Conclusion Drawing and Verification

she got the English subject in teachers’ training program in 2008. Considering her range of time teaching, she has huge experience in teaching.

D. The English Teachers’ Perspectives on the Implementation of 2013

Curriculum The research which was conducted by researcher related to the English teachers’ perspective on the implementation of 2013 Curriculum at seventh class of SMPN 3 South Tangerang covered three main aspects that are teaching plan, instruction process, learning assessment, and the challenges faced by English teachers. In this session, the presentation of research finding and discussion were mixed. Researcher portrayed those four aspects orderly, and each aspect as presented through each English teachers’ views and followed by the discussion. In this chapter, researcher triangulated the data obtained which came from interview, observation, documentation, and students’ questionnaire. Here is the research finding and discussion about seventh class English t eachers’ perspective on the implementation of 2013 curriculum at SMPN 3 South Tangerang.

1. Teaching Plan

According to the law number 81A year 2013 about the implementation of curriculum stated that lesson plan is the teaching and learning plan which is specifically designed from single main material or specific theme that refers to syllabus. 1 Also stated in appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 103 Year 2014 about in elementary school and junior high school that the first step to conduct the instruction process is planning the instruction which is in form of lesson plan. 2 Based on this rule, so that teachers in implementing 2013 curriculum have to design the lesson plan before they start their teaching in class. 1 Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 81a tahun 2013 Tentang: Implementasi Kuriukulum, p. 37 2 Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 103 Tahun 2014: Pembelajaran Pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan Menengah, p. 6 Related to the finding of research related to this matter, researcher found that there were only two English teachers who designed the lesson plan for their teaching that were teacher A and teacher C, however, English teacher B didn’t design the lesson plan. This fact was obtained from the interview result as below. “Guru : Cuma, kondisinya guru nggak mungkin bikin, males pertama, yang ke dua “riweuh” atau repot ya, karena sudah banyak urusan yang lain-lain, itu doang si. Jadi intinya kalo RPP bikin Cuma kaya gitu, copy paste kebanyakan, tapi kalo bisa bikin lah sendiri itu lebih baik. Peneliti : kalo punya bapak itu RPPnya itu udah dibikin sebelumnya, sebelum satu semester atau setiap kali mau masuk? Guru : kalo saya si, harusnya kalo dari sekolah kan satu semester harus sudah selesai gitu kan, nah saya telat, dan itu tadi alasannya males, males bikinnya. Jadi ya asal masuk asal masuk gitu aja. Jadi akhirnya yaa kadang sesuai scientific itu kadang ya asal kita sendiri masuk gitu. Dan kebanyakan kan karena kita males makannya kita larinya ke sana, asal masuk, ngasih materi, bukan ngasih materi si, ngasih pembelajaran, selesai dan keluar gitu doang karena males. Padahal lebih baik, pake RPP terapkan RPP insyaAllah selesai berhasil. Peneliti : berarti bapak selama ini itu masuk ngga ada RPPnya atau gimana? Guru : saya masuk nggak ada RPP, tapi ada di sini di otak RPPnya. Nah dan itu saya sesuaikan dengan K-13. Peneliti : jadi secara tertulisnya tidak ada ya pak? Guru : nggak ada, jadi di sini di otak doang, hehe. ” Thursday, 12 th November 2015 Translation, R: Researcher, T: Teacher “T : But, the condition that teachers will not design, first reason they are lazy, and the second is not easy to design, because they have many stuffs to be done, just it. So the point that lesson plan should be designed but most of them copied from others, but will be better to design by themselves. R : How about your lesson plan, did you design it at previous in beginning of semester or every time you come to the class? T : According to me, it supposedly from the school that lesson plan should be done for whole semester, unfortunately I was late, and

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