Components of Task-Based Learning

23 and time scale depend on the type and complexity of the problem given. Real life problems demands the learners to express hypotheses, describe experiences, compare alternative and evaluate and agree a solution 5 Sharing personal experiences This kind of task will give much more opportunity for learners to talk freely about themselves and share their experience with other. The open tasks are more difficult get going in the class because the result of the interaction tends to be casual interaction, so it is not goal-oriented as in other tasks. 6 Creative tasks Creative tasks are also called as projects. Usually, they have more stages than other tasks and can involve combinations of task types, such as listing, ordering and sorting, comparing, and problem solving. Organizational skills and team work are crucial to do the tasks.

b. Components of Task-Based Learning

According to Willis 2003: 38, there are three phases of learning process in task-based learning. They are pre-task, task cycle, and language focus. 1 Pre-task In the pre-task phase, the learners are introduced to the topic and the task, activating topic related words and phrases. Here, the teacher helps the learners to understand task instruction. Generally, this phase is the shortest stage in the framework because it could end between two to twenty minutes. The time allocation depends on the learners’ familiarity of the topic. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 2 Task cycle Task cycle consists of three stages, namely: a Task stage This task stage allows the learners to do the task, in pairs or small groups. It gives a big opportunity for the learners to use whatever language to achieve the goals of the task. b Planning stage In the task cycle, the learners prepare to report to the whole class how they did the task, what they found during doing the task. It is a matter of how the teacher helps learners plan their report and optimize their learning opportunities. c Report stage The report stage means the natural conclusion of the task cycle. In this stage, teacher asks some groups to present their reports of the task to the class, orally or in writing. Then the teacher sums it up. The allocation time for each pair of group is twenty seconds up to two minutes. It depends on the level of the class. 3 Language focus The aim of language focus is to emphasize the specific language features from the texts or transcripts that have been used in the task cycle. In this phase, the learners focus their attention on forms of the language after they process the meaning. The combination of the tasks and text give a lot exposure to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 language and also opportunities to use the language. There are two steps in language focus. They are analysis activities and practice activities. The analysis activities aim to get the learners to identify and think about the features of language form and language use. It will help them to understand the words, phrases, and certain patterns. After they analyze the language, then they practice it. Practice activities are usually integrated with analysis activities. Practice activities are able to make the learners confidence to use the language. Figure: 2.4. Components of Task-Based Cycle Willis, 2003: 52

c. The Role of Teacher