Suggestions Conclusion and Suggestion 1. Conclusion

Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 508 concentration given.

B. asiatica

seed extract treatment can reduce the number of eggs ranges from 41.4 to 112.4 grains. The results of analysis of variance : 005 the effect of B. asiatica extract to the fecundity of adult females showed significantly different results each at a concentration of 0.30 to 0.45 and 0.15 _ 0:30. Results of analysis of variance showed that the effects of extracts of the old stadium and the percentage of eggs hatching eggs on the 5th level tested concentrations significantly different concentrations of 0. Average -rata rama hatching egg stage on domesticum L- seed extract treatment ranged from 4.52 to 4.79 days while the average percentage of eggs hatching on all treatments ranged between 93.50 - 97.09. Treatment with B. asiatica extract can give real effect to the old stadium hatching eggs with an average ranging from 4.30 to 4.81 while the average percentage of procedures for the eggs to hatch ranges between 88.66 - 99.07. Treatment with both types of these extracts resulted in a decrease teradinya fecundity of female imago

S. exigua

tested. This is in line with the theory put forward by Wigglesworth 1977 that the quality and the quantity of larval food effect on fecundity imago, where fecundity of adult females of

S. exigua

decline may be due to the short life of the imago itself because of the treatment with

B. asiatica

seed extract. Other factors suspected cause of the decline in fecundity are the active ingredients contained in these extracts can affect the system in the process pernbentukan reproductive organs and hormone function, especially hormones that play a role in the process vitelogenesis. 5. Conclusion and Suggestion 5.1. Conclusion 1. Extract the seeds of

B. asiatica

seeds were tested on larvae of Spodoptera exigua have insecticidal activity. The toxicity is expressed in terms of the highest LC 50 owned namely 0.21. 2. Nature of

B. asiatica

antifeedant highest in LC 95 - LC 15 reached 34.01 whereas only 14.3 . 3. Extract the seeds of

B. asiatica

each sublethal concentrations can : a. Extracts inhibit larval development to the magnitude of the inhibitory reaching 1.92 to 2.45 days. b. Lowering the percentage of success of the pupa into the imago highest sex ratio is 89.40 with the number of adult females more than males. c. Lowers fecundity of adult females with many eggs

S. exigua

relatively the same for the second extract ranged from 433.8 to 504, 80 grains. d. Shortening the life long imago with higher concentration given the lower the longer life of the imago

S. exigua

. Effect of extracts of the long-life higher at 7.97 days.

5.2. Suggestions

Ethyl acetate extract fraction from seed seeds Bitung

B. asiatica

have good chances to be developed as an alternative pest control onion caterpillar

S. exigua

. For the purpose of development is required so it can be field testing the effectiveness against the target pest and its effect on other non-target organisms. Further studies need to be performed to isolate and identify the active compounds from the extracts B. asiatica. Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 509 References Arifin, M., dan A. Marandi, 1992. Daya makan dan Daya Rusak Ulat Grayak Setelah Aplikasi Virus SNPV Pada kedelai. Makalah dalam Kongres Entomologi IV di Yogyakarta. Asmono, A. 2004. Bioaktifitas Ekstrak Biji Melia azedarach , Biji Dysoxylum mollisimum dan Akar Derris elliptica Terhadap Perkembangan Ulat Krop Kubis Crocidolomia binotalis Zeller, Lepidoptera;Pyralidae. Tesis. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Charleston, D. 2002. Hope For Hamble Cabbage – Biological Pest management Programs. Bulletin ARC Plant Protection research institute No. 60. Dadang, 1999. Sumber Insektisida Alami. Dalam : Nugroho, B.W., Dadang dan D. prijono eds. Bahan Pelatihan Pengembangan dan pemanfaatan Insektisida Alami. Pusat kajian PHT. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Harbone, J. B. 1988. Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry 3 rd . Academic Press London. Kalshoven, L.G.E. 1981. Pests of Crop in Indonesia. Translated ng Revised by P.A. Van Der Laan. PT. Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve. Jakarta. Kardinan, A. 2000. Pestsida Nabati.: Ramuan dan Aplikasi. Cetakan Ke II. P.T. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta. 80 Hal. Manueke, J. 1995. Tingkat Kerusakan hama Spodoptera exigua pada Tanaman Bawang daun di kabupaten Minahasa. Jurnal Eugenia Vol.5 Tahun XI 1995. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Maryam, A dan T. Mulyana, 2004. Insektisida Botani Pasti Ramah Lingkungan. http:www.Google.cominsektisida botani. Monzon, R., J.E. Bracco, F.M. Barata and O. Marinotti, 1994. Evaluation of Insecticide Resistance and Biochemical Mechanisms in a Population of Culex quinguefasciatus Diptera;Culicidae. Mem.Ins.Osvaldo Cruz 94:115-120.Sao Paulo Brasil. Mulayaman, S., Chayaniati, I. Adam dan T. Mustofa, 2000. Pengenalan Pestisida Nabati Tanaman Hortikultura. Direktorat jenderal Produksi Hortikultura dan Aneka Tanaman. Direktorat Perlindungan Tanaman. Jakarta. Pasaru, F. 1994. Perkembangan Populasi Spodoptera exigua Hubner Lepidoptera;Noctuidae dan Hubungannya dengan Kerusakan Daun dan Kehilangan Hasil Pada Tanaman Bawang merah di Lembah Palu.Tesis. Program Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Prijono, D. 1994. Pedoman Praktikum Teknik Pemanfaatan Insektisida Botanis. Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan. Fakultas Pertanian IPB. Bogor. Rondonuwu, D. A. 1990. Bionomi Spodoptera exigua Lepidoptera;Noctuidae pada Bawang daun di Modoinding Kabupaten Minahasa Sulawesi Utara. Tesis. Program Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Sembel, D. T. 1991. Beberapa Serangga Hama Pada Tanaman Umbi dan Sayuran. Proyek Pengembangan Perguruan Tinggi. Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 510 SECONDARY METABOLITES COMPOUNDS IN TOMBILI Caesalpinia bonduc


Chairunnisah J. Lamangantjo 1 , Weny Musa 2 , Jusna Ahmad 1 , Suci Safitri Dg. Palalo 2 1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Ma thematics and Science, State University Gorontalo, Gorontalo City, Indonesia 2 Department of Chemistry, F aculty of Mathematics and Science, State University Gorontalo, Gorontalo City, Indonesia Abstract This study aims to determine and identify secondary metabolites contained in the seeds Tombili Caesalpinia bonduc L.. Compounds isolated by maceration and fractionation, phytochemical test, separation and purification, and identified by UV-Vis spectroscopy and IR. Samples were macerated with 1.5 kg of methanol and produce 85.79 grams of viscous extract, fractionation of 33.34 grams of viscous extract with n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and water solvent each fraction produce 4.54 gram, 1.6 grams, and 9.34 grams of viscous extract respectively. Result of phytochemical test of isolates showed positive contain against flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, tannins and saponins. The results showed that the content of the metabolites derived from the Tombili seeds be in the form of white crystals. Two-dimensional TLC test with two eluent mixture ratio that is n-hexane: ethyl acetate 9: 1 E 1 isolates with Rf 0.295 and n-hexane: MTC: acetone 7: 1: 2 isolates E 2 with Rf 0.55 produce a single spot. Keywords: Secondary metabolites compounds, Caesalpinia bonduc L.

1. Introduction