Teaching Plan The English Teachers’ Perspectives on the Implementation of 2013

kan, kemudian indikatornya udah jelas per bab kan udah ada, paling kita tinggal rppnya doang, rppnya juga udah ada garis besarnya. Peneliti : oh jadi dari pembentukan dan perumusan rpp itu ibu ngambil dari permendikbud atau gimana? Guru : dari silabus aja langsung, kan udah ada tuh misalnya kan kd 1 masukin tuh di semester 1 ada berapa kd misalnya kita sepakat nih guru kelas 1 ada tiga kd masukin kompetensi dasarnya tiga kd misalnya. Untuk kognitif misalnya ambil tiga aja, kemudian untuk keterampilan ambil tiga aja misalnya, untuk afektifnya tiga juga misalnya. Kan gitu. ” Tuesday, 10 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : Ok, if relates to the syllabus and lesson plan, I design by your own self or not? T : The syllabus and lesson plan are available, already decided, syllabus has been provided we just look at it, because 2013 curriculum system runs like that. The main competence is clear, and also the basic competence, then the indicators are also clear in each chapter, we just design the lesson plan as the rest, even the lesson has the general big outline. R : Oh, so how to formulate and design the lesson plan, you took from government, didn’t you? T : Directly from the syllabus, because it is available. For instance that KD 1 put into first semester and how many KDs, for example we are the teacher of first grade agreed that there are three KDs and basic competence is input by three KDs. For the cognitive we took three KDs, and for psychomotor we also took three, and for affective we also took three KDs for examples.” From the interview result, it can be argued that teacher A designed the lesson plan based on the syllabus and material in the textbook. As addition, actually the design of lesson plan is not merely based on syllabus and KI KD, but it should be based on teaching material, instruction process, instruction assessment, time allocation, and instruction resource. 3 However, in fact, the lesson plan document of English teacher A was different from the characteristic of 2013 curriculum lesson plan which was stated in appendix of the Ministry of 3 Ibid., p. 9 National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014. 4 The most crucial aspect that is KI and KD which are as 2013 curriculum lesson plan characteristic wasn’t stated in teacher’s A lesson plan. Yet, this aspect was in the form of Standard competence and Basic competence which was as the KTSP curriculum characteristic. Here is the table of lesson plan analysis of English teacher A. Table 15. The table of lesson plan analysis of English teacher A of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. No Lesson plan component Explanation 1 School identity The identity of school was written in form of educational institution that was SMPN 3 South Tangerang 2 Subject Teacher wrote English as a subject of teaching. 3 ClassSemester This lesson plan was designed purposely for seventh class second semester. 4 Theme “Shopping” was chosen as the theme of learning. 5 Aspectskill Reading was the skill to be developed in this theme. 6 Time allocation The time allocation was 2x40 minutes for each meeting. 7 Type of text Descriptive text was the kind of text focused on. 8 Academic year 20122013 was the year of learning and teaching activity. 9 Standard competence The formulation of standard competence in this lesson plan was actually based on previous curriculum that was KTSP. Because in 2013 curriculum, standard competence is substituted by core competence and basic competence which is conteted in syllabus and formulated into lesson plan based on the topic or theme chosen. 10 Basic competence Reading skill is the basic competence developed in this lesson plan. This competence also actually still belonged to KTSP curriculum. In 2013 curriculum, this competence was changed into more detail. 11 Indicator Because the KI and KD did not exist in this 4 Ibid., p. 8-9 lesson plan, the indicator developed based on the teacher’s perception on teaching and subject. 12 Learning objective In general, the objective of learning was developed based on indicator. Only the use of narration is different. 13 Material of instruction The material used in this lesson plan was chosen from the descriptive text which talked about Distro store. Researcher did not recognize where the material taken. 14 Methodtechnique In this lesson plan teacher used the three phase- technique. 