Toxicity Extracts Against Larvae of S. exigua

Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 502

2.6.2. Antifeedant Test

The inhibitory effect of eating or called by antifeedant calculated using the formula : AF = [ Bk - Bp Bk + Bp ] x 100 Where, AF = antifeedant effect, Bk = weight control leaves are eaten, Bp = weight treatment leaves are eaten. The difference between the weight of leaf treatment and weight control leaves are eaten analyzed by paired t test and antifeedant effect data were analyzed by analysis of variance followed by Duncan test

2.6.3. Reproduction and Development Test

Data larval mortality and length of 1-5 instar larval stage were analyzed by analysis of variance followed by Duncan test. 4. Results and Discussion 4.1. Extraction and Partition Extraction and partitioning of Barringtonia asiatica seeds per 1,000 grams of powder to produce the amount of crude extract were more presented in Table 1. Table 1. Extraction and Partition Seed B. asiatica Extract Plant HHeavy Powder g Extraction and Partisis g Crude extract Fraksi CH3OH 95 Fraksi EtOAc B. asiatica 1000 110,17 11 64,85 6,5 52,435,2 Seed

B. asiatica

as much as 1 kg of the test plants after dissolved with methanol CH 3 OH to produce crude extract each as much as 93.22 g and 110.17 g. Results partition the crude extract with solvent hexane C6H14 - methanol CI3OH 95 respectively produce the methanol fraction of 95 amounting to 59.09 g and 64.85 g, then the result of partitioning the methanol fraction 95 solvent ethyl acetate Et OAc - water H2O to produce ethyl acetate fractions of 43.27 g and 52.34 g. From the extraction and partitioning it turns out B. asiatica extract to produce enough material ie about 16.95 g.

B. asiatica

seed extract contains active ingredients saponins having foaming properties in water and very soluble in water.

4.2. Toxicity Extracts Against Larvae of S. exigua

Results of testing the mortality of larvae of

S. exigua

treated with

B. asiatica

seed extract can be found in Appendix 1, which then created a list of the percentage of cumulative mortality of larvae of

S. exigua

based day treatment as in Table 2. Table 2. The Cumulative Mortality ofLlarvae of S. exigua by Day After Treatment Consentration ____Larval Mortality Day __________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B. asiatica 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,15 0 4 12 20 23 24 25 25 25 25 0,20 0 11 27 29 32 33 35 35 35 35 0,25 0 16 31 43 47 51 53 56 56 56 0,30 16 55 67 81 85 85 85 85 85 85 0,35 27 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Information : m= Larvae mortality, Kf= cumulative mortality, Percentace Cumulative mortality Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 503 Figure 2. The cumulative mortality of larvae of S. exigua treated extract fractions EtOAc Seeds of B. asiatica

B. asiatica

occurred on day 1 after treatment at the concentration level of 0.30 .

S. exigua

larval mortality of

B. asiatica

extracts of 100 occurred on day 2 after treatment. This proves that treatment with

B. asiatica

seeds work quickly and are so deadly. Data from Table 2 is expressed in the form of a line diagram in Figure 2. Those pictures two is seen that treatment with

B. asiatica

seed extract at a concentration of 0 control did not occur the mortality of larvae. In extracts of B. asiatica seen an increase in the mortality of larvae occur until day 4 after treatment at the level of concentration of 0.15, except at a concentration of 0.25. In general mortality of larvae of

S. exigua


B. asiatica

increased with increasing concentration given. Bii

B. asiatica

extract treatment at concentrations below 0.30 has not effectively cause larval mortality until the 10 hsp test for cumulative mortality  90. According Prijono l999b in Asmono 2004 extract is said to be effective when it may cause  larval mortality rate of 90. In the mortality observations, performed up to day 9 after treatment which is equivalent to the phase of development instar larval instar S. exigua ie 1 = 2 days, 2 = 2 days instar, third instar = 3 days, 4 = 3 days instar and fifth instar = 3 days. To express the relationship between the phase instar larvae and mortality due to

B. asiatica

extract can be seen in Table 3. Table 3. The Cumulative Mortality of of S. exigua by larval Development Phase instar _____________________________________________________________________________ Larval Mortality Instar Concentration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extract 2 3 4 5 B. asitiaca Control 0 0 0 0 0,15 4 23 25 25 0,20 11 32 33 35 0,25 16 49 56 56 0,30 55 85 85 85 0,35 100 100 100 100 Mortality in the extract concentration of 0.30 - 0.45 is still going on instar 2,3,4 and 5 unless the concentration of 0,50 100 mortality directly happen to occur at 2. instar larvae 20 40 60 80 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Morta li ta y Day After Treatment DAT Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 504 mortality was highest in the third instar of 170 tail. Symptoms of poisoning are evident in the larvae of

S. exigua

treated seed extract

B. asiatica

is the larvae that feed on the leaves of treatment such as loss of control in the movement, feeding activity decreased, the body becomes stiff eventually die with black-colored body. The larvae surviving decreased motor activity and eating habits but after treatment was replaced with leaf leaves without treatment these larvae they eat less and move and reach the last instar. In general, the body size of larvae that survive due to treatment with B. asiatica seed extract is smaller than larvae at concentrations of 0 control. The active compounds contained in the seeds of

B. asiatica

is from the class of saponins are known to be toxic to the insect so the mortality of larvae of S. exigua most occur in the treatment with this extract. The active compounds are included in the class of saponins are compounds that are toxic apablla go up into the circulatory system because the blood can menghemolisis Anonymous, 1990. Allegedly active compound is passed through the digestive system and into the circulatory system and poisoned larvae test. Blood tests of larvae allegedly suffered by the freezing of its abdomen gradually becomes black and stiff. The toxicity of each treatment fraction EtOAc seed extract

B. asiatica


S. exigua

larvae can be shown from the results of probit analysis with LC50 values obtained against the second instar larvae, instar 2-3, instar 2-4 and instar 2-5 consecutive amounted to 0.245 , 0.231 , 0.211 , 0.206 . More can be seen in Table 4. Table 4. The Toxicity of Extract Fraction EtOAc B.asiatica seed extract against larvae of S. exigua Extract Larval instar a ± GB b ± GB LC 50 sk 95 B. asiatica Instar 2 Instar 2 – 3 Instar 2 - 4 Instar 2 - 5 6,378 5,535 4,465 4,659 ± ± ± ± 1,230 1,041 1,025 1,014 10,468 8,700 6,626 6,792 ± ± ± ± 2,028 1,818 2,194 1,537 0,245 0,205 - 0,288 0,231 0,188 - 0,274 0,211 0,137 - 0,269 0,2060,138 – 0,256 Information : a = The intercept of the regression line, b = the slope of the regression line, GB = Standard Eror ; sk = confidence interval The effectiveness of the extract strongly influenced by the amount of active ingredient in the plant, while the amount of active ingredient in the plant itself depends on the genetic diversity of plants, plant origin of geographic areas and the current season harvesting the part containing the insecticide. In addition to the factors above ways of handling the plant part and extraction also affects the effectiveness of the extract obtained Dada, 1999.

4.3. Effect of Extract Inhibition Of Feeding Activity Against