The Background of Study

Since the 2013 curriculum was introduced in the beginning of 2013, it has already been more than two years of this implementation up to now days. There are many socializations and trainings which already been conducted throughout teachers training program gradually. Considering the quantity and the length of 2013 curriculum socialization, the English teachers should be capable to implement it properly. Despite that, the model of ELT methodology should be based on new curriculum design that is 2013 curriculum that based on scientific approach which can be in various methodology of teaching such as Discovery Based Learning, Project Based Learning, and Problem Based Learning , moreover, Junior High school is the first level of English subject as compulsory subject, it is kind of English teachers’ challenge to implement the new government policy properly. Moreover, as stated in electronical newspaper that there are three common problems faced by the teacher in implementing 2013 curriculum that are; conducting authentic assessment, practicing the scientific approach which is a fundamental feature of 2013 curriculum, and creating active students during the class. 7 Considering the three major problems above, it can be seen that the teachers’ problem is very technical problem which actually occurs during the teaching process in class. Therefore, researcher is interested and curious to observe and analyze further about English Teachers’ Perspectives on the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum A Case Study at the Seventh Class of SMPN 3 South Tangerang in Academic Year 20152016 which aims to find out everything inside the implementation such as the lesson plan, approach, methodology, teaching technique, and assessment process.

B. The Focus of the Research

Based on what was explained in the background of study above, the main focuses on this research is on the implementation of 2013 curriculum, in this case, especially in English Language Teaching ELT in Indonesia. As the issue of this 7 http:news.okezone.comread20141016651052959tiga-masalah-guru-dalam- implementasi-kurikulum-2013. 19 th of October 2015 at 4.20 pm research, there is no doubt that there must be factors influence the problem whether in ELT issue or Curriculum issue. Start from ELT issue in Indonesia, some factors rise that are; a. Many methodologies of language teaching were employed in Indonesia, however, the model of ELT still in a form of conservatives teaching in major, b. The changes of methodology were not accompanied by limitation of class size which still remains as the major issue now days, c. The qualification of English language teacher doesn’t meet the newest methodology employed in major.

C. The Question of Research

Based on the research background above, the research question was as follow: How did the English teachers implement the 2013 Curriculum in their teaching at the seventh class of SMPN 3 South Tangerang?

D. The Objective of Research

The objectives of this research are as followed: To analyze the implementation of 2013 curriculum seen from teachers’ perspective which mean cover English teachers’ activities, they are: - The preparation of designing the lesson plan. - The process of instruction in class. - The process of assessment. - The handicaps faced during implementing 2013 curriculum in ELT based on those three activities above.

E. Research Significance

The results of this research were expected to give some significances not only theoretically but also practically go to: 1. English language teachers. 2. Students. 3. School. 7


A. Overview

This chapter contained the theoretical which related to this research. It started with the concept and description and design of 2013 curriculum which is designed by the government. Next sub chapter contained the characteristic of 2013 curriculum that covered its textbook, lesson plan, instruction approach scientific approach, and assessment authentic assessment.

B. 2013 Curriculum

2013 Curriculum is the newest curriculum implemented in Indonesian education after the existence of 2006 curriculum for about seven years. The revision towards 2006 curriculum started in 2012. Many critiques were pointed to previous curriculum that considered no longer effective to be implemented. 1 The rationale offered to revise 2006 curriculum that based on the future challenge in 21 st century that known as science century, knowledge-based society and future competence. This curriculum was exactly promoted by the Ministry of National Education and Culture in the beginning of 2013 or in academic year 20132014 gradually. 2 2013 Curriculum is the further curriculum which is developed based on the neglect of 2004 curriculum Competency-Based Curriculum. 3 In one chance the previous Minister of National Education stated that this curriculum is not competency-based curriculum, but character-based curriculum. 4 However, as 1 http:kemdikbud.go.idkemdikbudartikel-mendikbud-kurikulum2013, 14 th December 2015, at 2.10 pm. 2 Ni Luh Gede Riwan Putri Bintari, I Nyoman Sudiana, and Ida Bagus Putrayasa. Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berdasarkan Pendekatan Saintifik Problem Based Learning Sesuai Kurikulum 2013 at VII Class of SMP Negeri 2 Amlapura, e- Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, 2014, Vol. 3, p. 3 3 http:smp.labschool.upi.edu201408fakta-fakta-seputar-kurikulum-2013.14 th December 2015, at 2.34 pm. 4 Yuyun yulia, An Evaluation of English Language Teaching Programs in Indonesian Junior High Schools in the Yogyakarta Province, Semarang State University, 2014, p. 17

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