15 Activities Steps of teaching Unlike with the step of teaching in 2013 curriculum, this lesson plan consisted of three main activities that were opening, main activity, and closing. Opening Opening section contained the activities which were done by teacher and students such as greeting, asking students’ condition, checking the students’ presence, motivating students, and explaining the topic which will be taught. Main activity in 2013 curriculum, main activity consists of five principle activities that belong to scientific approach. However, in this lesson plan the main activity consisted of explaining the material, and involving the students in the activity of instruction without stating the specific step. Closing In closing activity, teacher concluding what had been learned, asking the difficulties faced by students during learning, and asking students to find another descriptive text. 16 Learning resource The learning and teaching resource was taken from text book “ “Effective English 1 B for grade VII of Junior High Schools Second half- year”, remain curriculum, and script of descriptive text, and pictures. 17 Assessment Technique The technique used in this lesson plan was oral and written test. Form The question of oral and written. Instrument Contained list of question related to the descriptive text above. Assessment guidance It talked about the guidance of scoring. Assessment rubric It was about the standard of assessment which was also provided by score of each item assessed. Based on this fact, it is shown that English teacher A didn’t do what she said in the interview session. Therefore, there was a mismatch between the interview result and the practice especially in the design of lesson plan. This mismatch could be caused by the teacher’s laziness in designing the lesson plan as stated in teacher B interview above. So the teacher A probably only copied the lesson plan. In the other hand, the design of English teacher’s C lesson plan was much closer to what stated in government lesson plan. In this case, researcher wasn’t able to get interview data because English teacher C was reluctant to do for her private reason. Fortunately, as stated above that English teacher C designed the lesson plan. Here is the table of lesson plan analysis of English teacher C. Table 16. The table of lesson plan analysis of English teacher C of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. No Lesson plan Component Explanation 1 School identity The school identity was written SMP N 3 of South Tangerang. 2 ClassSemester Seventh class for second semester. 3 Subject English was the subject of this lesson plan. 4 Main material The main material which taught was description text. 5 Time allocation Each meeting spent 2 x 40 minutes. 5 Core competence The core competence was written completely from K1, K2, K3, and K3. 6 Basic competence Basic competence was written together with the indicator of instruction. KD 1.1 and KD 2.1 were also written together with the indicators. KD 3.1 and KD 4.9 were chosen to be write and it was suitable with the main material of this lesson plan that was descriptive text. 7 Instruction material For the material of the lesson, teacher C took the social aspect of the text, text structure, language feature and also the topic of the text. 8 Instruction method Scientific approach was chosen. 9 Instruction activity Opening In the opening, the teacher started with greeting, asking students’ condition, asking students’ presence, reciting basmallah, and warming up by sing a song. Main activity In main activity, five activities that were observing, questioning, gathering information, associating, and communicating as the feature of scientific approach were used. Closing In closing, teacher and students did the reflection, concluded the material learned, and giving the tasks to students as homework for next meeting. 10 ResourceTeaching media Teacher used textbook “When English rings the bell ” and the media used was pictures and slides show. 11 Assessment The technique used in assessing students’ achievement were writing and oral. Students were asked to write body part and the function of the human, animal, and thing’s body. The last was that student asked to mention the human, animal, and things body. Based on the table above, the component of lesson plan which was written by English teacher C were school identity, classsemester, subject, main material, time allocation, core competence, basic competence, instruction material, modelinstruction method, instruction activity, resourceinstruction media, and assessment. Related to design of lesson plan which English teacher C created, it was obtained that the