The Nature of Speaking

28 provide a lot of opportunites for them to experiment with the language. Therefore, task-based learning is appropriate to be applied to the homestay hosts because they are expected to be able to communicate to the foreign guests after joining the course. In the design, the writer makes use of the task-based cycle suggested by Willis.

5. Speaking

Since this study concerns in designing speaking materials, it is important for the designer to know about the theory of speaking. Following the speaking theory, the designer would be able to develop appropriate speaking materials for homestay host of Desa Wisata Kembang Arum. In this section will discuss three parts, they are the nature of speaking, the process of speaking, and teaching speaking.

a. The Nature of Speaking

When people learn speaking skill, it is expected that they will be able to speak in the target language to communicate with others. Thus, speaking is a mean of communication. According to River 1968: 158, communication is any means in which one person bring about a change in knowledge or behavior of another person. In term of direction, speaking refers to productive skill in which the oral mode is used Orwig, 1999. In speaking activity, a part of reciprocal exchange involves not only production but also reception Widdowson, 1979: 5. It means PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 that when people communicate by speaking in which reciprocal exchange happens, they use both productive skill and receptive skill. Many people feel that learning speaking skill is harder than learning other skills Nunan: 1999. The reasons why they think so are first, speaking happens in real time: usually the person we are talking is waiting for you to speak right then. Second, when we speak, we cannot edit or revise what we want to say, as we can when we are writing. Furthermore, Brown and Yule as cited by Nunan 1989: 26 distinguish the characteristic between spoken and written language. Spoken language characterized by short, often fragmentary utterances, in range of pronunciation. Meanwhile, written language is characterized by well-form sentences which are integrated in to highly structured. In order to be able to speak in another language, people need to know to articulate sounds, adequate vocabulary, and to have mastery in syntax Nunan: 1999. Those are linguistic competence. Although linguistic competence is necessary, it is not enough for people who want to communicate competently in another language. Linguistic competence in a dynamic exchange must adjust itself to the total informational input of one or more interlocutors. To being dynamic, it is necessary for communicator to negotiate for meaning. In contrast, communicative competence includes not only linguistic competence but also sociolinguistic and conversational skills. Paulston and Bruder 1976: 56 say that communicative competence is the production of speakers’ ability to communicate in the target language. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30

b. The Process of Speaking