Teaching Process Instruction Process

2 Content Scientific Approach The next session was about the content activity which talked about scientific approach. Here is the English teacher’s A perspective on scientific approach. “Peneliti : kalo terkait dengan scientific approach yang ada dalam kurikulum 2013 itu, bagaimana menurut ibu? Guru : scientific approach itu dari dulu memang udah ada, cuma kita ngga tau waktu istilah di kurikulum 2006, kan kita ga tau persis itu istilahnya apa, oh ternyata sekarang kita menggunakan istilah observing kemudian questioning, iya kan, kemudian asscotiating dan seterusnya.” Tuesday, 10 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : If related to the scientific approach in 2013 curriculum, what do you think? “T : Scientific approach is actually already existed in long time ago, but we didn’t know how to say it in 2006 curriculum, because we didn’t know exactly of the name. Recently we used observing and questioning isn’t it, and associating and etc.” According to English teacher B, the approach used in 2013 curriculum was scientific approach. This statement was obtained from the interview result as below. “Peneliti : nah kalo dalam action gitu, dalam teachingnya itu? Guru : teachingnya? Peneliti : metodenya atau pendekatannya? Guru : metodenya, nah metodenya itu pake yang sicentifc. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : So, in the action, in teaching activity what do you usually do? T : The teaching? R : About the method and approach? T : The method used is scientific approach.” As also stated in English teacher C lesson plan that scientific approach was employed in her teaching as the approach. Based on those perspectives, it could be understood that those three English teachers knew that scientific approach is one of 2013 curriculum characteristic as stated in the Law of Ministry of National Education and Culture Number 103 year 2014. 18 So that at least those three English teachers above knew that scientific approach is the approach used in 2013 curriculum. As stated in the Law of Ministry of National Education and Culture Number 103 year 2014 that scientific approach consists the steps of conducting the teaching and learning process especially in content activity. Those steps are observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. 19 In this case, the teachers as the spearhead of curriculum implementation should conduct those steps orderly and properly. a Observing The first step was observing activity. In this step, English teacher A said that there was a specific activity in conducting the observing step. Her statement as obtained in the interview result as below. “Peneliti : tapi yang jelas ngga ada aktivitas khusus buat observing itu apa, questioning itu apa. Atau ada? Guru : Ada lah, jadi kalo perlu kita bawa aja yang di laptop kita yang udah ada pake infocus dilihatkan ke anak, liatin contoh kalimat yang akan dipakai. Misalkan ini deskriptif teks, kita lihatkan saja contoh contoh deskriptif ini misalkan. Kan mereka ngamatin tuh, oh itu deskriptif judulnya my house, my bedroom, my classroom misalnya, kaya gitu. ” Tuesday, 10 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher. “R : However, so there is no the specific activity for observing and questioning, or they have? T : Of course they have, so if it is necessary to bring laptop then we show the example of sentence using in-focus to students. For example, it is descriptive text, just present those examples of descriptive text. So they will observe, wouldn’t they? Oh that 18 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014, op. cit., p. 3 19 Ibid., p. 5-6 text’s title is My House, My Bedroom, My Classroom, it is for example.” What she stated above was actually congruent to her practice in the class. As resulted in observation process, the observing process was conducted through reading descriptive text which was ordered by the teacher. As stated in the in the Law of Ministry of National Education and Culture Number 103 year 2014 that reading is one way to do observing process. 20 So that, English teacher preformed the observing process as the first step in scientific approach. The result of observation above was also supported by students’ questionnaire. According to the data collected from students’ questionnaire, it said that students felt that the teacher often gave them the chance to do observation. It can be proofed that there were thirty-five students said yes and there were four students no for the item number 4. So did English teacher A, English teacher B also portrayed his argument on the scientific approach process. From the interview process revealed that the observing was the first step in scientific approach then followed by questioning, as indicated as below: “Guru : nah iya, yang mulai dari melihat, mengamati, setelah mengamati melihat, mendengar, memperhatikan nah itu yang pertama, nah yang kedua itu siswa wajib menanyakan. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, T: Teacher “T : So that, The scientific approach started from seeing, observing, after observing looking, listening, paying attention are the first, and the second is students are demanded to do questioning.” In the practice as observed, English teacher B conducted the observing process by asking student to observe the miniature of building which was prepared by the teacher. The observing process was conducted through looking at the design of miniature. As the supporting what was observed, the students’ 20 Ibid., p. 5 questionnaire stated that there were thirty-eight students contended that English teacher B often gave them chance to do observing. According to English teacher C as written in her lesson plan, the observing process was also conducted. The observing process was performed that students were often listened and witnessed teachers and people mention and ask the attitude, behaviour, and human, animal, thing function based on their social function. From those facts and teachers’ perspective on observing process, all of them had already understand how to do it. It was proven that asking students to read, see or look, listen and witnessed was appropriate instruction on observing process. It was also stated that the process of observing the fact or phenomenon covers seeking the information, seeing or looking, listening, and reading. 21 As addition, Rudi and Heli actually stated that observing process is conducted towards the environment, and social life which contain the fact and could be meaningful for students’ life. 22 Therefore, based on this statement, what English teacher B and C did were more contextual related to the observing process that they used authentic material and real media. However, what English teacher A did was common way that actually didn’t portray the objective of learning itself which supposedly relates to the real life. In this step, English teacher B used media to present the material. Whether English teacher A only used textbook in her teaching, and English teacher C unknown. In this session, English teacher A only asked students to read what was in the textbook. Through this process, students weren’t really enthusiastic to do. Actually, this session could be done by using media of instruction such as laptop, lcd- projector, and also can be assisted by teacher’s kit. As stated in directorate of Senior High School development that to support the teaching of English in order to be maximum and interesting students’ interest is by using the set of media and technology such as CD, VCD, DVD, radio, and etc. and can be completed by 21 Direktorat Pembinaan SMA-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah, Naskah Bahasa Inggris, p. 5 22 Rudi Susilana and Heli Ihsan. 2014. Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Berdasarkan Kajian Teori Psikologi Belajar. Edutech Jurnal, Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 186 other media such as newspaper, magazine, brochure, and etc. 23 the used of media is also as the server and connector the message of lesson in detail and more interesting. 24 So that English A teacher needed more creative way in doing this session. b Questioning The second step was questioning process. According to the Law of Ministry of National Education and Culture Number 103 year 2014 that questioning process could be conducted by creating and offering the question, asking and answer, discussing the unclear information, and only as clarification. 25 Related to this process, English teacher A actually had already given chance to students to create or ask question. As resulted in observation that the questioning process was more focus on the task given, not to the main material. In the fact, the process of questioning related to the material was conducted in each group discussion. Even though they were not guided in specific to create question about asking opinion, but they were active to seek the answer together. From students’ questionnaire, it was obtained that most of student said that teacher A gave them many chances to ask question during the instruction process. It was proven that thirty-eight students said yes and one student said no for the item number 7, and it was very massive distinction of result. The questioning process according to English teacher B was the second step of scientific approach. In the practice, questioning process was attempted to be implemented by teacher B. Inside of this process, teacher B let students to ask any question. This process was held after students were given the instruction related to the task. One student asked to the teacher about the miniature observed. As the response towards the question, teacher B answered and explained what 23 Direktorat Pembinaan SMA-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah, op. cit., p. 7 24 Dr. Arief S. Sadiman, et.al, Media Pendidikan: Pengertian, Pengembangan, dan Pemanfaatannya, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1996, ed. IV, p. 10 25 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014: loc. cit. being questioned orally. This process was also suitable as what stated in interview result by teacher B as below. “Guru : Harus kalo bisa menanyakan apa yang dia lihat, apa yang dia dengar, apa yang dia baca, apa yang dia pahami di depan tadi. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, T: Teacher “T : It is a must, that students have to ask what they have seen, what they have heard, what they have read, and what they have understood in front of.” Students’ questionnaire said that mostly, English teacher B always gave them chance to ask question. It is proven by the result of questionnaire that there were thirty-eight students said yes and only single student said no. So this data actually supported the fact obtained in observation of instruction process. As stated in lesson plan of English teacher C, she also planned to do questioning process in her teaching. The questioning process according to her should be done under the guidance and instruction of teacher. So the questioning process could be under controlled and stick on the material. From those finding related to questioning process, actually all teachers had already attempted to do it. Start from giving them the chance to ask question. However, even though questioning could be conducted by creating and offering the question and discussing in group discussion like what English teacher A and B did, but actually this process needs the monitoring and also guidance from the teacher. As stated in law number 14 year 2005 about teacher and lecturer in first chapter article stated that teacher is professional educator with the main duty to educate, teach, guide, direct, train, assess, and evaluate students. 26 In this case, actually teacher had to guide and monitor them in questioning process in order to be more useful and meaningful as its objective. Questioning has the significant role in teaching and learning process. According to directorate of Senior High School development that questioning process aim to stimulate students to have 26 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 tahun 2005, Tentang Guru dan Dosen, p. 56 critical thinking skill, logic, and systematic. 27 This condition perhaps was caused by the number of students in the class that was huge, because in one class could be thirty-nine and forty students. Hence, teacher got difficulty to monitor and guide them. Actually this problem was common problem that has happened in Indonesian education. 28 So, it is the challenge for not only English teachers but to all teachers to fix the problem out. c Experimenting The third step in scientific approach is experimenting or gathering information. Experimenting process according to the directorate of Senior High School development can be conducted through several activities such as reading from other resource, observing the activity, event or certain object, obtaining information, analysing the data, and presenting the result in written or orally. 29 From the observation of English teacher A instruction it was obtained that this process was conducted by students at that time. Teacher gave them the freedom to seek information from the reading text and also from other resource such as dictionary and previous material. Some groups were told to do the task in library. It was aimed to assist student in collect other source of information. This process was mostly done in way of discussion inside group. As additi on, from students’ questionnaire obtained that students claimed that teacher A often gave them opportunities to discuss each other in order to find out the information needed. It was proven by the number of students who said yes was more than who said no for the item number 10 in questionnaire. Related to English teacher B, the experimenting process was also found in his instruction. The observation resulted that the activity of experimenting was in form of discussing in group. Based on the observation result, students were ordered to make group discussion, because the further activity was answering the 27 Direktorat Pembinaan SMA-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah, op. cit., p. 5 28 Sahiruddin: The Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum and the Issues of English LanguageTeaching and Learning in Indonesia. The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2013, Osaka, 2013, pp. 567-574 29 Direktorat Pembinaan SMA-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah, loc. cit. task in text book. In this discussion, students were sharing information each other related to the task. Therefore, experimenting was also achieved through this activity because they tried to do the real activity based on lesson. In this activity, teacher B also gave students freedom to access any information needed to do the task. The information was majorly obtained from dictionary, text book, and their own experience and discussed it in group. To support this evidence, from students’ questionnaire number 10 resulted that there were thirty-five students who said yes and four students said no. Back to the lesson plan of English teacher C, experimenting process was also included in her lesson plan. In this process, English teacher C put four steps to conduct experimenting step. The first that students listened and watched many examples of interaction through saying and asking the behaviour of people, animal, and thing. The second step was students imitated those examples using English utterances. The third step was that teacher guided students to identify the feature of social value, text structure, and language feature. The last step was teacher asked students to practice collaboratively about the material using English through simulation and role-play. Considering that the experimenting process could be done as stated above, so that these three English teachers already conducted this process. As seen in the description above English teacher A and B conducted this process in the same way that asking students to gather information from other resource and discussed it in group discussion. In other way, English teacher C conducted through more complex and systematic way. Actually what had they done in conducting this process already suited to what stated in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014. 