design suited to the example in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014. All of lesson plan components were included orderly. The major elements such as school identity, lesson subject, lesson material, core competence, basic competence, indicator of learning, teaching material, teaching method, detail instruction activity, material resource, teaching media, and completed by assessment technique. Based on the lesson plan designed, it could be assumed that teacher C designed the lesson plan based on the rule. It means that English teacher C understands how to design the lesson plan in 2013 curriculum and implemented it into the design of real lesson plan. Based on the analysis to English teacher’s C lesson plan, teacher C had described the instruction process in scientific approach. In describing the scientific approach, teacher C described five major steps and completed by clear activity for each step. Majorly, teacher C developed the scientific approach based on the text book. Actually, the rule stated that the design of teaching material and also the description of teaching activity are developed based on th e students’ condition and the environment. 5 Therefore, in this case, English teacher C was still less on designing authentic teaching material and also the instruction activity for the real learning of students contextually. 5 Ibid., p. 9 Still for English teacher C, from the design of lesson plan especially in main activity, it can be seen that she described the five steps of scientific approach orderly. She started to do observing process, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. Not only the order of those five steps above, she also completed those steps by exact activities. So in the closing activity, she described what exactly done in this session. According to the Law Number 14 year 2005 stated that assessment process towards learning result conducted by teachers is kind of teacher’s professional duty. 6 So that teachers have to assess students’ learning. For this case, as stated in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014 that the design of instruction assessment by determining the range, technique, assessment instrument, and scoring guideline. 7 Based on the lesson plan analysis, English teacher A only provided the instrument of assessment by attaching the list of question in her lesson plan. Different from her, English teacher C provided her lesson plan by attaching assessment technique, scoring guideline, and also rubric of scoring. However, the instrument of assessment wasn’t attached in her lesson plan. In lesson plan aspect, it was obtained different facts from three seventh class English teachers. As described above that the implementation of 2013 curriculum especially in lesson plan aspect didn’t run well because still found the mismatch in this aspect. It was quiet ironic considering that this school was chosen as the model of 2013 implementation from the beginning of 2013 curriculum officially implemented by the minister as what vice headmaster said below. “Peneliti : terkait dengan kebijakan kurikulum di sekolah ini, sudah berapa lama atau sejak kapan sekolah ini menerapkan kurikulum 2013 pak? Guru : ini tahun yang ketiga. 6 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 104 Tahun 2014: Penilaian Hasil Belajar oleh Pendidik pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah, p. 2 7 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014. loc. cit. Peneliti : tahun yang ke tiga? Guru : iya, jadi berjalan di tahun ketiga jadi sudah dua tahun lebih ya, hampir dua setengah tahun. Peneliti : alasan apa yang membuat sekolah ini menerapkan kurikulum tersebut pak? Guru : pertama ditunjuk, alsan utamanya itu.” Wednesday, 18 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : Related to the curriculum policy in this school, how long this school has implemented 2013 curriculum? T : It is the third year. R : The third year sir? T : Yes, so it has already implemented in the third year so it is more than two years, almost two and half years. R : What was the reason that this school implement this curriculum sir? T : The first was because we were ordered, that was the main reason.” In the other hand, actually those teachers were already partaken to several 2013 curriculum training and also workshop related to its characteristic and implementation. Hence, logically, those teachers must be more professional and prepared to implement 2013 curriculum especially in lesson plan design which is as the basic component before starting the instruction.

