Teaching Method Instruction Process

According to Silvia that the model of cooperative learning is the model which can comply the instruction process in 2013 curriculum. 9 In this case, team assisted individualization is also one of cooperative learning model. 10 So that what English teacher A stated was suitable with the teaching and learning model in 2013 curriculum. Student centered was also one of teaching and learning belief in 2013 curriculum. According to what Winarni stated that in 2013 curriculum, teachers have to change their mind-set from teacher centered into student centered. 11 Then Scientific approach is undoubtedly as the characteristic of 2013 curriculum in teaching and learning process as stated in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014. 12 However, from those ideas, team assisted individualization was the most appropriate as the methodology or model of teaching and learning process. Whether scientific approach and student centered are different concept. In this case, Anthony in Richards and Rodgers interpreted the approach, method, and technique that they were different each other. 13 So what English teacher B and C believed in teaching method was actually mismatch to what Anthony said.

b. Media of Teaching

The next session was about the use media or equipment in instruction process to assist teacher and student in teaching and learning. Here is the students’ questionnaire result about the use of media in teaching and learning process. 9 Silvia Eka Nuril Laili Agustina, Supriyono. 2014. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD Student Teams Achievement Divisions yang Berorientasi pada Kurikulum 2013 untuk Materi Gerak Melingkar Beraturan di Kelas X SMA Negeri 3 Tuban. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika JIPF. Vol. 03. No. 02, p. 74-75 10 Ghora Vira Amarendra and Subuh Isnur Haryudo. 2015. Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif TAI Team Assisted Individualization dengan Startegi Elaborasi. Jurnal Pendidikan Tekno Elektro. Vol. 04. No. 03, p. 1077 11 Sri Winarni. 2014. Peranan Cooperative Learning dalam Pembelajaran Matematika pada Kurikulum 2013. Edumatica. Vol. 04. No. 01. p. 17 12 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014, op. cit., p. 3 13 Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 19 Table 17. The table of students’ questionnaire result at seventh class of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. No Teacher Number of Participant Yes No 1 English teacher A 39 11 28 2 English teacher B 39 24 15 3 English teacher C 20 13 7 From the table above, it said that English teacher A rarely used media considering students’ response on the questionnaire. However, different result was obtained from interview result that English teacher A often used media such as laptop, in-focus, sound etc. This statement came from the interview result as below. “Guru : mungkin menggunakan media pembelajaran lebih banyak, jadi kita menggunakan kaya audio visual kaya gitu, jadi udah biasa kali bawa laptop bawa infocus ke kelas kaya gitu, kebetulan kan di sekolah disediakan dan kelas reguler juga boleh pake, jadi mungkin ya untuk unit-unit tertentu atau bab-bab tertentu kita bisa menggunakan infocus. Tuesday, 10 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher T : Perhaps we use more teaching media, so we use audio visual media. We get usual to bring laptop, in-focus to class, because school provides it and regular class is also allowed to use it. So for some specific units and chapters we can use in-focus. So did English teacher B, he said that the used of media and equipment was like habitual activity. Here is his statement in interview result related to the use of media and equipment. “Peneliti : kalo media atau sarana pembelajaran biasanya pake apa pak? Guru : kalo itu kita bikin sendiri, kalo bahasa inggris jarang ada. Peneliti : jarang ada ya? Guru : iya. Peneliti : penggunaan seperti proyektor, lcd itu pasti ya? Guru : ah itu mah pasti, pasti ada itu, sudah pasti ada itu. Peneliti : kalo alat-alat misalkan alat peraga seperti itu atau apa itu? Guru : alat peraga, kita belum punya, paling tengkorak doang yang badan-badan itu, itu juga ga masuk ke pelajaran juga si. Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : If related to media and facility in teaching, what do you usually use? T : We made by ourselves, because in English the media is still scarce. R : Is it rarely found? T : yes. R : How about in-focus use, is it a must? T : Of course, it is available. R : If the equipment such as model tool, is it available? T : We don’t have it yet, perhaps it is like a skull which consists of part of body, but it doesn’t include in material actually. For English teacher C, as stated in her lesson plan, she also used media in her instruction process. She used pictures and slide show in presenting her material as well. As explained above that the interview session for English teacher C wasn’t available. Hence, the triangulation data only came from students’ questionnaire data and lesson plan observation. Different result was obtained from teaching and learning process of English teacher A. As observed, in the practice of teaching, she didn’t use the media like what she stated in interview result. This result was actually supported by students’ questionnaire result above that students claimed that English teacher A usually doesn’t use media in major. However, English teacher C was better, he used the media which was in form of miniature. This media was used for explaining the material of teaching. From this fact, it can be said that what English teacher A did didn’t match with her statement and also didn’t suit to what stated in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014. It states that teachers have to utilize the information and communication technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of instruction process. 14

c. Teaching Process

1 Opening The next step was opening session. Based on the observational of instruction process, both English teacher A and B already employed three steps that are opening, main activity, and closing. This process suited to the implementation of instruction process in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014. 15 Based on this rule, there are five activities which at least can be done in opening session. As resulted in the finding see appendix that English teacher A didn’t perform those five activities in complete such as presenting the competence which will be achieved and the benefit in daily life. Actually, this activity is important for the beneficial of learning objective to the real life which is stated in the same law. 16 This activity actually as the point that bridge what learned in class and the benefit it the real life. For some activities, teacher A attempted to perform them in her way. As the result, discussion of connecting the previous competence with current competence wasn’t placed in the opening session, however, it was presented in closing session. This fact perhaps based on her statement in interview result as below. “Guru : Itu mempraktikkannya di kelas itu lah kadang-kadang kita sudah ngga terperinci lagi, tapi ide pokoknya tu tetap aja membuat anak tuh kita harus mengaitkan dulu pelajaran yang kita ajarkan itu, nah kaitkan dulu dengan kemarin yang pernah disampein, materi pembelajaran. Jadi anak itu masih ada keterhubungan, yang penting kan keterhubungan kesinambungan. Di K 13 kan gitu. ” Tuesday, 10 th November 2015 Translation, T: Teacher 14 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014, op. cit., p. 4 15 Ibid., p. 10 16 Ibid., p. 2

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