Media of Teaching Instruction Process

communication technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of instruction process. 14

c. Teaching Process

1 Opening The next step was opening session. Based on the observational of instruction process, both English teacher A and B already employed three steps that are opening, main activity, and closing. This process suited to the implementation of instruction process in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014. 15 Based on this rule, there are five activities which at least can be done in opening session. As resulted in the finding see appendix that English teacher A didn’t perform those five activities in complete such as presenting the competence which will be achieved and the benefit in daily life. Actually, this activity is important for the beneficial of learning objective to the real life which is stated in the same law. 16 This activity actually as the point that bridge what learned in class and the benefit it the real life. For some activities, teacher A attempted to perform them in her way. As the result, discussion of connecting the previous competence with current competence wasn’t placed in the opening session, however, it was presented in closing session. This fact perhaps based on her statement in interview result as below. “Guru : Itu mempraktikkannya di kelas itu lah kadang-kadang kita sudah ngga terperinci lagi, tapi ide pokoknya tu tetap aja membuat anak tuh kita harus mengaitkan dulu pelajaran yang kita ajarkan itu, nah kaitkan dulu dengan kemarin yang pernah disampein, materi pembelajaran. Jadi anak itu masih ada keterhubungan, yang penting kan keterhubungan kesinambungan. Di K 13 kan gitu. ” Tuesday, 10 th November 2015 Translation, T: Teacher 14 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014, op. cit., p. 4 15 Ibid., p. 10 16 Ibid., p. 2 “T : Sometime to practice scientific approach in class wasn’t specific for each activity anymore. However, the important thing that to teach student we have to relate the subject learned to day with the subject learned previous which has been presented. So that students were still related, the important that correlation and continuity. That is the important in 2013 curriculum.” For the transparency of assessment technique was presented in detail such as scoring technique would be in group not individually. As addition, in this session, English teacher A informed the students that whoever is active in the class, shehe would be given star as the appreciation. Even though the teacher already conducted several activities, however , English teacher A wasn’t maximum in doing the opening session for the lacked some activities and also misplacement in one activity. Related to the observation of English teacher B instruction process, in performing opening process English teacher B mostly did what was stated in the Law of Ministry of National Education and Culture Number 103 year 2014 as well. In creating the good atmosphere, English teacher B prepared the equipment of instruction and prayed together. What English teacher B did actually suited to the purpose of 2013 curriculum itself that to create good character of students and also obey to the religion that become the characteristic of 2013 curriculum itself. 17 The next step was discussing the correlation between the competence being learned with the previous competence. As recorded in interview result, teacher B stated that discussing learned competence with previous competence was important. This statement was stated in interview transcript as below. “Guru : Nah setelah menanyakan baru lah siswa diberikan arahan tentang apa yang dia pelajari, terus apa-apa yang kira-kira berhubungan yang relevan yang dengan apa dia pelajari. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 17 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 68 Tahun 2013: Kerang- ka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum Sekolah Menengah PertamaMadrasah Tsanawiyah. p. 3 Translation, T: Teacher “T : Therefore, after questioning session, then students are given the direction about what they learn, and everything which is probably relevant to what they learn.” However, the result of observation to the instruction process said the inverse. English teacher B didn’t do this process. So that the teacher missed one step of opening session which is stated in the Law of Ministry of National Education and Culture Number 103 year 2014. However, English teacher B presented the competence which would be achieved in the instruction process orally. It meant that he practiced this step based on the law. In the beginning of the instruction, English teacher also presented the outline of material coverage to the students clearly. So for this step, English teacher B did well as stated in the law. The last step was presenting the range of assessment technique. For this step, English teacher B didn’t do it clearly. So over all, in opening session, English teacher B was approximately the same as English teacher A that didn’t perform it completely based on the law because missing some activities and less of clarity. Dealing with the instruction process of English teacher C, the data was obtained from the lesson plan. As stated in lesson plan, the opening session was conducted in several activities such as say hello and greet to students, asking students’ condition, checking students’ presence, asking students’ readiness to study, asking students to pray together before starting the teaching and learning, relating teacher’s experience to the lesson, presenting the learning objective, explaining the learning activity which would be conducted, presenting the aspects to be scored, warming up through sing a song. These activities theoretically represent what stated in the Law of Ministry of National Education and Culture Number 103 year 2014 especially in the opening session. 2 Content Scientific Approach The next session was about the content activity which talked about scientific approach. Here is the English teacher’s A perspective on scientific approach. “Peneliti : kalo terkait dengan scientific approach yang ada dalam kurikulum 2013 itu, bagaimana menurut ibu? Guru : scientific approach itu dari dulu memang udah ada, cuma kita ngga tau waktu istilah di kurikulum 2006, kan kita ga tau persis itu istilahnya apa, oh ternyata sekarang kita menggunakan istilah observing kemudian questioning, iya kan, kemudian asscotiating dan seterusnya.” Tuesday, 10 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : If related to the scientific approach in 2013 curriculum, what do you think? “T : Scientific approach is actually already existed in long time ago, but we didn’t know how to say it in 2006 curriculum, because we didn’t know exactly of the name. Recently we used observing and questioning isn’t it, and associating and etc.” According to English teacher B, the approach used in 2013 curriculum was scientific approach. This statement was obtained from the interview result as below. “Peneliti : nah kalo dalam action gitu, dalam teachingnya itu? Guru : teachingnya? Peneliti : metodenya atau pendekatannya? Guru : metodenya, nah metodenya itu pake yang sicentifc. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “R : So, in the action, in teaching activity what do you usually do? T : The teaching? R : About the method and approach? T : The method used is scientific approach.” As also stated in English teacher C lesson plan that scientific approach was employed in her teaching as the approach. Based on those perspectives, it could be

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