Scientific Approach Characteristic of ELT in 2013 Curriculum

through reading other resource of information excluding textbook, observing activity, event or specific object, obtaining information, analyzing the data, and presenting it through written, text, or picture based on basic competence characteristic. Example: Students try to introduce their selves in English, start with rehearsing the sentence, completing the missing conversation, until introducing their selves to their classmates.

4. Associating aims to construct the students thinking ability and scientific

action. The activity can be designed by teachers through specific manipulated situation, so that students perform the activity such as analyzing data, categorizing, making category, concluding, and predicting by using work paper, discussion or practice. Example: Students compare the model of introduction in Indonesian language and culture with English language and culture, and concluding the similarity and the difference.

5. Communicating is a means to expressing the conceptualization result in

oral, written, picture, diagram, chart, or manner. This activity purposely conducted to create students to be able to communicate knowledge, skill, and their implementation, and students’ creation through presentation, and report. 23 Example: Students communicate the discussion result which talks about the comparison of introduction model between Indonesian language and culture with English language and culture in English. Those activities should be implemented in teachers’ teaching and systematically written on their lesson plan. Scientific approach doesn’t only emphasize the result of instruction process, but also focus on the process of them. 23 Direktorat Pembinaan SMA-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah. op.cit. p. 5-6 Therefore, teachers have to p ay more attention in students’ learning process in every meeting in the class. In the context of ELT based on scientific approach, teachers have to create activities which help students to comprehend the content of the text, including the roles of people involved, the purposes of the text, the function of the text, and the type of situation. 24 Therefore, the context of ELT that focus on language skill, scientific approach requires students to produce text, after observing, questioning, and analyzing. It can be concluded that in 2013 curriculum text-based theory is still being adopted in language teaching especially ELT. The practice of this theory in ELT is developed based on children language acquisition in systematic functional model which shows how children learn language and produce the text. 25 This theory is relevant to the scientific approach considering the features and characteristic of text-based. Related to the method or the model of ELT based on scientific approach, at least there are three common model used, they are discovery based learning, project based learning, and problem based learning. 26 The brief further explanation about these models is below.

1. Discovery Based Learning.

Discovery based learning is the theory of learning that locate the students as an active student in constructing the expected knowledge. The common steps in implementing this model are: a. Creating stimulus. b. Preparing problem statement. c. Collecting the data experiencing. 24 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan: Badan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan, Konsep Pendekatan Ilmiah Dalam Pembelajran Bahasa Inggris, p. 11 25 Atmazaki, Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia: Pola Pikir, Pendekatan Ilmiah, Teks Genre, dan Penilaian Otentik, Proceeding of the International Seminar on Languages and Arts, ISLA-2, 2013, p. 19 26 Direktorat Pembinaan SMA-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah. op.cit. p. 9 d. Analyzing the data. e. Verifying the data. f. Drawing the conclusion.

2. Project Based learning.

This model of learning is kind of learning method that take the problem as the first step in gathering and integrating new knowledge based on empirical experience in doing real activities. Here are the steps in this method implementation: a. Deciding basic question. b. Designing project plan. c. Arranging the schedule. d. Monitoring the activity and project progress. e. Examining the result. f. Evaluating the activities experiences.

3. Problem Based Learning.

This method is almost the same as the previous method. The similarity that both of the methods use problem as basic instruction, while the difference that in this method isn’t provided by producing the project which is the result of problem solving. Here are the steps of the problem based learning: a. Conditioning students into problem. b. Organizing instruction activity. c. Guiding individual and group investigation. d. Developing and presenting work result. e. Analyzing and evaluating the process of problem solving. The choosing of these learning model as the implementation of scientific approach requires deep analysis based on the characteristic of competence and instruction activity in syllabus. Hence, teachers have to completely understand

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