Vice Headmaster of Curriculum

R : So that, it has the description such as in affective aspect, doesn’t it? T : Yes, indeed, that students’ cognitive still less of something, their psychomotor still less of something. R : Is that for every item sir? For the example about the activeness, it has the explanation about the diligence, does it have the explanation sir? T : For the cognitive has an own explanation, so does for psychomotor. Therefore, it was the challenges in the first time. After its appearance, there will be another curriculum, that what made the teachers confuse. If for the process in the class, the teacher will be accustomed to do it time by time.” From the result of interview above, it could be seen that in the beginning of 2013 curriculum implementation, most of teachers were difficult to deal with the new format of students’ report. As aforementioned, the format of students’ report in 2013 curriculum is more complex than before. The teacher who had accustomed with previous model would face this challenges as well. However, vice headmaster said that times by times, teachers were able to fix this problem. The last challenge which vice headmaster stated was about how to change students’ paradigm from ancient to the recent paradigm. According to him, this challenges was the most difficult to be faced in 2013 curriculum. This statement was based on the interview result as below. “Guru : yang saya anggap lebih berat sebenarnya di kelas kalo saya pribadi. Mrubah kita dan anak-anak dari cara berpikir lama ke baru itu yang lebih berat. Tapi yang ditanggapi sebagian guru itu malah yang berat yang di rapotnya itu.” Wednesday, 18 th November 2015 Translation, T: Teacher “T : In my own opinion, the more difficult challenge was to change students and teachers form old paradigm into the new paradigm, that was more difficult. However, what some teachers took as the most difficult was about the students’ report.” From the interview above also stated that not only students, but also teachers who faced the difficulty in changing the paradigm. Why it was difficult because to change the paradigm wasn’t easy. It needs time and long process to do. In this case, teachers as the spearhead of curriculum implementation have to change their paradigm before asking students to do so. Moreover, for the old teachers who had already been accustomed with their method, it would be more difficult to do rather than the young teacher even the old teacher had already been told in curriculum training or workshop. For this case, not only year to do, but it need years to do. This statement was based on what stated in interview result as below. “Guru : Yang di kelas menurut saya. Haa di kelas ini yang butuh lama, mungkin tiga empat tahun selesai itu yang ini, yang urusan rapotnya. Tapi kalo nanti di kelas itu bisa jadi ada guru itu yang berubah lima tahun lagi, tapi juga ada yang sudah berubah dari kemarin, awal langsung berubah. Yang muda-muuda langsung berubah kan, karena guru-guru baru, kalo yang udah tua-tua? Ada yang ga bisa berubah cara ngajarnya, bisa jadi cara ngajarnya. Walaupun di penataran sudah diajari cara ngrubahnya.” Wednesday, 18 th November 2015 Translation, T: Teacher “T : What I meant is in the class. Because in class needs much times, perhaps it will be three years or four years for this case, yet, the students’ report can be done in short. However, if related to the class, perhaps, there were some teachers who need five years to change. Unfortunately, there were some teachers had already changed recently, even from the first time. For young teachers, they will change immediately, because they are new teacher. How about old teachers? There were some teachers who couldn’t change their teaching method, could be in the way of teaching, even though they were taught in training.”

b. English Teacher A

Based on the table above, there was only one challenges faced by teacher A related to the implementation of 2013 curriculum. The challenge was about the process and technique of assessment. This statement based on the result of interview as below. “Peneliti : ok bu, buat kendala ni bu, kendala implementasi kurikulum 2013 terhadap pengajaran bahasa inggris secara garis besarnya apa, misalkan dalam pengajaran, dalam penilaian atau apa gitu bu, secara garis besarnya gitu? Guru : iya dong penilaian, kadang kadang lebih ditebak tebak jadi akhirnya. Jadi ini ah anak ini uda secara, ini kdnya udah masuk nih indikatornya udah ada kasih nilai bagus gitu. Tapi ya hasil tes juga menunjang, mid semester tetep masih dipakai nilai UAS masih dipakai. ” Tuesday, 10 th November 2015. Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “Peneliti : Ok miss, for the challenges, what is the challenges in 2013 curriculum implementation especially in English language teaching? Such as in teaching, in assessment for instance, in general miss? Guru : Yes, in assessment, sometimes we just guessing. For example so for this student was like this, the basic competence is included and also the indicator, so that the student got good score. In addition, the test result has effect, mid test is still used, and the school final test is also still used.” From the result of interview above, it was contented that teacher A saw the assessment as the challenges in implementing 2013 curriculum. In more specific she said that the effect of this challenges made her guessing the score of students. For this fact, the score of students couldn’t be authentic or objective. c. English Teacher B Based on the table above, there are five challenges in 2013 curriculum implementation faced according to teacher B. The five challenges were the overloaded of students in class, process of assessment, the effectiveness of instruction process, the less of monitoring from curriculum department, and the laziness of implementing 2013 curriculum. These challenges were taken from the interview process. First challenges related to the overloaded of students in class. This problem was actually reasonable to SMPN 3 of South Tangerang considering the number of students for each class is forty students in average. This challenge was actually the common problem in Indonesia for long time. This fact was actually taken from the interview result as below. “Peneliti : kalo terkait dengan hambatannya pak dalam implementasi K-13 ini? Guru : hambatannya paling jumlah muridnya terlalu banyak. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : If related to the challenges sir in 2013 curriculum implementation, how about this? T : The challenges is the overloaded of students ’ number.” Related to the second, third, and fourth challenge, teacher B said that the process of assessment and the effectiveness of teaching, learning process, and the less of monitoring from the department of curriculum were the problems in 2013 curriculum implementation. this statement suited to the result of interview result as below. “Guru : untuk penilaian sama untuk keefektifan kegiatan pembelajaran itu kurang juga, pengawasan juga kurang, itu hambatan yang pertama. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, T: Teacher “T : For the assessment and the effectiveness of instruction process were still also less, the monitoring was also less, that were the first challenges. As stated in the interview transcript above that first challenges consisted of three aspects. Therefore, researcher classified them into partial challenges in order to be more focus. There was no resolution stated for those three challenges above. The last challenge in 2013 curriculum implementation was the laziness of implementing 2013 curriculum. This statement was clearly stated in the result interview as below. “Guru : Yang ke dua itu tadi, masih ada kemalasan kita untuk mempraktikkan K-13, padahal kalo kita praktekin, akan sangat bagus. Ya saya anggap keren lah bagus lah termasuk bagus. Karena mengedepankan karakter siswa. Pengetahuan tidak terlalu diambil, maksudnya ngga terlalu dibutuhkan lah. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, T: Teacher “Guru : The second was that, there was still a laziness of us to practice 2013 curriculum. Whereas, if we practice it, it will be very good. Ya, I admitted it 2013 curriculum was good. Because 2013 Curriculum considers the students’ character as main focus. The Cognitive aspect is not really taken, it means that it is not really necessary.” Based on the transcript above, teacher B probably was the one of teachers who faced this challenges. Even though some teachers were lazy to implement 2013 curriculum, he admitted that it is good curriculum. He liked the design of the curriculum that emphasizes the students’ character instead of students’ cognitive.

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