Background of the Study



In this chapter, the writer discusses seven parts. They are background of the study, problem identification, problem limitation, problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms.

A. Background of the Study

In this globalization era, English plays a crucial role in communication. This language is used not only for general communication but also for specific communication. Hutchinson and Waters 1994 say that since English is accepted as international language of technology and commerce, this language creates a new generation of learners who want to learn English specifically based on what they need of learning English. Therefore, more people realize that learning English is needed to develop themselves in their working field. English is important in many working fields, especially in tourism field. The tourism field demands more people to speak English. English is needed to communicate with foreign tourists. As a tourism city, Yogyakarta has many attractions and characteristics which invite many foreign tourists to visit. Yogyakarta is famous because of its culture and tradition. A tourism village is one of tourism objects in Yogyakarta which presents the culture and traditional life for the tourists. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 Desa Wisata Kembang Arum is one of tourism villages in Yogyakarta. This tourism village is built to enable the tourists to enjoy nature, culture, and traditional life. In this tourism village, the tourists have choices either to stay or just to visit it. If they want to stay for a several days, they can stay in a homestay. The homestay in Desa Wisata Kembang Arum is a villager’s house. The tourists will be served by hosts of the homestay. The homestay hosts serve not only domestic but also foreign guests. This situation demands the homestay hosts to speak English as international language to serve the foreign guests Their lack of speaking ability makes the foreign guests feel uncomfortable. Being able to speak English well will help the homestay hosts to create a good atmosphere in the homestay. Therefore, in order to give the best service, the homestay hosts need to be able to speak English to communicate with the foreign guests. In serving the foreign guests, speaking skill is important for the homestay hosts. In order to increase their speaking skill, they need to learn it. When learning speaking skill, learners need materials that facilitate them to improve their speaking ability effectively. Since the learners are expected to be able to communicate in a target language, they need to learn communicative English. Task-based learning is an approach that enables the learners to learn speaking skill in a real situation. Task-based learning provides the learners with a natural context for real language use Larsen-Freeman: 2000. This approach helps them to increase their speaking ability because it stimulates real communication in the target language. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 Considering the need of the homestay hosts of Desa Wisata Kembang Arum for speaking materials, the writer intends to design a set of English speaking instructional materials using task-based learning for the homestay hosts. It is expected that the designed materials are able to develop the speaking ability of the homestay hosts.

B. Problem Identification