Authentic Assessment Problem Based Learning.

2. Story or test retelling Students retell main ideas or selected details of text experienced through listening or reading. 3. Writing samples Students generate narrative, expository, persuasive, or reference paper. 4. Projectsexhibitions Students complete project in content area, working individually or in pairs. 5. Experimentsdemonstrations Students complete experiment or demonstrate use of materials. 6. Constructed-response items Students respond in writing to open-ended questions. 7. Teacher observation Teachers observe student attention, response to instructional materials, or interactions with other students. 8. Focused collection of student work to show progress over time. 37 The further example about authentic assessment activities is explicitly stated in directorate of Senior High School development paper. Authentic assessment activities are students read authentic text, write authentically about meaningful topics, and involve in authentic literacy tasks such as discussing short story book, creating journal, writing message, and editing the text into correct structure and proper social context. 38 Besides, the authentic assessment also concerns on thinking ability, instruction process, and final result from instruction process. Still in directorate of Senior High School development paper, that there are five main dimension of authentic assessment in ELT according to Gulikers, Bastiaens, Krischner, they are: 37 Office of English Language Learning and Migrant Education, Authentic Assessment, Indiana Department of Education, Indianapolis, p. 3 38 Direktorat Pembinaan SMA-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah. op.cit. p. 19 1. The form of assessment should be relevant and represent the knowledge and skill of students. 2. The physics environment should present how the skill of language usage really used. 3. The social context should present how the language skill will be used. 4. The result of students’ performance should be included in result of assessment. 5. The criteria of assessment should be based on students’ competence level which is settled in basic competence. 39 The assessment in every single subject focuses on three major aspect competences that are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The government already provided the guideline of assessing format which is stated in law number 81a year 2013. Each competence has the own characteristic format of assessment. For cognitive competence and psychomotor competence use the scale 1-4 multiple 0.33, while affective competence uses the scale Very Good VG, Good G, Fairly Good FG, and Less L. Here is the table of scoring conversion for each competence. Table 3. The table of assessment form related to the scoring activities provided by government. Predicate Competence Score Cognitive Psychomotor Affective A 4 4 VG A- 3.66 3.66 B+ 3.33 3.33 G B 3 3 B- 2.66 2.66 C+ 2.33 2.33 FG C 2 2 39 Ibid., p. 20 C- 1.66 1.66 D+ 1.33 1.33 L D 1 1 The minimum standard for psychomotor competence and cognitive competence is 2.66 B-, and for affective competence is B Good.

C. Previous Related Studies

This chapter contains some previous studies which have similar characteristic with my research. The similarity can be in the subject of study, variable, and also the type of research. The presence of some previous related studies purposely to give the comparison of research. It can be used as the reference and also the guideline. Here are three previous related studies: First research is Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Kurikulum 2013 pada Siswa Kelas II SDN Prembulan, Pandowan, Galur, Kulon Progo by Ika Budhi Utami. This research portrayed the implementation of scientific approach as one of 2013 curriculum characteristic in one school. The process of designing the lesson plan, instruction process, assessment process, and overcoming the handicap of implementation 2103 curriculum are the main focus of this study. The using of qualitative research also strengthens the similarity with my research. Although there are some similar characteristics with my research, however, the place, time, and variable of research that is English language subject differentiate between this research with my research. Second research come from Sahiruddin who has written The Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum and the Issues of English Language Instruction in Indonesia. This research talks about the critique of and evaluation of 2013 curriculum in English language teaching in Indonesia. The course of Indonesian curriculum from the beginning up to the newest curriculum in English language teaching was studied well in this research. Some common problems in Indonesian ELT were also studied. 2013 curriculum and English language teaching in Indonesia are the main similarity with my research. However, the complexity of research which is about the implementation of 2013 curriculum in the field that covers preparation of lesson plan design, instruction process, and assessment process are not included in this research. The last research is Understanding the 2013 Curriculum of English Teaching through the Teachers’ and Policymakers’ Perspectives which was written by Djuwairiah Ahmad. This research contains the analysis of the changes form SBC school-based curriculum into 2013 curriculum in ELT in Makassar. Teachers’ perspective in the implementation of 2013 curriculum in ELT was also discussed as the similarity with my research. Almost the same as second research above, this research isn’t completed by specific analysis to the process of designing lesson plan, instruction process, assessment process, and overcoming the challenges of 2013 curriculum implementation. 29


A. Overview

This chapter outlines the research strategy adopted for this study and determined by its key objective, namely, to analyze and observe the implementation of 2013 Curriculum in English Language Teaching at the seventh class of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. The first section outlines the place and time of research. The second section outlines the research methodology, including the evaluation research strategy adopted as well as an explanation of case study method. The third section deals with research subject including the subject decision to be researched. The fourth section outlines data collection strategy and technique. The fith deals with the instrument of collecting the data which will be in form of instrument guidelines. The sixth section deals talk about the data analysis. B. Place and Time of Research This research was conducted in one school which implements 2013 Curriculum as the curriculum especially in English language teaching. SMPN 3 South Tangerang is one of several schools which implement 2013 Curriculum as the curriculum of English language teaching. Therefore, this research was conducted in SMPN 3 South Tangerang at seventh class as the first stage that English being taught formally based on 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia. Dealing with the data observed, the time allocation for conducting this research spent from 9 th of November until 7 th of December 2015. The first week that started from 9 th – 14 th of November was for interviewing, the rest of time that started from 16 th – 5 th of December 2015 was spent for observing, reviewing documentation, and distributing the questionnaire. Therefore, the collecting data was conducted in three weeks.

C. Research Methodology

The research methodology employed in this study was qualitative approach, it was chosen because it concerned with subjective assessment of attitudes, opinion and behaviour 1 that occurred in natural condition which is explained through detail description of specific situation using interviews, observations, and document reviews. Despite of how the data collected, the data presentation also adopted qualitative approach which was presented whether in narrative or descriptive text. 2 Therefore, the further research approach was based on qualitative approach design. Along with qualitative approach used, Case Study Research was selected because the question of the research led to this kind of research that uses “how” as the main question mark. 3 This research also described a case study because the research was conducted on specific situation in one institution that is school which was presented through depth-data collection involving multiple sources of information observations, interviews, audio-visual materials, documents, and reports in rich context in specific time. 4 According to J.W Creswell, in a case study, the specific case should be examined 5 , and in this research the implementation of 2013 curriculum in ELT is the case that was examined and the seven class of junior high school is the field of study where the case takes a place. Hence, this research was referred as single case study because the case was only one case. In order to be more focus on the design of case study research, researcher relied on the guideline book that written by Dawson R. Hancock and Bob Algozzine under the title Doing Case Study Research a Practical Guide for 1 C R. Kothari, Research Methodology Method and Technique, New Delhi: New Age International, 2004, p. 5 2 J.W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches Third Edition. London: Sage, 2009, p. 179 3 Robert K. Yin, Case Study Research Design and Method, Fourth Edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2009, p. 22 4 Patricia A. Duff, Case Study Research in Applied Linguistic. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008, p. 21 5 J.W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1998, p. 38.

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