BOD and COD Discussion 1. The Content of Ammonia

Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 462 effect in the real against the decline of COD on the extent α of 0.05, So it no need be forwarded test with. 5. Discussion 5.1. The Content of Ammonia In this study the biomass of Ipomea aquatica may decrease the high ammonia content through the process of bioremediation of waste cattle pigs. The process of processing pollutants in bioremediation, is through some process that is performed by the mikrobia and plants according to Hollerung, 2007; The 2010 Irawanto, Mangkoediharjo, 2010, Supradata 2008 is as follows: a. Biodegradation in Aerobicanaerobic metabolic process, is a microorganism that effectively removes organic material b. Phyto-uptake process and accumulation, accumulation of inorganic materials by the plant, c. Phyto-stabilization, is the ability of some plants to separate water inorganic materials on plant roots. d. Phyto-degradation, the plant can produce enzymes that can break down organic materials or inorganic pollutants absorbed from, during the process of transpiration. e. Rhizo-degradation, plant roots are able to perform material absorption of pollutants of organic matter degradation results conducted by microbe. f. Phyto-volatilitionevapotranspiration, absorption and transpiration Different phenomena that are found through the study is observational treatment 10 DAP, where an increase in ammonia content in waste where the greater biomass treatment plants then become more ammonia content in waste water. The authors observed that the fact this is because plants that serve as the treatment is having the symptoms of decay and some were starting to die, thus increasing the content of ammonia is no longer derived from livestock waste but from the decay of plant water spinach.

5.2 BOD and COD

Research results through treatment biomass of ipomea aquatica against swine livestock waste overall decline in average levels of BOD and COD. The tendency of a decrease in the concentrations of BOD and COD, because it is very related to the performance and growth of the existing microbe in the waste. This is according to Warmadewanthi 2001, that the existence of processes in chemistry and biology through the activity of microorganisms or plants Bioremediation dissolved BOD COD can be removed. Several things may explain the decline of organic material in the waste of those pigs, according to Wood in Tangahu Warmadewanthi 2001 that the decrease concentration of organic and inorganic materials occurred due to the mechanism of activity of microorganisms and plants, through the process of oxidation by aerobic bacteria that grow around the rhyzosphere of plants as well as the presence of heterotrophic bacteria in the waste water. According to Brix in Khiatuddin 2003, stated that under the surface of the soil, the roots of aquatic plants, removing oxygen, so the rhyzosphere zone is formed that is rich in oxygen throughout the surface of the hair roots. The flow of oxygen to the roots through the rod after diffusion from the atmosphere through the leaf pores. The opinion was reinforced with Supradata 2008 that a release of oxygen surrounding the root rhyzosphere that is very possible because hydrophyta types of plants including water spinach plants, have spaces Proceedings of MatricesFor IITTEP – ICoMaNSEd 2015 ISBN: 978-602-74204-0-3 Biology Page 463 between cells or air duct holes aerenchyma as a means of transport of oxygen from the atmosphere to the rooting. According to Haberl and Langergraber 2002, that the process of photosynthesis on aquatic plants hydrophyta including Ipomea acuatica , allows the release of oxygen in the area around rooting rhyzosphere zones. With conditions of rhyzosphere zones rich in oxygen, aerobic bacteria led to the development in the zone. Based on the above, then the primary role of microorganisms degrade organic and inorganic materials in waste pig, will be able to explain the trendtendency of decrease of BOD and COD. References Awawangi. M. L, 2006, Potensi EM-4 Dalam Mereduksi Limbah Kotoran Ternak Babi Dan Memperbaiki Kualitas Pupuk Organik , Tesis Universitas Negeri manado Fox. L .J , Struik P. C, Appleton. B.L, Rule. J. H, 2008, Nitrogen Phytoremediation by Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms, Journal Water, Air, Soil Pollution Volume 194, Numbers 1-4 , 199-207 , DOI: 10.1007s11270-008-9708-x. Haberl, R., and Langergraber, H., 2002 , Constructed wetlands: a chance to solve wastewater problems in developing countries. Wat. Sci. Technol. 40:11 –17 Hardyanti. N, Rahayu. 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Perry Djuna Lamondo 1 , Margaretha Solang 1 1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia Abstract Hyperlipidemia will increase Reactive Oxygen Species ROS and may cause lipid peroxidation in cell membrane, decrease viability, and increase the chance of abnormality in spermatozoa. Sarang Semut Myrmecodia pendans contains active compound such as flavonoid, tannin, tocopherol, and polyphenol that may act as antioxidant. We hypothesize that these phytochemical compounds may protect sperm cell from oxidative damage caused by ROS from hyperlipedemia condition. Thus, this study aimed to observe the changes in viability and morphology of spermatozoa in hyperlipidemia rat treated with Sarang Semut extract. Post test control group design and completely randomized design were used in this experiment, consisted of five treatment groups with four replications. The treatment goups were; Treatment group A control:standard food sf, Treatment group B: sf and yolk yl 1.5 gr 200 gr body weight BW, Treatment group C: sf, yl and extract Sarang Semut ESS dose 129 mg 200 gr BW, Treatment group D: sf, yl and ESS dose of 258 mg 200 gr BW, and treatment group E: sf, yl and ESS dose of 387 mg 200 gr BW. Blood cholesterol levels are measured using CHOD- PAP, and spermatozoa were collected from the cauda epididymis prior to observation. Statistical test using F test showed that the ant plant extract affect viability but did not affect spermatozoas morphology in hyperlipidemic rat. The highest increase of spermatozoas viability in hyperlipidemic rat were observed in the experiment group with ant plant extract with a dose of 129 mg BW rats for 2 weeks. Keywords: Spermatozoa,Viability, morphology, extract Sarang Semutt

1. Introduction