Research Instruments for Research and Information Gathering

43 addition, two English instructors of Wisma Bahasa English Division were chosen since they were specialized in teaching English for Specific Purposes especially English for Tourism. They were chosen to make validation of the designed materials from the view of the user. All comments, suggestions, and feedback were beneficial to revise and improve the designed materials.

C. Research Instruments

This section explains the research tools employed in carrying out the study. The instruments were needed to gather the data that was needed in this study. The writer used two kinds of instruments, namely questionnaire and interview.

1. Research Instruments for Research and Information Gathering

In the survey research, the writer used two kinds of instruments. Those were questionnaire and interview. According to Ary 2002, there are two types of questionnaire; they are structured or closed questionnaire and constructed or open questionnaire. Questionnaires have two forms, namely closed form and open form. In this step, the questionnaire given was closed form. The questionnaire was given to the staff of Taman Wisata Candi Prambanan to know their needs, lack, characteristics and interest. The reason why the writer used a questionnaire was because it would take a short time to collect the data from the participants. The questionnaire was written in Indonesian to make easy for the respondents to answer the questions. According to Wiersma 1995:181, the task PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 of completing the questionnaire must be made as easy as possible so that the respondent will not get confuse and it can be done effectively. The interview was done to obtain the data from the learners. According to Wallace 1998:146, there are three kinds of interview, namely structured interviews, unstructured interviews, and semi-structured interviews. A structure interview has a very tight structure, and in which the questions will probably be read from a carefully prepared interview schedule, similar to questionnaire but used orally Wallace, 1998:146. Unstructured interview has some kind of structure but not as tight as structured interview and it would simply be a conversation Wallace, 1998:146, while semi-structured interview also has the structure but most of the questions will probably be open questions Wallace, 1998:147. In this study, the semi-structure interview was done because it would make good atmosphere and effective condition so that the participant could give more detailed response. It was also done because interviews would give data that could not be completed by questionnaire.

2. Research Instrument for Preliminary Field-Testing