Overview of Task-Based Language Teaching

20 the goal of the approach. In order to make the teaching learning activities conform to the principles of CLT, the writers also needs to know the principles in teaching speaking. There are five principles for teaching speaking as stated by Nunan 2003: a be aware of the differences between second language and foreign language learning contexts; b give learners practice with both fluency and accuracy; c provide opportunities for learners to talk by using group or pair work, and limiting teacher talk; d plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning; e design classroom activities that involve guidence and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking. After knowing the principles for teaching speaking go along with the communicative language teaching approach, the writer can now design suitable activities for the materials.

4. Task-Based Language Teaching

This part discusses theories about Task-Based Language Teaching. Those are a the overview, b step of the unit, c teacher and learner roles, and d type of task.

a. Overview of Task-Based Language Teaching

Task-Based Language Teaching is the approach that was used in designing the materials. Task-Based Language Teaching TBLT, also commonly known as Task-Based Learning and Task-Based Instruction, is a pedagogical approach characterized by the use of task as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching Richard and Rodgers, 2001: 223. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 In TBLT, tasks are central in immersing learners in a meaningful communication using the target language, which as a result, promotes learning. There are some definitions of task from experts. According to Willis 1996, tasks are always activities where the target language is used by the learners for communicative purpose goal in order to achieve an outcome. It means that the learners use English to learn it. The communicative competence, then, becomes the goal. Nunan 2004:4 defines task into two; real world tasktarget task and pedagogical task. 1 Real world tasktarget task Real world tasktarget task is related to non-technical and non-linguistic field. It is a piece of work that is done by someone for oneself or for other. The examples of real world tasks are filling out a form, taking a driving license, and making a hotel reservation. 2 Pedagogical task Pedagogical task is related to activities that are done by learners in the classroom. It is briefly defined as an activity attained by learners in a classroom rather than outside world as a result of processing language. Furthermore, it is the result of the transformation real world task to the classroom. Brown 2007 also says that pedagogical tasks include any series of techniques designed ultimately to teach learners to perform the target task. The example of pedagogical tasks are listening to an instruction and performing a command. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22 Hence, in creating learning opportunities in the classroom, the real world task must be transformed into a pedagogical task. Therefore, the tasks have linguistic purpose. The framework for TBLT is presented in figure 2.2. Real worldtarget task Pedagogical task Enabling skill Rehearsal activation Language communicative Tasks tasks exercise activities Figure 2.2: The Framework for TBLT As stated in the previous paragraph, the real world task must transform into a pedagogical task when it is taken into account in the classroom. Then, the first task is called rehearsal task and the second tasks is called activation tasks. 1 Rehearsal task Rehearsal is the practice task for learners before they jump into activation task. It is to rehearse something that the learners need to do outside the classroom. It has a clear and obvious relationship with its corresponding real-world counterpart. Here, the real world tasktarget task has been transformed into pedagogical task. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 23 In this task, learners will be able to get feedback and advice from the teacher and work with a partner. 2 Activation task The purpose of this task is to activate the emerging of language skills of the learners. It is not designed to provide learners with an opportunity to rehearse some of out-of-class performance. Nunan 2004:20 said that in performing such tasks, learners begin to move from reproductive language use-in which they are reproducing and manipulating language models provided by teacher. In TBLT, the focus on form is presented in the form of enabling skills. What is meant by enabling skill here is that the tasks that are designed to make the learners able to communicate. Moreover, they are designed to develop skills and knowledge that will facilitate the process of authentic communication. There are two kinds of tasks to enable skill in the framework of TBLT, those are: 1 Language exercise In this task, learners are provided with a language exercise that has lexical and grammatical focus. In TBLT, the focus on form is still significant because learners need to have the right basic of grammar. 2 Communicative activities Communicative activities provide manipulative practice of a restricted set of language item. Here, the learners are given chances to communicate with others using the target language. Since the focuses of TBLT are communication ability and language form, learners are expected to implement what they have learned in previous tasks. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24

b. Steps of the Unit in TBLT