2. Instruction Process

a. Teaching Method

In this session the finding and discussion was about the instruction process which contained the teaching and learning process of seventh class English teachers in SMPN 3 South Tangerang. The instruction process covers three main activities that are opening session, main activity, and the last is closing session. Those activities were actually seen based on the characteristic of 2013 curriculum which employs scientific approach as the model of teaching process. Based on what stated in the Law of Ministry of National Education and Culture Number 103 year 2014 the instruction process should be conducted based on lesson plan. 8 In this case, so that according to this law, actually all of teacher should design the lesson plan before giving instruction in their class. However, from the observation data was obtained that English teacher A taught the class without using the lesson plan. It is proven by her lesson plan which didn’t suit to the 2013 curriculum, whereas the syllabus and material based on 2013 curriculum. This condition als o happened in English teacher’s C instruction considering that English teacher C didn’t design the lesson plan in written form. For the instruction of English teacher C, unfortunately researcher wasn’t able to observe because the instruction process wasn’t available anymore at that time. From that fact, it was assumed that two English teachers didn’t run the procedure in teaching as ruled in the ministry law at least from administrative aspect. Related to the method of teaching, it was obtained that English teacher A used team assisted method. According to her, this method was supposedly to be employed because it suits to the characteristic of 2013 curriculum itself. This argumentation was stated in her statement as below. Peneliti : kalo terkait dengan metode mengajarnya gitu bu, apakah membentuk kelompok atau persentasi itu ada ga bu? Guru : ya harus, kalo sekarang di kurikulum 2013 anak itu lebih banyak kerjasama dengan temannya, ada kan kalo di bahasa inggris team assissted individually ya, nah itu dipa kai, bagus.” Tuesday, 10 th November 2015. Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : If related to the method of teaching, do you create group or group presentation? T : It is a must, because in 2013 curriculum students are more cooperated with their friends. We know that there is team assisted individually, so that is used, it is good.” According to English teacher C, the most significant different in 2013 curriculum especially in teaching process that was more focus on students. So the activity of teaching and learning process employed students center as the 8 Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 104 Tahun 2014 op. cit., p. 3 instruction paradigm. This statement was proven by the result of interview as below. “Peneliti : kalo dalam apanya, dalam pengajaran sendiri itu, dalam metode pembelajarannya dalam bahasa inggris itu pak, yang berbeda itu apanya pak? Guru : yang berbeda, alhamdulillah siswa lebih banyak bekerja daripada yang dulu. Jadi anak lebih banyak bekerja, lebih banyak aktif. Mulai dari bertanya, mulai dari mengerjakan latihan, menciptakan sebuah karya. Karya itu macam-macam, mulai dari membuat surat membuat deskripsi, menyampaikan dialog, persentasi, terus membuat sebuah karaya kaya tulisan notice, ya seperti itu. Jadi di dalam K-13 siswa diajak untuk berkreatif juga, ke sana larinya. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : Related to the teaching itself, in method of teaching especially in English, what is the different? T : “The different, thanks god that students are more active in work than before. So that students more work and active. Started from questioning, doing the exercise, and creating a creation. The creation could be varied, like writing a letter, writing description text, performing dialogue, doing presentation, and creating notice written creation, like that. So that in 2013 curriculum, students are stimulated to be creative, that is the purpose.” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 For the English teacher C, it was obtained that she used scientific approach as the method and approach in her teaching. This fact was stated in her lesson plan. So that those three seventh class English teachers had different way in their teaching. From those ways, it can be assumed that English teacher A employed team assisted teaching, English teacher B employed student center, and English teacher C employed scientific approach as the method of teaching. Actually their perception suited to the characteristic of 2013 curriculum in the teaching aspect. According to Silvia that the model of cooperative learning is the model which can comply the instruction process in 2013 curriculum. 9 In this case, team assisted individualization is also one of cooperative learning model. 10 So that what English teacher A stated was suitable with the teaching and learning model in 2013 curriculum. Student centered was also one of teaching and learning belief in 2013 curriculum. According to what Winarni stated that in 2013 curriculum, teachers have to change their mind-set from teacher centered into student centered. 11 Then Scientific approach is undoubtedly as the characteristic of 2013 curriculum in teaching and learning process as stated in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014. 12 However, from those ideas, team assisted individualization was the most appropriate as the methodology or model of teaching and learning process. Whether scientific approach and student centered are different concept. In this case, Anthony in Richards and Rodgers interpreted the approach, method, and technique that they were different each other. 13 So what English teacher B and C believed in teaching method was actually mismatch to what Anthony said.

b. Media of Teaching

The next session was about the use media or equipment in instruction process to assist teacher and student in teaching and learning. Here is the students’ questionnaire result about the use of media in teaching and learning process. 9 Silvia Eka Nuril Laili Agustina, Supriyono. 2014. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD Student Teams Achievement Divisions yang Berorientasi pada Kurikulum 2013 untuk Materi Gerak Melingkar Beraturan di Kelas X SMA Negeri 3 Tuban. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika JIPF. Vol. 03. No. 02, p. 74-75 10 Ghora Vira Amarendra and Subuh Isnur Haryudo. 2015. Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif TAI Team Assisted Individualization dengan Startegi Elaborasi. Jurnal Pendidikan Tekno Elektro. Vol. 04. No. 03, p. 1077 11 Sri Winarni. 2014. Peranan Cooperative Learning dalam Pembelajaran Matematika pada Kurikulum 2013. Edumatica. Vol. 04. No. 01. p. 17 12 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014, op. cit., p. 3 13 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 19

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