: 24 summarizes the description of the elements of storytelling activity to develop the comprehension and the concept. When looking for a good story to tell, keep the following points in mind: 1 Quick beginning A quick beginning will get the audience’s attention easily. Try to avoid lengthy beginning. Audience love paying attention to a story that involves action. The beginning of the story is the most difficult part of the storytelling since the teller needs to make sure that the beginning is clear for the audience. 2 Straightforward action The action needs to be direct, flowing easily and simply from one event to the next. Avoid stories with too many subplots. 3 Definite climax The plot should have definite climax since this is something that listeners expect from the story. The plots need to be leading somewhere and built up to the climax. This climax can be heightened by the storyteller’s skill and the natural power of the story. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 4 Limited numbers of characters Look for stories where the number of the characters is limited to about three or four which is ideal for the beginners. A beginner storyteller should not try to use different voices for many characters, as this might be difficult to do until the story finished. Try to vary the strength and tone of the voice for different effects. 5 Repetitive pattern Stories which have repetitive pattern are easy to tell. Repetitive pattern gives emphasis to the events in the story as well as an opportunity for audience participation. The recurring phrases or events also act as aids for understanding and memory, for both teller and listeners. 6 Satisfying conclusion A satisfying conclusion is most appreciated by young listeners, who like to see justice; they do not like stories that leave the problem unsolved. In some stories, audience may need time to assimilate the ending. 7 Different version Look for different ways of telling the same story in order to find the version with which you feel most comfortable. Some traditional stories seem ordinary when they are read, but when we tell them orally they come alive. Moreover, the storyteller’s ability to interpret the story gives color and life to the story itself.

c. Checklist for story presentation