Purpose of the design


2. Purpose of the design

This part discusses the specific purposes and general goals of the design. The specific purposes here refer to motivation and the purpose of the students in joining the storytelling club and also the teacher’s objective in maintaining storytelling club activities. The general goals refer to the goal that facilitated all purposes, whether the purposes of the students and purposes of teacher. From the interview, the English teacher stated that the purpose of the storytelling club in SMA Van Lith Muntilan was to facilitate students’ creativity and to enhance their talents in storytelling skills as well as their English language skills. Through storytelling activities, they could express their creativity; practice the storytelling and their English language skills. From the questionnaires, the storytelling club members stated their motivation and purposes in joining storytelling club. Moreover, they stated their own expectation on the activities they liked to involve in. The researcher successfully collected the information by distributing questionnaires to the members of the storytelling club. This questionnaire became the beginning observation and survey to know the students’ purposes and their interest. The questionnaire employed open- questions in order to facilitate students’ creative opinion. There were 4 questions which were asking students about their purposes and expectations of the storytelling club and also about the favorite and the undesirable activities to implement in the storytelling club meetings. A summary on the data collected through this questionnaire related to storytelling members’ purposes and their expectation were displayed in table 4.2 59 Table 4.2 Learners’ purposes Purposes and expectation joining storytelling club Purposes in joining storytelling club • To improve English speaking skill • To increase confidence when talking in front of audiences • To enrich learning experiences through storytelling • To experience new learning atmosphere • To gain knowledge about stories and folktales from all over the world • To enrich English vocabulary • To make use of leisure time by doing useful activities • To have fun with English Expected result by joining storytelling club • Be able to speak fluently and confidently • Be able to speak accurately • Be able to speak in front of audiences • Be able to become more creative • Be able to become more expressive • Be able to enhance vocabulary mastery • Be able to understand speech All the data above were organized and put in order based on the frequency of appearance. There were eleven respondents filling out the questionnaire. Most often filled more than one answers for each questions. To organize the data, all answers PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60 from all respondents were listed and grouped in a table. The data which are listed down on top numbers smaller numbers were the data that often appeared from the questionnaire. On the other hand, when the data are listed down in bigger number, the data rarely appeared in the questionnaire. From the table 4.2, learners’ need can be identified. In general, the learners aimed to improve their English speaking skill. They wanted to be able to speak confidently in front of audiences. This aspect involved important aspects of speaking skill, such as: fluency and accuracy. It also involved some supporting components to achieve the main goals like the activities, the materials, and also the learning atmosphere. From the following paragraphs above, the learners’ and teacher’ purposes are clearly seen. To obtain the general purpose or goal, those purposes needed to combine from one to each other. Fortunately, there was no significant difference between teacher’ and learners’ purposes that might disable them to be put together. While the learners’ purpose emphasized on the speaking skill, the teacher’s purposes emphasized on the storytelling skill. Those skills were not discrete skills that stand alone. One of important criteria in storytelling skill is speaking skill. On the other hand, the storytelling practice might also help to enhance learners’ speaking skill. As the conclusion, the goal of the design could be identified. It was to design storytelling learning activities to enhance English speaking skill for high school students. 61

3. Subject Content