Varieties of Task Task-Based Learning

21 receive feedback on their level of success in completing the tasks Larsen- Freeman, 2000: 148. The focus of the feedback is on meaning. The aim of task-based learning is to provide learners with natural context for language learning Larsen-Freeman, 2000: 144. Willis 2003 adds that task- based learning gives opportunities for learners to experiment the target language. There are three essential conditions in task-based learning. They are exposure, use, and motivation Willis, 2003: 15. In order to meet the three learning conditions, the teachers need to create opportunities for the learners to use the target language freely in the classroom, and thus to provide a balance of exposure and use Willis, 2003:18. Willis 2003: 18 states that giving the learners appropriate tasks will encourage them to take part in classroom activities and help them to meet the third condition, motivation.

a. Varieties of Task

The task is used as label for various activities Willis, 2003: 23. In those activities, learners use the target language for communication purposes. It is necessary for teachers to be able to choose appropriate types task for the learners. By knowing the types of task in task-based learning, the teachers are expected to use the most appropriate tasks for the learners to help them learn the language. For beginner learners, the teachers should choose tasks that involve only one or two processes. There are six types of task proposed by Willis 2003: 26. 1 Listing Listing tasks tend to generate a lot of talk when the learners try to explain their idea. There are two processes which involved in listing tasks. The first is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22 brainstorming, in which they draw on their own knowledge and experience. The second is fact-finding, in which they find things out by asking each other and or other people and referring to other source, such as a book or internet. The outcome of this task would be completing list, or possibly a draft mind map. 2 Ordering and sorting These tasks involve four main processes: • Sequencing items, actions or events in a logical or chronological order. • Ranking items based on personal values or specified criteria. • Categorizing items in given group or grouping under the heading. • Classifying items in different ways, where the categories themselves are not given. 3 Comparing This task requires the learners to compare information from similar nature but from different sources in order to identify common points and or differences. The processes involved in comparing task are: • Matching to identify specific points and relate them to each other. • Finding similarities and things in common. • Finding differences. 4 Problem solving Problem solving tasks require learners’ intellectual and reasoning powers. The tasks are engaging and often satisfying to solve. The processes PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 23 and time scale depend on the type and complexity of the problem given. Real life problems demands the learners to express hypotheses, describe experiences, compare alternative and evaluate and agree a solution 5 Sharing personal experiences This kind of task will give much more opportunity for learners to talk freely about themselves and share their experience with other. The open tasks are more difficult get going in the class because the result of the interaction tends to be casual interaction, so it is not goal-oriented as in other tasks. 6 Creative tasks Creative tasks are also called as projects. Usually, they have more stages than other tasks and can involve combinations of task types, such as listing, ordering and sorting, comparing, and problem solving. Organizational skills and team work are crucial to do the tasks.

b. Components of Task-Based Learning