Previous Related Studies THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

C. Research Methodology

The research methodology employed in this study was qualitative approach, it was chosen because it concerned with subjective assessment of attitudes, opinion and behaviour 1 that occurred in natural condition which is explained through detail description of specific situation using interviews, observations, and document reviews. Despite of how the data collected, the data presentation also adopted qualitative approach which was presented whether in narrative or descriptive text. 2 Therefore, the further research approach was based on qualitative approach design. Along with qualitative approach used, Case Study Research was selected because the question of the research led to this kind of research that uses “how” as the main question mark. 3 This research also described a case study because the research was conducted on specific situation in one institution that is school which was presented through depth-data collection involving multiple sources of information observations, interviews, audio-visual materials, documents, and reports in rich context in specific time. 4 According to J.W Creswell, in a case study, the specific case should be examined 5 , and in this research the implementation of 2013 curriculum in ELT is the case that was examined and the seven class of junior high school is the field of study where the case takes a place. Hence, this research was referred as single case study because the case was only one case. In order to be more focus on the design of case study research, researcher relied on the guideline book that written by Dawson R. Hancock and Bob Algozzine under the title Doing Case Study Research a Practical Guide for 1 C R. Kothari, Research Methodology Method and Technique, New Delhi: New Age International, 2004, p. 5 2 J.W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches Third Edition. London: Sage, 2009, p. 179 3 Robert K. Yin, Case Study Research Design and Method, Fourth Edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2009, p. 22 4 Patricia A. Duff, Case Study Research in Applied Linguistic. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008, p. 21 5 J.W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1998, p. 38. Beginning Researchers. This book contains clear and easy instruction for doing case study research in general. Here is the procedure of conducting this research in SMPN 3 South Tangerang: 1. Asking for permission to the headmaster of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. 2. Conducting observation to the school in general. 3. Conducting the interview to English teachers, some students, and the head of curriculum. 4. Giving the questionnaire to seven class students of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. 5. Conducting the observation to seventh class English teachers, facility inside the class, seventh class students, and documents. 6. Calculating the percentage from the data of questionnaire. 7. Making the transcript of interview. 8. Generalizing the data of interview. 9. Making conclusion.

D. Research Subject

Research subject is the informant or the people whom will be explored to provide the information or data related to the research. Related to the design of study that referred to case study research and based on qualitative approach, actually the term of sampling was not used because the members of the universe to be sampled are not known a priori. 6 Same as sampling term, population was also not used in qualitative research, however it used social situation that involved actor, places, and activity. 7 However, researcher already decided the research subject based on the research need. The research subjects in this research were teachers, headmaster and the head of curriculum. Researcher specified English teachers in seventh class of 6 Mark R. Luborsky and Robert L. Rubinstein, Sampling in Qualitative Research: Rationale, Issues, and Methods, NIH Public Access, 1995, p. 10 7 Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi. Jakarta: UIN Syarif, 2014, p. 63 SMPN 3 South Tangerang. The head of curriculum was the one who takes responsibility towards curriculum design in that school and headmaster of the school as the man in charge who has the policy in the school. However, the three seventh class English teachers were the main subject to be studied in order to be more focus on this research objective that to analyze and observe to their perspectives in 2013 curriculum implementation in English language teaching. The perspective included the process of designing lesson plan, instruction process, assessment process and overcoming the challenges of 2013 curriculum implementation in ELT.

E. Data Collection

Regarding to the steps of collecting data, researcher needed the instrument to assist collecting data process. An instrument is a tool for measuring, observing, or documenting in one research whether in quantitative or qualitative research. 8 In determining the data collection procedure, researcher used qualitative of collecting data. Observation, interview, and documentation belong to qualitative approach, whether questionnaire actually commonly used quantitative approach, but it will be analyzed in qualitative perspective as the supporting instrument of collecting data. In qualitative research, researcher needed protocol which will guide the process of collecting data. The protocol is a form designed and used by qualitative researchers to record information during observations and interviews. 9 In this research there were four data collection methods, therefore, the protocol also covered documentation and questionnaire. Hence, those instruments or protocols which used in this research were observation protocol, interview protocol, documentation protocol, and questionnaire protocol. Here are the instruments and protocols used in this research. 8 John W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Ed. 4 th Boston: Pearson Education, 2008, p. 151 9 Ibid., p. 225

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