Economy Aspect Maize Waste Processing Aspect

Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 524 measure of how far the fact of maize processing program and also the waste in to the increasing for the farmer income per-capita. cFokus Group Discussion FGD: used for forcompleting the data and information research, such as during the period of data collection also after the period of this research . As the matter of affect rearch is already recomande the target: a seconder data study; b having a meeting with tahe farmer group for thesake to know the target is recomanded; c Developing the quetionary for stake holdert; d Visisting the location of farmer groups to know about the implication of this program; e Presented the result of this reseach in to the stake holder for the sake to have feed back.

2.5. Technical Data Analysis

Technicall data anlysis is quantitative and qualitative analysis also Strength, Weaknes, Opportunity, Treathment SWOT. 3. Result and Discussion 3.1. Processing Maize Become Emping Maize Based on the prime object of this research so hoped the people in Wonosari sub-district is able to product the Emping Jagung processing by outonomous the can develop a small scale business. The Emping Jagung Process production is firstly boiled the maiez untill done pecah=pecah with added the lime kapur about ± 1 . The maize is already done is cleaned untill the lemi is gone and than leaked trought. The futher step is begin to flat for every grais of maize in to the machne of flat. The Emping Jagung is already getting out from machine than is fried until become yellow. When the emping still hot it may be mixed by another taste like taste of balado, salt and sweat. And than the emping is already to be packaged and selling. Figure 1. Emping Maize

3.2. Economy Aspect

The analysis of small scale business for “Maize Emping” at Harapan Village in Wonosari Sub-district Boalemo regency showed that based on varieble budget analysis via spending at maize matterial, cooking oil, wheat and balado, the fund is abou Rp. 5.710.000moth. And than, for fixed budget showed that spent in a monthly production, such taxe budget, electricity budget, water pump budget, Depreciation budget. Is about Rp. 148.551.600mothly. And than, Production analysis is showed that production 300 kg witrh the price selling per unit Rp. 1.000, so the total revenue is Rp. 30.000.000monthly, if we timed to revenue per-year is become Rp. 360.000.000. Futher more based on budget total analysis, is b Rp. 5.710.000 budget variable is about Rp. 148.551.600, so the total budget is about Rp. 154.261.600year. Financial analysisis showed that the revenue per-year is about Rp. 360.000.000 with the total budget Rp. 154.261.600, so the neat in-cmoe is about Rp. 205.738.400year. Based of value criteria RC Ratio 2,33 1 means that every spending about one rupias will contribute the Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 525 revenue about 2,33. That is why the hypotesis for small scale business become maize Emping is profitable and visiable to develope. And also based on beenefit cost ratio analysis BC Ratio 1,33 1 means that the small scale business in maize farmer group is visiable to operate.

3.3. Maize Waste Processing Aspect

The processing of stem an ear of corn become bricket production is an easy process, because it does not need tools and sophisticated technology, stem bricket can be produced well. It’s begin with to burn the stem until become charcoal. Further more is treated by pounded or milled. To get the charcoal become treating so after pounding it should be creamed is about ± 80 mess. The charcoal is already done is combined with glue is like tapioca is boiled until become glue with the comparison between charcoal and tapioca about 9:1. The combination of charcoal and tapioca is formed used lithoprinti ng from bamboo or pipe while it’s crashed until compacted. Bricket is already done is dry in the sun until ± 2 – 3 days. Figure 2. Maize Waste Processing

3.4. Program Evaluation Aspect