30 This process is important to do in teaching process. Throndike and Guthrie in Rudi said that practice or experiment will improve the performance “connection between stimulus and 30 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014, loc. cit. response”. 31 Hence, through experimenting process, students will improve their curiosity in developing their creativity especially in their communication skill. d Associating The fourth step is associating. As stated in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014 associating process can be done through analysing the gathered information, associating or connecting the related information to find the pattern, and conclude. 32 In this process, based on the observation of English teacher A instruction, it can be seen that teacher A gave students freedom to do associating. Students were let to associate the information gathered and discussed it with their teammates to solve the task. The information which was being looked for was just merely to do the task given by the teacher. This process was majorly under controlled by English teacher B. In this session, teacher B exposed many information to the students related to the material of instruction. For instance, teacher gave them many sign of symbols which followed by further explanation. From that explanation, students were asked to use that information to do the assignment in text book. As stated in the lesson plan of English teacher C, the process of associating was planned as well. English teacher C planned this process by asking students to compare the utterance, mention and asking the behaviour of people, animals, and things which had been collected from various resources. Students were asked to compare the English utterance with other language. The last was that students get the feedback from teacher and friends about social function and language element used. From those English teachers ’ perspectives on associating process, it could be concluded that actually all of English teacher already attempted to do this process. However, the associating process which happened in English teacher’s A instruction was naturally occurred and seemed tha t English teacher A didn’t do 31 Rudi Susilana and Heli Ihsan. Op. cit., p. 190 32 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014, op. cit., p. 5-6 the specific activity to do this process. In this case, actually teacher should create and supply the specific activity 33 through then followed by the guidance and monitoring, hence, the associating process could run well and reach its objective. According to Piaget in Rudi, students recognize and understand the fact based on their previous experience. 34 As the result, it could be seen that English teacher A didn’t do this process effectively and orderly and even she didn’t do this process. In other way, this activity was also conducted by English teacher B to the students. After observing and questioning process, English teacher B explained more about public place, symbol, and preposition. As the following action, English teacher B sked students to analyze and observe the building located near by the school, then he asked them to explain the location of the building observed. So, this activity could be put in associating process because in doing this, students associated and connected the information given from teacher with their own information. Therefore, students were able to describe the location with the appropriate preposition. Hence, in this case, English teacher B did the associating process based on the law. It stated that the steps to do associating are processing the information gathered, analysing the data into category form, and associate the related information in order to find pattern and concluding. 35 So did English teacher C, she had planned this process well, nevertheless, the process wasn ’t observed in her instruction. e Communicating The last process is communicating. As stated in directorate of Senior High School development that communicating is a medium to present the result of conceptualization in many ways such as oral presentation, written presentation, and gesture. 36 In this case, teacher A ordered the students to communicate with their teammates related to the task given. The communication was also merely 33 Direktorat Pembinaan SMA-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah, loc. cit. 34 Rudi Susilana and Heli Ihsan. op. cit., p. 188 35 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014. loc. cit. 36 Direktorat Pembinaan SMA-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah, op. cit., p. 6. about answering the task. In the last of this process, students were asked to present their work in front of the class by writing it on whiteboard. In conducting this process, teacher B attempted to create the class into an active and communicative class through asking and answering activity. Moreover, teacher B also facilitated students to communicate each other in their group. The other activity which represented this process was that students were asked to present their project about miniature design in front of the class orally. They created the miniature based on their creativity which has been exampled by teacher. According to English teacher C, as