When all studen ts have fin ished perfo rm in g their seco n d perfo rm an ces , Share yo ur o bservatio n o n the studen ts’ perfo rm an ces. Give co m m en ts o n

6 . Mo ve aro un d the class an d o bs erve m ore the stude n ts’ pe rfo rm an ce. Check fo r d e ta ils th e a s p e cts o f th e ir s p e a kin g s kills . N o te it d o w n if yo u th in k it’s n e ce s s a ry.

7. When all studen ts have fin ished perfo rm in g their seco n d perfo rm an ces ,

d is trib u te th e s tu d e n t’s fe e d b a ck p a p e r. As k th e m to w rite d o w n th e ir co m m e n ts o n th e ir frie n d s ’ p e rfo rm a n ce s . Th e n , give it to th e ir frie n d s a s th e e va lu a tio n o n th e ir p e rfo rm a n ce s . POST – ACTIVITIES

1. Share yo ur o bservatio n o n the studen ts’ perfo rm an ces. Give co m m en ts o n

th e s tre n gth s a n d w e a kn e s s e s o f th e p e rfo rm a n ce s to e n co u ra ge th e m . Give a ls o s o m e s u gge s tio n s o th a t th e s tu d e n ts w ill b e a b le to p e rfo rm b e tte r in o th e r o p p o rtu n itie s . Th e n , give s o m e co rre ctio n o n th e ir p ro n u n cia tio n o n th e w o rd s fro m th e s to ry if th e re a re s o m e m is ta ke s in th e p ro n u n cia tio n . 2 . Ask the studen ts abo ut their co m m en ts o n the activities they have do n e . Ask th e m a ls o to e va lu a te th e le a rn in g p ro ce s s in ge n e ra l w h e th e r th e y fo u n d th e a ctivity is h e lp in g to in cre a s e th e ir co n fid e n ce o r n o t, e tc SONG DAISY Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer true. Im half-crazy All for the love of you. It wont be a stylish marriage. I cant afford a carriage. But youll look sweet upon the seat Of a bicycle built for two. GLOSSARY MEETING 5 Afford V : memberikan Carriage N : kereta kuda Dimple N : lesung pipi Freckle N : bintik- bintik coklat Pimpled N : bintik – bintik merah Slanted Adj : sipit Snub Adj : pendek tapi mancung Hooked Adj : hidung seperti kakak tua Kinky Adj : keriting Tan Adj : coklat Stout Adj : tegap V : Verb kata kerja N : Noun kata benda Adj : Adjective kata sifat Adv : Adverb kata keterangan HANDOUT Tell me about those people We can explain more about the characters inside the story by describing their physical appearance and their personalities. Please consult your dictionary if you find difficult vocabularies Appearance Face : oval, round, square, diamond : chubby, dimpled, freckled, pimpled : beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, ugly Eyes : big, slanted, droopy, sharp, wide, narrow : blue-black-grey-yellowish-brown eyes Nose : pointed, flat, big, pug, long, snub, hooked, crooked Lips : pout, thin, thick, full, sensual Hair : wavy, curly, kinky, straight, blonde, short, long, black, bald, bangs, braids, ponytail Facial hair : beard, moustache, whiskers, sideburns Complexion : fair, dark, brown, pale, yellowish, tan Height : short, fairly short, medium, pretty tall, tall Body : slim, well shaped,muscular, fat, stout, plumb You may add some others …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………..................................... Personalities Positive Negative Nice, good, kind Evil, wicked polite Impolite willful stubborn Cheerful, happy Gloomy, miserable Funny, humorous Ridiculous, silly Flexible, easy going, supple Stiff, strict Patient, tolerant Intolerant, impatient Open minded Narrow-minded Smart, clever, bright, intellectual Stupid, dull, brainless Honest, frank, truthful Liar, fraud, pretender, hypocrite You may add some others . Create a story about this person PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Create a story about this person PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Create a story about these people PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Create a story about this person PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Create a story about these people PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI STORY DRAFT Name : Class : EVALUATION Name : Class : No Evaluation Components Very poor Poor Good Excellent Speaking skills 1 Fluency 1 2 3 4 2 Accuracy 1 2 3 4 3 Clarity 1 2 3 4 4 Intonation 1 2 3 4 5 Volume 1 2 3 4 Expression 6 Mimic 1 2 3 4 7 Gesture 1 2 3 4 Content of the story 8 Creativity 1 2 3 4 9 Plot 1 2 3 4 10 Surprising event 1 2 3 4 TOTAL SCORE: EVALUATION Name : Class : No Evaluation Components Very poor Poor Good Excellent Speaking skills 1 Fluency 1 2 3 4 2 Accuracy 1 2 3 4 3 Clarity 1 2 3 4 4 Intonation 1 2 3 4 5 Volume 1 2 3 4 Expression 6 Mimic 1 2 3 4 7 Gesture 1 2 3 4 Content of the story 8 Creativity 1 2 3 4 9 Plot 1 2 3 4 10 Surprising event 1 2 3 4 TOTAL SCORE: Lesson Plan Meeting 6 Applying “time sequence” in storytelling “Once upon a Time…” Objectives: 1. Students are able to identify the “time sequence” used in stories. 2. Students are able to create a story with appropriate “time sequence”. Methods: Speaking practice, lecture, peer evaluation Instruments: Handouts, blank papers, evaluation sheet Learning Activities: No Activities Duration Energizer 1 Students are to sing a song titled “Mary had a little lamb” 8’ Main activities 1 Students are to listen to teacher’s explanation and to read handouts about the “time sequence” used in stories. 10’ 2 Students are to be divided into small groups consist of 3-4 members. 3’ 3 Students are to make a storytelling draft. The topic for the story is “My Funny Experience in the Past”. Each student must use hisher own experience. The duration for the story is 5-10 minutes to be perform. 10’ 4 Students are to practice their storytelling performance. 10’ 5 Students are to perform their stories in turn inside the small group in turn. 30’ 6 Students are to give comments and suggestion on their friends’ performances. 12’ Reflection 1 Students are to mention what they have learnt from today’s meeting and to share their feelings during the meeting. 7’ Enclosed Materials: Song, Students’ handouts, story draft, students’ evaluation sheet TEACHER’S MANUAL PREPARATION

1. Co py the en clo se d m aterials: the “Mary had a little lam b” so n g, studen ts’