Psychomotor Assessment Process Authentic Assessment

number 104 Year 2014. 51 Therefore, over all, in the use of assessment instrument, those English teachers already did based on the rule. Relating to the scoring guideline, not all of teacher provided it. As resulted in observation of assessment, only English teacher C who provided the scoring guideline and also rubric. This condition showed that in the term of professionalism, English teacher C was more professional rather than English teacher A and B especially in administrative aspect. As also stated in the Law number 14 year 2005 about teacher and lecturer that teacher is professional educator whose duty is not merely teach but also full fill the administrative requirement such as designing lesson plan, designing the scoring guideline and etc. 52 In this case, it can be concluded that English teacher A and B were still less of professionalism.

4. The Challenges Faced During the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum

Related to the challenges faced by the teacher in implementing 2013 curriculum at SMPN 3 South Tangerang, the data was obtained from interview to three interviewees. Two interviewee were English teacher A and English B, and the last interviewee was the vice headmaster of curriculum. Here is the table of challenges which was taken from interview. Table 18. The table of challenges in 2013 curriculum implementation of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. Interviewee Challenges Solution from teacher Vice headmaster of curriculum - Instruction process in the beginning of 2013 curriculum implemented. - The computerization of assessment. - Inputting the score into students’ report. - How to change students’ paradigm from ancient to the recent paradigm. - - Young teacher assisted the senior teacher in processing the students’ score. - Junior teacher assisted the senior teacher in the 51 Ibid., p. 18-19 52 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 tahun 2005, Tentang Guru dan Dosen, p. 56 way to input students’ score. - It needs more time to do that, so the teachers have to be patient in doing this. English teacher A - The process and technique of assessment. English teacher B - The overloaded of students in class. - Process of assessment. - The effectiveness of instruction process. - The less of monitoring from curriculum department - The laziness of implementing 2013 curriculum. Here is the further description of challenges faced during the implementation of 2013 curriculum in SMPN 3 South Tangerang.

a. Vice Headmaster of Curriculum

Based on the table above, generally, vice headmaster mentioned four major challenges faced in implementing 2013 curriculum. The four challenges were instruction process in the beginning of 2013 curriculum implemented, the computerization of assessment, Inp utting the score into students’ report, and how to change students’ paradigm from ancient to the recent paradigm. This statement was taken from the interview process. First challenge was about the instruction process in the beginning of 2013 curriculum implementation. In this case, teachers of SMPN 3 South Tangerang faced the difficulty to implement instruction process based on what stated in 2013 curriculum. This challenge was probably normal to be faced considering that 2013 curriculum contained such huge changes from previous curriculum. This statement suited with the interview result as below. “Peneliti : ok, jadi selama ini ada nggak pak keluhan-keluhan dari guru secara umum gitu dalam perubahan kebijakan kurikulum ini pak? Guru : keluhan yang banyak ketika tahun pertama. Peneliti : itu khususnya dalam hal apa pak? Guru : pertama proses pembelajaran dalam kelas. Yang kedua proses, mungkin penilaian tidak masalah, yang menjadi masalah adalah komputerisasinya.” Wednesday, 18 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : Ok, so far, is there any complain from teachers in general related to the change of curriculum policy, sir? T : Many complains were found in first year. R : In what case sir exactly? T : In the first was instruction in class. The second was process, perhaps for assessment wasn’t problem. What become problem was the computerization.” Based on the interview above, vice headmaster argued that the assessment process wasn’t problem. It contradicted with most of teachers that implement 2013 curriculum, they claimed that assessment process was problem. However, vice headmaster saw that the computerization of assessment was the challenges for teachers. Fort unately, vice headmaster didn’t worry about this challenges, he claimed that junior teacher who had more knowledge of computer could assist the senior teacher to do assessment computerization. This statement based on the interview result as below. “Peneliti : oh komputerisasinya ya? Berarti pengolahan data nilai ya pak? Guru : iya pengolahan data nilai di komputer. Tapi sekarang sudah mulai, kan kita menangani, menanganinya ada yang komputerisasi dengan cara ada team. Jadi guru-guru yang senior yang kenalan komputernya sedikit, itu dibantu sama yang muda- muda. Untuk yang muda-muda sudah pada bisa dijadikan team jadi membantu. Sekarang, yang senior juga sudah mulai ada yang bisa jadi tahun ketiga ini masalahnya tidak terlalu banyak.” Wednesday, 18 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : So the computerization yes, it meant about score data analysis, didn’t it sir? T : Yes, it was about the score data analysis in computer. However, this time we already begun, we have solved, to solve this challenges using computerization in team. So that senior teachers who had limited computer knowledge were assisted by young teachers. For young teachers, they were able to be involved in team, so they could help. Recently, the senior teachers begin to be able to do computerization process, so for this third years of implementation of 2013 curriculum the challenges is not really much.” The third challenge was about the inputting students’ scores into report of students. This challenges happened considering that the format of students’ report and assessment different from previous. So that teachers had to adapt with the new format. Here is the interview transcript related to this challenges. “Peneliti : format rapotnya juga berbeda ya pak? Guru : beda, beda jauh beda jauh. Jadi kalo anak-anak yang dulu nilainya seperti apa di SD, nilainya sekarang ini beda bener. Nilainya nampak kaya seperti nilai mahasiswa, tadi ada penjelasan seperti ketika masih TK. Peneliti : oh gitu, ada penjelasan tentang sikapnya seperti itu ya pak ya? Guru : iya, bahwa anak pengetahuannya kurang begini-begini, keterampilannya kurang begini-begini itu ada. Peneliti : itu setiap item ya pak? Misalkan tentang keaktifan itu ada penjelasnnya tentang kerajinan ada penjelasannya seperti itu ya pak? Guru : pengetahuannya sendiri, keterampilannya sendiri ada. Masing- masing, makannya itu yang memberatkan awal tu itu. Ketika munculnya itu nanti kurikulum ini ini ini, itu yang pada pusing sebenernya distu. Kalo di kelas kan menyesuaikan sendiri kan lama- lama bisa ya.” Wednesday, 18 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : The format of students ’ report is different, isn’t it? T : Yes, it is totally different. So, for the score which students had in elementary school, it is different at all right now. The score is like college students’ score, and completed by further description like in kindergarten.

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