The Question of Research The Objective of Research

stated in 2013 curriculum design that this curriculum is developed base on standard-based education and competency-based curriculum theory. 5 In the practice, the development 2013 curriculum should be based on those theories. Here is the characteristic of the competency-based curriculum: 1. Content of curriculum is the competence which is stated in core- competence KI subject and specified furtherly into basic-competence KD. 2. Core-competence is categorical overview relates to the competence which should be learned by students in school, class, and subject level. 3. Basic-competence is the competence learned by students for specific subject and class. 4. The emphasize of character- competence, affective cognitive, affective psychomotor, and knowledge for education level and subject is signed by the quantity of basic-competence of subject. 5. Core-competence become organizational competence not a concept, generalization, topic or something gained from “disciplinary-based curriculum” or “content-based curriculum” approach. 6. Basic-competence is developed based on accumulative principal, tightening each other and enriching subject each other. 7. The process of teaching learning based on an effort to master the competence in satisfied level by watching at the content characteristic competence that the knowledge is final competence mastery. Cognitive and psychomotor aspect is the ability of content mastery that can be trained. Whether in character aspect is the ability of harder content mastery to be developed and needs indirect educational process. 5 I. Wayan As. S. Si, Kurikulum 2013 Perangkat Pembelajaran SMPMts Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris, Jakarta: CV. Az-Zahra, 2013, p. 12 8. The assessment covers whole aspects of competence, formatively form and the result will be soon followed by remedial to ensure the competence mastery in satisfied level. 6 Therefore, the design of kompetensi inti KI and kompetensi dasar KD is much more based on developing good students’ character and capable students. In July 2014, it was recorded that the implementation of this curriculum covered almost all of Indonesian schools with the target number is 206.799 schools which consisted of 148.171 elementary schools, 35.597 junior high schools, 12.403 senior high school, and 10.628 for vocational senior high school. 7 This implementation is conducted through curriculum training gradually and remains up to now days.

1. Characteristic of ELT in 2013 Curriculum

As stated in the appendix of the Ministry of National Education and Culture law number 68 Year 2013 about basic frame and curriculum structure of junior high school and Islamic junior high school, clearly presented that characteristic of 2013 curriculum as below: 2013 curriculum is designed with the characteristic as below: 1. Developing the equilibrium between the development of character, spiritual, and social, curiosity, creativity, and cooperating with intellectual and psychomotor competence. 2. School is part of society which gives well planned educational experience where students can implement what they get from school into real society and utilize society as learning resource. 3. Developing character, knowledge, and skill, then implement them in multi situations in school and society. 6 Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Dokumen Kurikulum 2013, p. 6-7 7 http;smp.labschool.upi.edu201408fakta-fakta-seputar-kurikulum-2013. retrieved: 14 th December 2015, at 2.50 pm

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