stated in her lesson plan, this process could be conducted in several ways. First was that students used English whenever they had chance to use it related to the material. Second was that students attempted to speak fluently with correct intonation, and write with correct spelling and correct punctuation. The last was that students shared their problems using English especially related to the material. Considering that communicating process could be done through presenting the report in a form of draft, chart, arranging written report, and presenting the report that covers process, result, and conclusion orally 37 , therefore, what had been done by English teacher A and B and what English teacher C planned represented the communicating process. It because what English teacher A and B done was asking students to present their works in front of the class. Then followed by giving the feedback or score to them. It suited to what Rudi said in his research that the presentation which is done by students should be appreciated by giving score or feedback by teacher. 38 Both English teacher A and B did the same activity because their instruction was the same that was doing exercise in group, hence, presentation was the most common way to do this process. 37 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014, op. cit., p. 6 38 Rudi Susilana and Heli Ihsan, 2014, op. cit., p. 188 3 Closing The last session was closing step. Based on what stated the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014 that the closing session at least contains six major activities. They are 1 concluding the subject learned, 2 making reflection towards the activity, 3 giving feedback towards teaching and learning process, 4 teacher assesses students learning, 5 teacher plans the next activity in form of remedial program, counselling service or give individual or group task which suit to student learning, 6 teacher presents the lesson plan for next meeting. 39 So that, actually teacher at least conduct those activities in this session. In closing, actually, teacher has to draw the conclusion about the subject which has been learned. However, this activity was done only by correcting the students’ answer. Actually this fact didn’t suit to the purpose of drawing conclusion that cover whole instruction at that time, so that students could get the main point of the lesson. Another activity which English teacher A missed was about the reflection. There wasn’t found any reflection process at that time. However, English teacher asked students about the lesson being learned. So that this action reflected the feedback process. At the end of instruction process, English teacher A didn’t present the next lesson plan, but she left the class after all of group discussion collected the score of task. Hence, over all, in closing session, English teacher didn’t perform well closing, because still lacked of some major activities. From six activities which were stated in closing session, English teacher B only performed the two of them. English teacher B drew the conclusion by asking students about the lesson learned. And the second activity which was conducted was that English teacher B assessed students through the task given. Therefore, English teacher B didn’t do the reflection process, feedback process, and didn’t present the next lesson plan. However, English teacher gave students home project in group that to design the miniature. At the end of instruction, English 39 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014, op. cit., p. 10 teacher B couldn’t control the class because the big size of class. From this fact, actually English teacher B already did the closing session, however, there were some important activities were missed. As stated in lesson plan, English teacher C actually also planned it. There were three activities conducted in closing step. The first step was that teacher and students conducted the reflection together. The second activity was concluding the material. The last activity was giving students assignment for next meeting. From this result, based on the law, there were still three activities which were missed. They are giving feedback, scoring or assessing students learning, and presenting the lesson plan for next meeting. However, this result was only based on English teacher C lesson plan, researcher didn’t know how did she practice those activities in the instruction. In instruction process as discussed above, it was recognized that there were different perspectives in some aspects and also some missed in the process. The difference and missed implementation could be caused by several factors. Such as the understanding of 2013 curriculum, understanding about the scientific concept, the number of partaking 2013 curriculum training or workshop, and the last was pedagogical competence of each teacher. According to research of Federation of Indonesian Teachers said that the implementation of 2013 curriculum was too hurry. It caused by the less of curriculum training and also the training wasn’t maximum. It is proven that many teachers keep on their ancient mind-set rather to current mind-set. Moreover, to change the previous mind-set into the new one scientific approach needs more time to do. 40 From this factor, actually teachers couldn’t be blame one hundred percent, so the institution and curriculum developer also affect this.

