Data Gathering Technique Research Procedures

45 hosts in order to gather data related to learners’ speaking ability, wants in teaching learning activity and obstacles in learning speaking. The purpose of the interview was to obtain data about the respondents’ opinion and feeling towards English course for them. In questioning, the writer used Indonesian in order to avoid misunderstanding between writer and the respondents.

D. Data Gathering Technique

In order to design appropriate English speaking instructional materials based on task-based learning, the writer conducted needs and evaluation survey. The needs survey was for needs analysis, while the evaluation survey was for evaluating the materials. These surveys were done by distributing questionnaires and conducting interview. Needs survey was conducted before designing the materials. The aim of this survey was to find out the needs of the target learners so that the designed materials would be relevant to the learners’ needs. For the needs survey, the writer gathered the data from the questionnaires and interview with the homestay hosts of Desa Wisata Kembang Arum. The evaluation survey was conducted after designing the materials. The aim of evaluation survey was to evaluate the materials. The designed materials were evaluated to develop relevant and suitable materials. Besides, the evaluation was also needed to ensure the validity. For this evaluation survey, the writer distributed material evaluation questionnaire to two English instructors of Apha English Course and one English teacher of SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46

E. Data Analysis Technique

After obtaining the data from the questionnaire and interview, the writer then analyzed the data taken from those instruments. There were two points to be discussed in the data analysis technique. The analyses were conducted to know the learners’ needs and evaluation on the design.

1. Needs Analysis

In order to know the learners’ needs on the design, the writer analyzed the result of the questionnaires and the interview that were conducted in the needs survey. The result of questionnaire from data analysis would be presented in form of table. The table would show the topics which were chosen by the respondents. The table is described as follows. No. Topic Percentage Table: 3.2. The Topics for the Materials Blank The result was obtained by dividing the number of the target learners who chose certain topic with the total number of the learners, then multiplied by 100. The data collected in the needs survey questionnaire would be calculated using percentage as follows. N × 100 ∑ n PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 Note: N = the total number of the learners who choose certain topic ∑ n = the total number of learners The writer calculated the data to find out the result. This data was the basic consideration in designing the materials. In order to gain the information, the writer also interpreted the result of the interview with the homestay hosts.

2. Evaluation on the Design

The data for the evaluation were divided into two categories. The first category was about the respondents’ opinions that were shown statically. The second category was the respondents’ comments and suggestions that were explained in sentences.

a. Descriptive Statistics of Respondents’ Opinion on the Designed Materials

In this study, the writer calculated the data from materials evaluation questionnaire using central tendency proposed by Brown and Roger, namely, “mean” Brown and Rodger, 2004: 128. The mean was to describe the average performance among a group of scores. The mean or average point was obtained by calculating the sum of the respondents’ answer ∑ x divided by the numbers of respondents N. The formula was: N x X ∑ = PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 Note: X : The average point ∑ x : The sum of respondents’ answer N : The number of the score The assessment of the respondents’ opinion of the designed materials used five points of agreement. They are described in the table below. Points of Agreements Score Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Uncertain 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 Table: 3.3. Point of Agreements The data presented in the form of the table were the respondents’ opinion, statements, and the mean. The form of the results of the materials evaluation questionnaire was presented in the following table. No. Respondents’ Opinions Statement N Central Tendency 1 2 3 4 5 Mn Table: 3.4. The Format of Descriptive Statistic of the Respondents’ Opinion Blank Note: N = Number to point out the amount of respondents Mn = Mean the indicator of central tendency of the set of the scores PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 The data from the evaluation would show whether the designed materials were acceptable or not. In order to know whether the designed materials were acceptable or not, the writer gave description to categorize the result. The maximum points were five. The designed materials were considered good and acceptable if the total central tendency was more than seventy-five percent from the maximum points. The materials designed were considered good but needed crucial revisions if the total tendency was fifty up to seventy-five percent. The materials designed were considered poorly designed if the total of central tendency was less than fifty percent.

b. Respondents’ Comments and Suggestions

The writer made all list of the respondent’s comments and suggestions. The data then analyzed in purpose to obtain evaluation from the participants on the designed materials. The data would become a basis to reconstruct the designed materials. Then the final version materials would be presented.

F. Research Procedures

This part discussed the procedures of how the study is conducted. This section consists of nine steps, namely: 1. Conducting library study. 2. Asking permission letter to Sanata Dharma University to conduct the research in Desa Wisata Kembang Arum. 3. Asking permission to the manager of the homestays of Desa Wisata Kembang Arum. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 4. Distributing the questionnaires and conducting interview with homestays hosts for the needs survey. 5. Reading and analyzing the result of the needs survey. 6. Developing a set of English speaking instructional materials using task- based learning for homestay hosts of Desa Wisata Kembang Arum. 7. Distributing questionnaires for evaluation survey to two English instructors of Alpha English Course and one English teacher of SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta in order to obtain feedback of the materials. 8. Reading and analyzing the result of the evaluation survey. 9. Revising the designed materials based on the results of the evaluation survey in order to present the final version of the design. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51


This chapter is divided into three main parts. The first part is the designing process of the English speaking instructional materials using task-based learning. The second part is the findings and discussion on the designed materials evaluation. The third part is the presentation of English speaking instructional materials using task-based learning for homestay hosts of Desa Wisata Kembang Arum.

A. The Designing Process of the English Speaking Instructional Materials

Using Task-Based Learning In designing a set of English speaking materials, the writer applied a model consisting seven steps: conducting needs survey, determining goals, topics, general purposes, specifying learning objectives, listing subject content, selecting learning activities and resources, conducting evaluation survey, and revising the designed materials.

1. Conducting Needs Survey

In order to find out the target learners’ needs, the writer conducted a survey study. The writer distributed questionnaires and did some informal interviews to the homestay hosts of Desa Wisata Kembang Arum. The description of needs survey respondents is presented as follows. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI