Text Book Characteristic of ELT in 2013 Curriculum

j. Material resource Syllabus is developed bases on Standard of Passing Competence and Content Standard for elementary and junior high school in specific academic year. Then syllabus is a guideline used to develop lesson plan. Lesson plan RPP is a plan for instruction process in one meeting or more. According to the law number 81A year 2013 about the implementation of curriculum states that lesson plan is the instruction plan which is specifically designed from single main material or specific theme that refers to syllabus. 14 Lesson plan is developed from syllabus for guiding the instruction process for students in which to achieve the basic competence. It is obligated for each teacher to develop and design their lesson plans comprehensively and systematically in order to achieve interactive, inspired, joyful, challenging, efficient learning and motivate students to actively involve, and gives the sufficient chance for their initiative, creativity, and independence based on their talents, desires, physics and psychological growth. 15 Lesson plan is designed based on basic competence and sub theme which is implemented in one meeting or more. Here is the component of lesson plan design based on this law: a. School identity. b. Subject identity or sub theme. c. Classsemester. d. Main material. e. Time allocation decided by considering the time to achieve basic competence. f. The objective of instruction deigned based on basic competence by using operational verb which can be analyzed and measured that cover character, cognitive, and affective aspect. g. Basic competence and competence indicator. 14 Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 81a tahun 2013 Tentang: Implementasi Kuriukulum, p. 37 15 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 65 tahun 2013. op.cit. p. 5-6 h. The material of subject. i. Instruction method. j. Instruction media. k. Material resource. l. Instruction step are conducted through introduction, content, and closing process. m. The assessment of learning process. Here is the example of lesson plan form provided by government. Table 1. The table of lesson plan design provided by government. School : Subject : ClassSemester : Material : Time Allocation : A. Core Competence KI B. Basic Competence KD and Indicator 1. KD to KI-1 2. KD to KI-2 3. KD to KI-3 Indicator: 4. KD to KI-4 Indicator: Note: KD-1 and KD-2 from KI-1 and KI-2 is not supposedly developed in indicator because both competences are achieved through indirect learning. The indicator is only developed for KD-3 and KD-4 which is achieved through direct instruction process. C. The Objectives of Instruction D. Material details of material E. Method of Instruction Details of instruction activity F. Media, equipment, and Instruction Resource 1. Media 2. Toolsequipment 3. Learning Resource G. Steps of Instruction 1. First Meeting: a. IntroductionOpening …minutes b. Content ...minutes c. Closing …minutes 2. Second Meeting: a. IntroductionOpening …minutes b. Content ...minutes c. Closing …minutes, and so on. H. Assessment 1. KindTechnique of Assessment 2. Form of Instrument and Instrument 3. Scoring Guideline. The government also completes the principal in designing lesson plan as follows: a. The difference of students ability affected by first ability, intellectual level, talent, potential, desire, learning motivation, social competence, emotion, learning style, special needs, learning speed, cultural background, norm, value, and learning environment. b. Active participation of students. c. Students’ centered to encourage their enthusiasm of learning, motivation, desire, creativity, initiative, inspiration, innovation, and independence.

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