Effect of Extract Against S. exigua Reproduction

Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 507 Jumar 2000 report, the sex ratio changes in insects is influenced by factors other than the intrinsic insects, can also be influenced by extrinsic factors such as food, seasons and population density. Table 8. Effect of Seed Extract Fraction EtOAc B.asiatica Against Old Life Imago Spodoptera exigua Extract Consentration , wv Long Life ± SB day a Imago Male ♂ Imago Female ♀ B. asiatica 0,00 18,40 ± 1,14 a 16,20 ± 0,84 a 0,50 18,00 ± 0,71 b 15,60 ± 1,14 ab 0,55 17,40 ± 1,14 b 15,00 ± 0,71 b 0,60 15,20 ± 0,84 b 14,20 ± 1,10 b 0,65 - b - b 0,70 - b - b Information : a SB = the standard deviation, the average followed by the same letter are not significantly different based DMRT α = 0,05, b there are no living imago The influence of these two types of extracts turned out to be also shorten the length of life of male and female imago semuataraf concentrations compared with the control. In B. asiatica extract concentration of 0.15 to 0.30 may slow old male living around 1.44 to 8.46 days and the female imago approximately 0.71 to 3.13 days. In terms of long-life male is relatively longer than females in both types of extracts diperlakuan, this is in line with that proposed by Tarumingkeng 1992 that sex is one of the factors that determine insect resistance to the poison that is more resistant males than females. From the data - the data described above indicate that

B. asiatica

extracts have inhibitory activity growth and development against

S. exigua

that in normal conditions control, the time required to complete the life cycle ranges from 33.88 days while on the condition being treated with the extract had a life cycle of

S. exigua

reached 35.37 days. Inhibitory activity against the growth and development in both extracts yangterdapat is due to a chemical compound that plays a role in the breakdown of proteins resulting mengharnbat insects do not get adequate protein intake from food, because the food does not digest protein so it can not be absorbed by the body. Insect developmental delays may be caused by problems with sarah a type of hormone that plays a role in the growth and development so that indicated by stunted growth and development of insects Chapman, 1998, in Dono, 2004.

4.4.4. Effect of Extract Against S. exigua Reproduction

B. asiatica

extract treatment on five consentartion level against

S. exigua

fecundity of adult females in Annex 12 which when analyzed and tabulated the results can be shown in Table 9. Table 9. Effect of Seed Extract EtOAc fraction B. asiatica Against Kepiridian, Old Stadium Eggs and Egg Hatching percentage. Consentration , wv Number of Egg butir a Long Egg stage ± SB hari a Percentage egg hatching a 0,00 221,60 a 5,65 ± 0,22 a 97,92 a 0,15 213,60 a 5,50 ± 0,28 a 98,31 a 0,20 203,40 a 5,57 ± 0,23 a 97,84 a 0,25 198,40 a 5,56 ± 0,31 a 95,67 a 0,30 433,80 b - b - b 0,35 - b - b - b Keterangan : SB = simpangan baku, a rataan yang diikuti huruf yang sama tidak berbeda nyata berdasarkan uji DMRT α = 0,05, b tidak terdapat imago yang hidup. From Table 9 shows that the treatment of seeds with B. asiatica extract can affect fecundity of adult female

S. exigua

. The number of eggs produced tends to decrease with increasing Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 508 concentration given.

B. asiatica

seed extract treatment can reduce the number of eggs ranges from 41.4 to 112.4 grains. The results of analysis of variance : 005 the effect of B. asiatica extract to the fecundity of adult females showed significantly different results each at a concentration of 0.30 to 0.45 and 0.15 _ 0:30. Results of analysis of variance showed that the effects of extracts of the old stadium and the percentage of eggs hatching eggs on the 5th level tested concentrations significantly different concentrations of 0. Average -rata rama hatching egg stage on domesticum L- seed extract treatment ranged from 4.52 to 4.79 days while the average percentage of eggs hatching on all treatments ranged between 93.50 - 97.09. Treatment with B. asiatica extract can give real effect to the old stadium hatching eggs with an average ranging from 4.30 to 4.81 while the average percentage of procedures for the eggs to hatch ranges between 88.66 - 99.07. Treatment with both types of these extracts resulted in a decrease teradinya fecundity of female imago

S. exigua

tested. This is in line with the theory put forward by Wigglesworth 1977 that the quality and the quantity of larval food effect on fecundity imago, where fecundity of adult females of

S. exigua

decline may be due to the short life of the imago itself because of the treatment with

B. asiatica

seed extract. Other factors suspected cause of the decline in fecundity are the active ingredients contained in these extracts can affect the system in the process pernbentukan reproductive organs and hormone function, especially hormones that play a role in the process vitelogenesis. 5. Conclusion and Suggestion 5.1. Conclusion