Research Methodology Research Subject

1. Observation

This method implies the collection of information by way of investigator’s own observation, without interviewing the respondents. Qualitative observations are those in which the researcher takes field notes on the behaviours and activities of individual at the research site. 10 Therefore, the information gathered relates to what is currently happening and is not complicated by either the past behaviour or future intentions or attitudes of respondents. 11 The design of observation sheet should be developed based on the characteristic of 2013 curriculum especially in the methodology of teaching. First of all, this observation was employed on the lesson plans which are made by the teachers, then followed by the teaching process observation and assessment process observation. The most significant feature of teaching methodology in 2013 curriculum is using scientific approach, hence the design of observation sheet tends on this characteristic. As scientific approach in instruction activity, authentic assessment is also the key feature adopted in 2013 curriculum assessment technique. Therefore, the observation sheet was made based on its characteristic. In order to be more focus on the research, researcher used observation protocol as the guideline sheet. Here is the observation protocol used in this research. a. The observation protocol for teaching planning of ELT confirming the implementation of 2013 Curriculum in seventh class of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. This protocol used to observe the process of designing lesson plan which designed by English language teachers. This protocol contained the procedures of designing lesson plan based on what stated in the law of the Ministry of National Education and Culture number 13 year 2014. Here is the 10 J.W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches Third Edition, 2009, op.cit. p. 168 11 Yogesh Kumar Sing, Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistic. New Delhi: New Age International, 2006, p. 93 observation protocol of English language teaching plan confirming the implementation of 2013 curriculum. Table 4. The table of observation guideline for teaching planning of ELT confirming the implementation of 2013 Curriculum in seventh class of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. No Indikator 1. Study of Syllabus Teachers study KI and KD Teachers study the lesson material Teachers study the teaching process Teachers study the assessment process Teachers study the time allotment Teachers study subject source 2. Indicator formulation Teachers formulate indicator target KD to KI-1 Teachers formulate indicator target KD to KI-2 Teachers formulate indicator target KD to KI-3 Teachers formulate indicator target KD to KI-4 3. The teaching material taken from text book, teachers handbook, or other resources. 4. Teachers explain the teaching activity based on 2013 curriculum feature. 5. Teachers decide the time allocation based on time in syllabus and divided into opening, content, and closing. 6. Teachers develop the teaching learning assessment. Teachers decide the range, technique, and assessment instrument. Teachers create scoring sheet. 7. Teachers decide remedial teaching strategy. 8. Teachers choose the media, tools, material, and study resource which are designed based on teaching process explanation. b. The observation protocol of teaching process confirming the Implementation of 2013 curriculum in seven class of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. This protocol used to assist researcher in collecting the data during the teaching process which based on scientific approach. This protocol contained the procedure of ELT methodology based on implementation of 2013 curriculum as stated in the law of the Ministry of National Education and Culture number 103 year 2014. Here is the observation protocol of teaching process based on the implementation of 2013 curriculum. Table 5. The table of observation guideline for teaching process confirming the Implementation of 2013 curriculum in seven class of SMPN 3 South Tangerang. No Indicator Opening 1. Teachers create a pleased learning atmosphere. 2. Teachers discuss the learned competence and previously developed related to the competence that will be learned and developed. 3. Teachers present the competence which will be achieved and the benefit in daily life. 4. Teachers present the outline of material coverage and activity which will be done. 5. Teachers present the range and assessment technique which will be employed. Content 6. Observing a. Teachers facilitate students to do observation process. b. Students observe using the five senses reading, listening, monitoring, seeing, watching, etc whether using media or not. 7. Questioning a. Teachers facilitate students to do questioning process. b. Students create and question, question and answer, discuss about unclear information, additional information, or as a clarification.

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