The Classification of ESP Needs Analysis

15 ESP. In this part, the writer would like to discuss some theories, concerning the classification of ESP and needs analysis. By discussing those theories, the writer would like to give a view that English for homestay hosts of Desa Wisata Kembang Arum is a part of ESP.

a. The Classification of ESP

ESP is defined as an approach rather than a product to language learning Hutchinson and Waters, 1994: 16. Hutchinson and Waters 1994: 16 proposed two categorizations of ESP. The categorizations are based on the general nature of the learners’ purpose and learners’ specialism. The explanation of the two categorizations would be explained as follows. 1 On the learners’ specialism Based on the learners’ specialism, ESP is divided into three main categories. They are usually known as English for Science and Technology EST, English for Business and Economics EBE, and English for Social Sciences ESS. 2 On the Learners’ purpose Based on the learners’ purpose, Hutchinson and Waters 1994: 16 divide ESP into two main types. The first type is English for Academic Purpose EAP that is the purpose of learning English is for study. The examples of it are English for medical studies, English for economics, English for psychology, etc. The second type is English for Occupational Purposes EOP. The purpose of EOP is learning English is for work. English for technicians, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 English for secretaries, and English for hosts of homestay are examples of EOP. We can see the branches of English Language Teaching as follows. English Language Teaching ELT English as a Mother Tongue EMT English as a Foreign Language EFL English as a Second Language ESL General English GE English for Specific Purposes ESP English for Academic Purposes EAP English for Occupational Purposes EOP English for Hosts of the Homestay Figure: 2.3. The Branches of ELT Hutchinson and Waters, 1994: 17

b. Needs Analysis

Needs analysis is an important characteristic feature in ESP course. According to Hutchinson and Waters 1994: 53, what distinguishes ESP from general English is not the existence of a need such as but rather an awareness of the needs. They add that this awareness will influence on what will be accepted as reasonable content in the language course, and on the positive side, what potential can be exploited. It is clear that needs analysis is very important in differentiating ESP form general English. Hutchinson and Waters 1994 differentiate needs into two parts. They are target needs and learning needs. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 1 Target Needs Target needs refer to what the learners need to do in target situation in terms of necessities, lacks, and wants. a Necessities Necessities are determined by the demand of the target situation, that is, what the learners have to know in order to function effectively in the target situation. b Lacks It is necessary to recognize what the learners know already before designing the materials. Knowing what the learners know already can show the lacks of the learners. The gap between the target proficiency and the existing proficiency of the learners can be referred as the learners’ lacks. c Wants Wants refers to subjective images of needs on the basis of data relating to themselves and environment. It is necessary for course designer to know about the learners’ wants. To gather information about the target needs, the course designers may use many ways, such as questionnaire, interview, observation, data collection and others. In gathering the information, it is possible to use more than one method to gather the information. 2 Learning needs According to Hutchinson and Waters, learning needs are defined as what the learners need to do in order to learn. They use analogy of the ESP course as PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 a journey, lacks as the starting point, necessities as the destination, and wants also as the destination. To go from the starting point to the destination, we need vehicle. The learning needs are considered as the vehicle. Since this program deals with speaking skill which is needed in the homestay, the writer chooses a program based on specific needs of the learners, which is known as English for Specific Purpose ESP. Therefore, the writer designs the materials based on the homestay hosts’ needs. The purpose of the program is to improve learners’ speaking skill to be used to communicate with the guests when serving them.

3. Syllabus