Materials And Methods Universitas Negeri Manado 09 Biology Papers

Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 450 hide cause fish are unable to adapt to changes that occur in the environment. An estimated 86.2 of freshwater fish threatened are endemic fish Wargasasmita, 2004. Considering the potential aspect of Butini fish to the welfare of society, sustaining their population through management of their habitat is necessary to preserve the existence of this fish, However, a reliable ecological information on their habitat physical and chemical parameters specially in Lake Towuti are still limited. Due to this fact, assessing the environmental parameters of Butini’s based on different depths in Lake Towuti is needed to provide basis data dan information for the determination of policy management and utilization of aquatic resources for the sustainability of Butini stock to sustainable.

2. Materials And Methods

Study was conducted in Towuti Lake, located in South Sulawesi province, sampling was carried out every month for 12 months, with a descriptive method . Three study zone A,B, and C were set up based on bathymetry Anonymous, 1951. Zone A: extends from the shores of Lake Village Timampu, represented as high public activities such as sawmill sawing wood, fishing, irrigation and agriculture to Loeha Island an island in the middle of the lake. Zone B: extends near the inlet Tominanga River from Lake Mahalona to Loeha Island. Zone C: extends from near the outlet Loeha Island Hola-hola River. Research station and zoning can be seen in Figure 1. Fish sampling was conducted every month in each zone and at various water depth, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 m, using five units of longline “salue” with various hook number, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 of 40 respectively. The distance between thorn was 5 m, It mean one unit salue consited of 200 hooks. Figure 1. Research station in Lake Towuti Description : Zone A : extends from the shores of Lake, sawmill waste settlement to the island center of the lake Zone B : extends from inlet to the middle of the lake island Zone C : extends from the middle island of the lake to the outlet Water samples were collected in each depth at each using van Dorn Water Sampler with three liters capacity. Parameters measured were: temperature using a reversed thermometer Reversing protected thermometer, and pH and dissolved oxygen using water quality checker Rainfall and water level data were gathered from secondary data from PT. Inco, Sorowako, South Sulawesi. Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 451 The difference of water quality parameters value in each zone, analyzed with range analysis. Principal components analysis PCA was run to determine the relationship between water quality parameters with Butini abundance of male and female. 3. Results And Discussion 3.1. Environmental conditions of Towuti Lake