3. Assessment Process Authentic Assessment

According to English teacher A, she claimed that the use of authentic assessment implicitly is useful if it is possible to do. She also agreed that authentic 40 Syarwan Ahmad. 2014. Problematika Kurikulum 2013 dan Kepemimpinan Instruksional Kepala Sekolah, Jurnal Pencerahan, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 102 assessment is used to assessed the students’ learning based on what students learned. Here is the interview result of her statement as below: “Peneliti : kan ini penilaiannya autentik assessment ni bu ya, jadi harus autentik sesuai dengan apa yang kita ajarakan gitu ya? Guru : iya kalo bisa iya seperti itu. ” Tuesday, 10 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : For this curriculum, the assessment used is authentic assessment, so is it must relevant to what being taught, isn’t it? T : yes, if it is possible. ” Related to authentic assessment, English teacher B also agreed that it is used for assessing the real event or context which could mean to assess what students learned. This statement was obtained from the result of interview as below: “Peneliti : nah itu, kan apa namanya itu namanya apa pak? Autentik assessment apa bukan pak? Guru : iya sesuai dengan kenyataan. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher R : So that, what is the name of the assessment sir? Is it authentic assessment sir? T : Yes, it bases on the real event. As addition, teacher B assumed that authentic assessment can be conducted through three major aspects, they were cognitive aspect, affective, and psychomotor. This statement was also based on what stated in interview result as below: Peneliti : kalo terkait dengan penilaiannya itu pak? Guru : penialaiannya banyak, ada tiga. Pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher R : How about the assessment sir? T : The assessment consists many aspects, they are cognitive aspect, affective, and psychomotor. Unfortunately, researcher wasn’t able to dig out the English teacher’s C perspective on Authentic assessment, because of the absence of interview session. However, the process of assessment was able to be observed through observation process and documentation of assessment sheet. From what English teacher A and B stated about authentic assessment was actually congruent with the concept of authentic assessment itself. O’Malley and Pierce in Hana stated that authentic assessment as the multiple forms of assessment reflecting students’ learning, achievement, motivation, and attitudes toward classroom instructional activities. 41 So what both English teacher A and B assumed was actually correct. As addition, the three aspects which were mentioned by English teacher B were suited to the assessment aspect in 2013 curriculum. His statement appropriated with stated in appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 104 Year 2014 that there are three major aspects assessed in 2013 curriculum that were affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. 42 Based on this, English teacher B understands the concept of authentic assessment adopted in 2013 curriculum. As explained above that authentic assessment in 2013 curriculum covers three aspects that are affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. Therefore, the further explanation about authentic assessment would be classified based on the three aspects above.

a. Affective

Affective aspect is one aspect to be concerned in 2013 curriculum. As ruled in appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 104 Year 2014 that the affective assessment covers students’ behaviour towards social value such as receiving the value, responding, appreciating, 41 Hana Yulinda Fithriyani, Implementing Authentic Assessment: A Challenge for English Language Teachers, p. 2 42 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 104 Tahun 2014, op. cit., p. 5-9 comprehending, applying the value. 43 So that, this assessment focuses on students’ behaviour in responding the value which relates to the lesson or social. During the instruction process when researcher observed, teacher A assessed students affective. Teacher A had her own technique to assess students for this side. Teacher A made the concept of giving appreciation in form of star to every student who deserves it. At that time, teacher A ordered students to ask question or answer the question, whoever is able to do, heshe will get the special star from teacher. According to researcher, this method was purposely conducted to gain students’ self-confidence and also activeness in learning. However, based on the assessment observation, teacher A didn’t do the activity which assess students ’ attitude such as responsibility, carefulness, well behave, and etc. This finding was based on once observation on Tuesday, 10 th November 2015. Researcher wasn’t available to track other meeting process. It was probably that teacher A did this assessment at other meetings. Based on the assessment observation of English teacher B, it said that teacher didn’t do the affective assessment process. This fact probably didn’t happen in other meeting which researcher didn’t observe. This argumentation considering the result of interview process that stated about the process of affective assessment. Here is the transcript of interview result between researcher and teacher B. “Guru : Nah sikapnya tergantung sikap mau nilai yang mana, maksudnya kita kan sikap ada delapan. Tanggungjawab, jujur, disiplin, apa yaa sopan, spiritual. Nah kita dari situ kita milih salah satu aja ngga usah banyak-banyak. Peneliti : oh ga semuanya ya pak? Guru : kalo mau semuanya nanti repot. Peneliti : tapi itu buat itu semua ada indikatornya ga pak? Ada formnya semua gitu? Guru : ada, ada harus ada. Contoh, tadi kan tanggungjawab. Nah kita ambil soal, eh kita ambil indikator yang sikapnya itu siswa bertanggungjawab dengan cara, eh siswa bertanggungjawab 43 Ibid., p. 6

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